Outlook 2013 missing emails from MS Live Outlook.com Exchange account

I discovered a very worrying and potentially hard to spot problem where Outlook 2013 does not seem to show every email in my main Inbox folder of a Microsoft Live email account!


Obviously this can be quite a difficult issue to spot if you only view your email via Outlook 2013 as you'll never know that there are emails missing as most of the mailbox and messages appear normally. I only spotted it as I'd seen an email via my Windows Phone 8 device and then couldn't find it even with search when I planned to reply to it later on my Windows 8 desktop via Outlook 2013.


Obviously it's difficult to say what percentage and how often this serious glitch/problem is occurring, but I have got comparative screenshots between Outlook.com webmail, Windows 8 Mail app, Windows Phone 8 and Outlook 2013 desktop programme...and Outlook 2013 is the ONLY one that this time I've caught not showing me a bunched batch of 4x different emails from 5th Feb that never display in Outlook 2013.


Please let me know if you are already aware of this issue and I'm happy to upload these screenshots privately to moderators to assist with this serious bug that means I will have to stop using Outlook 2013 until this is resolved as I can't risk not seeing emails!


Many thanks in advance.

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Thank you for contacting Microsoft Community and we will be glad to assist you with your concern. As per the issue description some of the emails from Outlook.com account configured in Outlook are missing.


I would need more details regarding the issue:

1. Do you see any similarity between the emails that are disappeared from Outlook (like sent by a particular sender or domain etc.)?

2. Have you created any rule to move the emails from inbox?

Click on File< Manage Rules and Alerts< under Email Rules tab check if there is rule set. If yes, highlight the rule and click on Delete.


Check if you have applied any view. Run the command mentioned below to clear all the views applied to Outlook and check if it helps:

·         Close Outlook.

·         Press the Windows key and key R simultaneously on the keyboard to open the Run window.

·         In the run window type Outlook /cleanviews and click Ok.

Note: Ensure there is a space between Outlook and /.

·         Close and open Outlook and check if it works fine.

Remove the outlook.com account configured in Outlook and r-add it and check:

Remove the outlook.com account from Outlook:

Follow the steps given below to remove the account

Close Outlook. Go to Control Panel< Mail< Email Account< highlight the outlook.com account and click on Remove.


To re-add the outlook.com account in Outlook:

Refer to the link mentioned below to re-add the outlook.com account in Outlook 2013:



I hope the above suggestion helps. If you need further assistance on this issue or any other Office related issues let us know and we will be happy to help you.

Thank you.

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Thank you for your response. Working through the items you asked:


1) As I said happy to upload screenshots of a group of problem emails that wouldn't show in Outlook 2013, but did via Outlook.com webmail, WP8 phone and Win 8 Metro Mail app looking at same inbox, but in summary inbox items went:

  1. Forwarded newsletter email from my work account - 6th Feb 10:53 - Showed correctly in all
  2. Email from Bitcasa cloud storage company - 5th Feb - NOT Outlook 2013
  3. Email from WPCentral store - 5th Feb - NOT Outlook 2013
  4. Calendar appointment from my wife's personal email - 5th Feb - NOT Outlook 2013
  5. Unwanted Junk mail from Woman & Home - 5th Feb - NOT Outlook 2013
  6. Facebook group join invite - 5th Feb - Showed correctly in all

I successfully received emails both before and after this set with no apparent interruptions in service and Outlook 2013 both manually and automatically updated over the course of 2 hours, deleting other emails before and after this group and Outlook 2013 saying that 'All folders are up to date' but still those middle 4x emails wouldn't show *just* in Outlook 2013


2) Confirm that I looked in Outlook 2013 -  File > Manage Rules and Alerts > Email Rules tab and had no configured auto rules at all


3) Performed requested Outlook /cleanviews successfully to no effect. Emails seen via other methods still not showing in Inbox list within Outlook 2013


4) Went to Control Panel<Mail< Email Account couldn't remove Outlook.com account until I created a new additional local Data File via Data File tab, then was able to successfully remove the Outlook account

I then followed the instructions to re-add my Outlook account, but it couldn't be setup automatically from my Email address as my Live ID is a custom domain not @outlook.com or @Hotmail.com email address.

Looking at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows/outlook/send-receive-from-app I selected 'Outlook.com or Exchange ActiveSync compatible service' from the advanced setup list and then successfully configured it with the s.outlook.com mail server address from that reference page.


Currently my Outlook 2013 is now doing it's initial big sync down from the server but those 4x missing emails are currently now showing up in Outlook 2013, although will update this thread once I've let it finish a full initial sync.


Glad that (hopefully) my initial missing email issue has been resolved however a obviously a bit worried why this problem initially occurred and if I can rely on it not to re-occur. I'd also obviously like not to have to regularly delete and re-download what is quite a large inbox...






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So far looks like Outlook 2013 is now behaving properly since full account removal and re-setup.


Hope it keeps working fine and this was a one time glitch. Will re-post here in future and unmark Answer if it re-occurs.


Let me know if you do want to try to dig into reasons this happened further.

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I was having the same problem. Email was on Outlook.com, on my Windows phone, and in Outlook 2010 on another computer, but it was missing from Outlook 2013.  I followed the steps above and after adding the account back in, the emails that I noticed were missing are now there.

I also read about this on another forum and Microsoft Office Product team just found a bug on 22 March 2013.

"The Outlook Product Team found a client side bug that causes email not to show properly in Outlook 2013.  This is specifically for Hotmail, Outlook.com.  They are working on a fix.  Once I know when the fix will ship I will update the forum thread."  http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/officeitpro/thread/ecbde6d4-614d-476c-a5f3-490b183b4d66/ 

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So far looks like Outlook 2013 is now behaving properly since full account removal and re-setup.


Hope it keeps working fine and this was a one time glitch. Will re-post here in future and unmark Answer if it re-occurs.


Let me know if you do want to try to dig into reasons this happened further.

Unfortunately it looks like this wasn't a 1 time glitch as my Outlook 2013 desktop program is again now not showing all the email viewable via Outlook.com webmail or Windows Phone Mail client.


Again I only found this error had occurred as I happened to have seen an important insurance claim email come in on my phone and then couldn't find it within Outlook 2013 back on my desktop PC a couple of days later.


I have taken new screenshot evidence which I'm happy to upload but confirm that for no apparent reason at least 2x emails received on the 19th April do not show up and can not be found via search within Outlook 2013 even though they are visible on Outlook.com and Windows Phone and other email is being received normally and in fact there is another email still in my Inbox folder from 19th April that is visible on all 3x locations!


Please confirm that you are at least aware of this bug and steps to fix it. Unless I receive assurances of a definite fix this time then I'm afraid my Windows 8 machine will soon going back in time to run Office 2010 as I'll have lost faith with Office 2013.

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I'm having the same problem. I had 36 emails in my inbox in Outlook.com but they would not appear in my laptop Outlook 2013. The ALL FOLDERS ARE UP TO DATE status message is a little frustrating when it is clear they are not! I moved the emails from the Outlook.com inbox into another empty sub folder in Outlook.com and they then appeared in the same sub folder in Outlook 2013 with the next sync.


It turned out that I had already downloaded and filed some of them, so I ended up with a few duplicates. Is it something to do with making changes in Outlook 2013 while it's syncing with Outlook.com?


I always clear out my inbox and only ever file my emails in Outlook 2013 so this work around to pull the emails through works for me.


Looking forward to a fix.

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Please can an MS Admin confirm that they have spotted this thread now I've switched it back to Not Answered? (Because the same problem has re-occurred and last solution wasn't a bug fix just 'start again')


And so I can upload screenshot evidence I've spent the last hour collecting for you guys...


I have now been through most of my Inbox in both Outlook 2013 desktop program and Outlook.com webmail side by side and found numerous instances of emails missing from one or other view of the service.


Given that Outlook.com, Windows 8 Mail and Windows Phone 8 all agree on the contents of my Inbox folder this is definitely a problem with the Office Outlook 2013 desktop program getting confused or failing to properly sync in certain situations.


In many ways the worst bit about this problem is that it appears it doesn't happen that often...and as messages are missing if you only ever looked at your mailbox via Outlook 2013 you'd never notice the problem!


From my Inbox that current has approx. 370 emails in it and approx. 70 unread (depending program you're looking with!) I've found about 12 missing emails from Outlook 2013 (obviously this must be 0 otherwise Outlook is failing it's primary function!) and about 30 emails worth of email showing still in the Inbox folder that aren't when you look at any overview of my online inbox.


I have taken screenshots and even a screen recording which shows that if I delete or move the message via Outlook Webmail, that is immediately above a message not showing in Outlook 2013, then that will trigger Outlook 2013 to notice and finally download that email locally on next sync, 2 way sync is definitely flaky in Outlook 2013 to a custom domain Live ID Outlook.com account in a way not a problem in any of MS's other programs!



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So it's been over a week and not yet any sign of a MS Admin noticing that this problem has re-occurred for me in multiple instances and occasions such that I can't trust what Outlook 2013 shows me as my Inbox anymore!


I note this isn't an isolated problem and has been complained about all the way back to November 2012 if you search around http://www.bing.com/search?q=outlook+2013+eas+sync+problem


Looks like EAS sync method in Outlook 2013 is fundamentally unreliable atm the moment and without even promises of Outlook 2013 software fixes the only reliable option seems to be to go back to Outlook 2010 with the old Hotmail connector (not an option under Outlook 2013)


Very disappointed to have had/am having many more bugs in Windows 8 and Outlook 2013 than any previous Windows or Outlook, I feel the quality has really gone down, and over 6 months since release patches still aren't in place for serious issues like this.

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I had the same problem again. Emails are not synchronizing correctly in Outlook 2013 and Outlook.com, or my Windows 8 phone.

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Thanks Anoka for reconfirming you're also still seeing this problem, and reminding me about that other TechNet thread on this same issue at http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/officeitpro/thread/ecbde6d4-614d-476c-a5f3-490b183b4d66/

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Last updated September 30, 2021 Views 12,370 Applies to: