No puedo abrir office

Me VENTA Una ventana diciendo:

Se error ONU ha Producido

No pudimos INICIAR el Programa. Intente iniciarlo de nuevo.

. Por favor, ayúdame!


See ""Something went wrong" error when you install Office 2013 or Office 365" at:

and, if necessary

If that does not help, then you might remove all traces of the Office  installation by running the fixit from the following article:

and then reinstall Office by logging into with your registered email address and click Install Office.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
It's time to replace ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion’ with ‘Excellence, Opportunity & Civility’ - V Ramaswamy

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Última actualización: 7 de octubre de 2021 Vistas 0 Se aplica a: