
My computer is keep on loading for a LONG time for 45mins-1hr I think, Then when I just boot my computer then this D:\windows\system32\logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt just shows up. I try everything rebooting, restarting, shut down. Pls help me up I really need this computer for my studies. I forgot about my specs but I remember my windows is a windows 10 or 8.1

Why is my Windows 8 : 8.1 loading so slowly,.?

Easy Ways to Fix Windows 8/8.1 Slow Startup and Shutdown

Windows 8.1 loading slow usually occurs when there are too

much junk files in the system or lack of hard disk space.

To get more - Disk space windows advice the usage of "Disk Cleanup"

As first step and also. Disable or delete unnecessary programs.

Follow guidelines on the video below to run .. Disk Cleanup.

Restart the Pc after to check, how fast boots up now

-- Don't subscribe or click on .. Any add shown on the video

Free Up Disk Space Fast: A Step-by-Step Guide to Desktop Cleanup in Windows 8.1 - YouTube

Now to troubleshoot the - Error message..


What does SrtTrail txt mean,.?

Startup Repair Trail

The SrtTrail. txt file, short for “Startup Repair Trail,” is a log file generated

by the. Windows operating system, when a startup error occurs.

The file responsible for this, can be found down below

c:\windows\system32\logfiles\srt\srttrail. txt.

ok There're various methods to open. The Windows Automatic Repair

tried to post a video for it >> Here's it contains, several ways to get there

-- Make sure to type the commands correctly. After tried the first method

Exit the "Auto Repair" and verify. if the PC Boot faster, than normal

if it does. You've fixed the problem .. if Not try the other methods

Note : don't Go with the last repair, called "Reset" unless everything

failed and you decide to Do so : The fixes also, work for Wins 8.1

Attention : on this answers I posted, some third party videos.

don't click or subscribe to any offer : Hope the fixes work

.. open the video from its link. To view bigger screen


How do I verify my operating system

on the desktop Screen >> Right-click > This computer and

choose > Properties : From the menu. The resulting

screen shows the Windows version

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Why is my Windows 8 : 8.1 loading so slowly,.?

Easy Ways to Fix Windows 8/8.1 Slow Startup and Shutdown

Windows 8.1 loading slow usually occurs when there are too

much junk files in the system or lack of hard disk space.

To get more - Disk space windows advice the usage of "Disk Cleanup"

As first step and also. Disable or delete unnecessary programs.

Follow guidelines on the video below to run .. Disk Cleanup.

Restart the Pc after to check, how fast boots up now

-- Don't subscribe or click on .. Any add shown on the video

Free Up Disk Space Fast: A Step-by-Step Guide to Desktop Cleanup in Windows 8.1 - YouTube

Now to troubleshoot the - Error message..


What does SrtTrail txt mean,.?

Startup Repair Trail

The SrtTrail. txt file, short for “Startup Repair Trail,” is a log file generated

by the. Windows operating system, when a startup error occurs.

The file responsible for this, can be found down below

c:\windows\system32\logfiles\srt\srttrail. txt.

ok There're various methods to open. The Windows Automatic Repair

tried to post a video for it >> Here's it contains, several ways to get there

-- Make sure to type the commands correctly. After tried the first method

Exit the "Auto Repair" and verify. if the PC Boot faster, than normal

if it does. You've fixed the problem .. if Not try the other methods

Note : don't Go with the last repair, called "Reset" unless everything

failed and you decide to Do so : The fixes also, work for Wins 8.1

Attention : on this answers I posted, some third party videos.

don't click or subscribe to any offer : Hope the fixes work

.. open the video from its link. To view bigger screen


How do I verify my operating system

on the desktop Screen >> Right-click > This computer and

choose > Properties : From the menu. The resulting

screen shows the Windows version

All of that didn't work. Still stuck on a blue screen.

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Did you perfom the -Restore - To a date when you didn't have

that problem. if you did it and failed, then do the "Reset*

other choice is upgrade to windows 10 :

or wait for another replier

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Nope didn't work. "There was a problem resetting your pc" that what it's said.

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Here are some other solutions to try on. .

skip the fixes, you already tried. But run these tools

Open Start. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result and select

the Run as administrator option. Type the following command to

perform an advanced DISM scan and press - Enter

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

using the same "Command Prompt" steps run the >> Sfc /Scannow tool

Your PC may has corrupted files. if after the Scan it says > Found corrupted files and

repaired : up Next do the "Refresh" if the Refresh fails >> Do the RESET again


How to Fix the 'There Was a Problem Resetting Your PC' Error

Follow these steps in the order they're presented to try the simpler fixes first

  1. Restart your computer and try again (reset is different from restart).

    A simple restart is easy to try and often fixes unexplained problems. This might be all you need to do.

  2. Run Startup Repair from the Advanced Startup Options (ASO) menu. This will attempt to fix problems

    that are preventing Windows from loading, which might be why Reset This PC won’t start.

    Startup Repair in Advanced Options menu

    To complete this step, you’ll need to access the ASO menu. Once you’re there. 

  3. Go to Troubleshoot Advanced options Startup Repair.

  4. Repair system files with the sfc /scannow command. Reset This PC might be trying to use

    some important Windows files that are corrupt, which is why you’re seeing this error.

    sfc scannow command in Command Prompt

    You’ll need to run a command to do this, which you can do in an elevated Command Prompt from within Windows.

  5. If you can’t get as far as your desktop, use the Command Prompt in the ASO menu.

    Instructions for both methods are available in that link above.

  6. Run System Restore. This will undo any changes made to Windows files that might be the cause for the “There was a problem resetting your PC” error. Just be sure to restore your computer to a point before the error starting occurring.

    Windows 10 System Restore screen

    if you can’t log in to Windows to run System Restore, you can also do it from

    the ASO menu via : Troubleshoot System Restore or from bootable installation media 

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Question Info

Last updated April 6, 2024 Views 415 Applies to: