windows 10 update loop error 0x800f0922


Long time ago I faced an update loop on a win 7 installation.

All previous updates were successful, but from this point in time

updates weren't possible anymore.

I can't remember what the error code was.

I recently did an upgrade to win 10 on the same pc.

It installs fine but set the active flag to the Windows partition.

You must know that this is an old MBR based dual boot system

using grub2 as boot manager. The other OS is Linux.

So I had to put the active flag back to the Linux partition

in order to start the grub2 Bootloader again.

Grub2 was able to start Windows or Linux as usual.

Everything worked like a charm until the first kumulative update.

After installing the usual procedure occurs: Before the restart

0-30%, after next start 30-100% of the update proccess succeeded

Then always a rollback was happening.

I searched the web and MS help. Nothing leads me to a solution.

Then I had a look into the CBS.log file. There I found:

, Error      [0x018049] CSI    00000b64 (F) Failed execution of queue item Installer: Boot File Servicing (BFSVC) Installer ({c5f0e9d7-e844-4507-89e4-701b5a747221}) with HRESULT HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(123).  Failure will not be ignored: A rollback will be initiated after all the operations in the installer queue are completed; installer is reliable[gle=0x80004005]

(translates to:  Wait while we are doing nonsense and waste your time )

Short story:

I paste the error to google search and found that the reason was the active flag not present at the windows partition.

The solution was:

Installing Grub2 into the MBR not into the Linux partition. Moving the active flag to the win Partition an leave ist there forever.

Grub works as usual now and can start Linux or Windows. Windows at first showed a selection then: Windows 10 and Windows 10 on volume 1.

The first were pointing to nowhere.

I had to create a defined entry to the Windows bootmanager: 'bcdboot c:\windows /s c: /f BIOS' and delete all other entries with bcdedit.

Why is MS not seeing this cause of the mentioned error, helping the user with a hint?

There is not even the suggestion to have a look into the CBS.log.

Always one can read: Try this and that and those actions but not: look here and read what the reported error is then come back to us.

Why can MS not look into their own log files to identify the error helping helpless users with trouble-shooting

This is one reason not using Windows frequently. Because everything is obscure and opaque.







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Gibts einen bestimmten Grund, dass du zwar das deutschsprachige Forum aussuchst, dann aber auf Englisch postest? Dem Nickname nach wäre das auch auf Deutsch gegangen. 

Kurz geantwortet: es gibt für Microsoft nur Windows auf einem PC. Fremde Betriebssysteme, andere Bootloader, das ist schlicht nicht vorgesehen. Windows erwartet die Partitionierung, den Bootmanager und die Aktivierung der Partitionen exakt so, wie es das einrichtet. Ist es anders, wird es entweder stolpern oder das bei nächster Gelegenheit wieder so zurechtrücken, wie es das erwartet. 

Vermutlich sind Nutzer mit Linux im Dualboot schlicht eine zu selten auftauchende Spezies, als dass man sich darum Gedanken macht oder Entwicklerzeit dafür aufwendet.

Steck das System, welches du seltener nutzt, in eine VM. Das macht die Sache deutlich einfacher. 

Wenn ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten ist, frage ich mich immer, welche Fehler erwartet wurden...

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Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Februar, 2021 Aufrufe 242 Gilt für: