Games to help someone who has had a stroke.

Hi, last week my Uncle had a stroke.  He's back from hospital, but I was just wondering if anyone knows of any Kinect games that could help him recover.  He is 79 (going on 80) so the games will have to be not too energetic.  He has his own xbox & kinect which he has hardly used.  I figured maybe now games might help him recover.

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Yo Red!

Sorry to hear about your uncle, hope he's doing okay. Perhaps he could play some tennis on Kinect, they shouldn't be too hard going. Maybe some simple sports games? You can check out some of them here:

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Thanks for the suggestion.  Good of you.

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more a game like bowling or golf... i think, that is really not to energetic for a person that age ;) hope he will be okay!

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Stuart, hey there :)


I just wanted to chime in and point out that after a stroke, its common that epilepsy or seizures may develop sometime after. So be sure to be extra careful when choosing what games to play and follow the guidelines in THIS page, just to be on the safe side.


I myself am epileptic and seizures are more serious than people tend to think. In '07 I was admitted to hospital for a week and suffered from cluster seizures, which is practically seizure after seizure after seizure etc. Since then I have toned down on games that give me headache or make me feel sick. I personally advise playing 'without' the Kinect for the time being. Instead, try getting him to play some easy puzzle games such as Lego games or something similar, just to test the water and get his mind active, little by little.


Once you find a game that he enjoys to play, try implementing the Kinect after that. Just be sure to monitor him whilst he is playing because stress / frustration plays a fair role when it comes to seizures. Take baby steps for the time being and wean him onto what he seems to enjoy the most.


On top of this, I hope he is okay and I am sorry to hear that he has suffered recently.


I wish you all the best.

Kind regards,


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Lemme just say...threads like this are what makes the Xbox community so freaking awesome. I absolutely love that we can have discussions like this and try to help each other out. ^_^

Now then, onto the meat of the matter: Like Cloud said, definitely be careful with him and take baby steps. My grandpa had a stroke about 2 years ago and we had to be very careful with him on a lot of stuff until we figured out how he would react (he was 77 when it happened). Now he's back to watching old western movies, watering his lawn, and yelling at the neighborhood kids (the little scamps). It's a rough recovery but just keep with him and it all gets better with time. =D

When you think he's ready for Kinect, I think I'd try bowling, golf, or darts on Kinect Sports. Something that he can play at his own pace. That way if he needs to take a breather for a second or something, nothing is rushing him to take that next golf swing, he can just chill until he's ready then go all Tiger Woods on it.

I hope everything goes well Red! Let us know if any of these work well, it'd be cool to know that it's helping. ^_^

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Hey Stuart you might want to check out Deepak Chopra - Leela. It doesn't require you to do much, its relaxing, the music is serene, and also it will help with focus and balance.

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions, will certainly take in what everyone has said.  Of course I will certainly speak to my Uncle about these ideas, and see what he says.  Thanks again.

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I just thought I would let everyone know, my uncle has now recovered from the stroke he had (it was a small one).  Playing golf and darts from the Kinect sports games really helped.  Now he has recovered he has started up his hobbies of gardening and walking again, and is back to his normal self.  Thanks again.

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Verified. =D

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I am trying to get the courage up to get the xbox with kinect. My grandkids love theirs. A few years back, I got the Wii with the platform to monitor the weight and to do exercises on it. As I was being checked by the machine, I started more difficulty standing on the platform. It needed to scan my body for 15 seconds but the longer I tried to do that, the more I couldn't stay on it.

I went out to walk the dogs and take a break. When I came back i started to feel odd  and then experienced my 3rd mild stroke. I'm afraid to try the kinect as I don't know if the technology is the same las the WII yoga platform thing.I was also afraid of any touch screen device, but have since very carefully started to use the iPhone and had no issues with the iOS and Apple's technology.

Anyone know more about the technology of the Kinect? I would love to be able to do the dance and zumba stuff.

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Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 62 Applies to: