Windows 10 | Qualcomm Wi-Fi driver problem after update.


Since the Anniversary update, Windows automatically replaced the driver of my wireless network adapter.

The only problem is that the driver that got replaced is used for Windows 8, while I'm running Windows 10.

So in short, the driver that I got after the update is version from Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG wireless network adapter. Before I updated Windows, I got the version of this driver, which worked perfectly.

After searching the config of the wireless adapter in my device manager, I saw that Windows configured a driver file called "Athw8x.inf" (I got a 64-bit system, so the 'x' at the end is okay), but the driver file I got before the update is called "athw10x". 

When I tried to manually install the driver, I got this screen:

(translation: "We couldn't find a better or newer driver for this device")

Basically, Windows refuses to use the driver that's newer..

Now, here comes the fun part:

When I tried to delete the current driver (, Windows automatically deletes the device from the list in my device manager, but since the driver package (.ZIP file) I got from the website doesn't have an .exe file, the only way to install the drivers is by searching for changed devices in my device manager. 

However, when Windows detects my wifi adapter, it automatically installs the driver with it, while I wanted to get rid of that one.

Things I've tried so far:

> Removing the current driver (which resulted in the text above ^)

> Changed the power plan, so Windows won't disconnect my wifi adapter to save power.

> In the Hadware tab in the advanced system window (system > advanced system settings > hardware) I disabled Windows function to automatically install drivers.

Windows specs:

Windows 10 Home (version 1607)

Build: 14393.82

System type: x64 (both OS and CPU).

Hopefully you guys can help me out with this one!

Kind regards,

~ Solution found! ~

Thanks to a user named FreeBooter (he is not active on these forums as far as I am aware of, but I don't want to risk advertising another forum on here..) I finally found a solution for this problem.

Step 1: Search on Google for the latest driver for this device (currently: version from the driver website. 

Step 2: Open the .ZIP file you just downloaded from the website.

Step 3: Go to your desktop, click with your right mousebutton on it, and click on new > folder.

(optional: give the folder you just created a name, such as Wdrivers)

Step 4: Double click on your folder.

Step 5: Drag all the files from the .ZIP file into the empty folder you just created.

Step 6: Close both the folder and the .ZIP file.

Now things may get a bit complicated, follow these steps carefully.

Step 7: Rightclick on the folder with the driver files, and in the menu click on 'copy'.


If you have multiple partitions on you hard drive, you can either choose to drop the folder in the C: drive or the D: drive.  

those drive letters aren't the same for everyone, in fact, you can change them if you wish, but as long as it is from your hard drive it's okay.

Step 8: Rightclick on the start button.

Step 9: Click on "Search"

Step 10: Type the word "pc" and hit enter. (note: without the parenthesis!)

Step 11: Double click with your left mousebutton on the drive letter you want to put the driver folder in.

To keep this simple, I will put the driver folder in the C: drive.

Step 12: Rightclick on the white space of the C: drive folder.

(be carefull not to put it in another folder by accident!)

Step 13: In the menu, click on "Paste".

The folder with the Qualcomm drivers should be in your C: drive.

Step 14: close the window, so you get back to your desktop.

Step 15: Rightclick on the start button.

Step 16: Click on "Search".

Step 17: type the word "cmd" (without the parenthesis!).

Don't hit enter yet!

Step 18: Click with your right mouse button on "command prompt".

Step 19: Now click on "run as administrator".

This is the most important part, please be really, really careful and do exactly as I do.

Step 20: Type the following line in your command prompt:

pnputil /add-driver *.inf /install

Where you see the '*' you have to type the directory of the folder with the drivers you just downloaded.

So, if you put the folder in the C: drive, type the following (please mind the spaces between the letters!)

If you have a 32-bit Windows version type:

pnputil /add-driver C:\yourfoldername\athw10.inf /install

If you have a 64-bit Windows version type:

pnputil /add-driver C:\nameofyourdriverfolder\athw10x.inf /install

Step 21: Hit "enter"

Step 22: If it's done, close the command prompt.

Now to change the drivers..

Step 23: Click on the start button.

Step 24: Click on "device manager"

Step 25: If you're in your device manager, go to "network adapters"

Step 26: Rightclick on "Qualcomm Atheros ..."

Step 27: In the menu, click on "properties".

Step 28: Go to the "drivers" tab.

Step 29: Click on "edit drivers".

Step 30: Click on "search on my computer for drivers" (the second option).

Step 31: Click one "I want to choose from a list of drivers on my computer" (the second option).

Step 32: Follow the wizard to install the new drivers.

Step 33: Click on "okay" when it's finished.

Congrats, you've now installed the latest driver!

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