Several crash in different games, solved with TDR Level value but...


I share my problem and the workaround but I would to like have some answer and help. 

My build:

Motherboard: MSI Mortar MAX bios v25

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3600

RAM: 16GB (2x 8192MB) ADATA XPG Spectrix D80 32000

VGA: ASUS GeForce RTX 2060 ROG Strix Gaming OC 6GB

PSU: Corsair Rmx 550

Cooler: EK Fluid Gaming A240

Case: Phanteks enthoo evolv matx

SO: Windows 10 v 1909

Nvidia driver: 441.41

AMD driver:

My problem

Several crash in different games (Call of Duty WWII, Destiny 2, Wolrd of Warships, Rocket League). After a variable time (30 second or 40 minutes) the game crash, it stops to work and the PC come back to the desktop.

- For Destiny 2 the error was ‘’broccoli error’’→ driver video card problem.

- For Call of Duty WWII the error was: ‘’DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED → hardware problem.

- Rocket League and Wolrd of Warships just crash without error → The Windows registry showed: ‘’Live kernel event 141’’

Actions taken to resolve the issues

To summarize and I write not necessarily in order: reinstalled Windows, updated Windows, reinstalled the Nvidia video card driver (only driver) ,reinstalled the AMD chipset driver, uninstalled not necessary drivers and softwares. I tried different Nvidia driver. I tried 4 different vga (all Nvidia gpu). I tried without AMD chispet driver.

I have done some stress test to check my hardware:

- HCI Memtest, after 10 hours no error found.

- AIDA 64, after 10 hours no error found.

- Prime 95, after 10 hours no error found.

- Futurmark, after 4 hours no error found.

So after spending several days, the problem has not been solved. Don't forget that I tried 4 different video cards to exclude a hardware problem and the stress test for the others component has been negative.


Create a new registry key in Windows (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers)→ TdrLevel = 3 (other values didn't work for me).

I am not an expert, the subject here is the ‘’Timeout Detection and Recovery, this is a feature of the Windows operating system which detects response problems from a graphics card, and recovers to a functional desktop by resetting the card.”


I would to like to know, Is the TDR level related a defective hardware? If yes, in my problem what is the ‘’main defendant’’?

This registry key, have some negative impact on the vga performance? For example a low FPS.

If it is a driver problem, why still in the end 2019 there are problem like this? Please, Microsoft/AMD/Nvidia/MSI/Asus, can you do something?

Thanks for the assistance and help.

"I tried without AMD chispet driver."

- That would very likely be counter productive. The most recent motherboard drivers should all be installed.

TDR errors have been a problem since MS introduced the concept with Win7. TDR was supposed to prevent premature BSOD

when there was a lag in graphics processing,  but all it did was create a whole new confusing errors system.

I hadn't seen many threads regarding TDR for some time, but they seem to be making a come back recently.

- If there is a driver problem at the end of 2019 it would be due to a newly introduce problem. I haven't updated to the latest

Nvidia driver (using v440.97 atm) , but haven't had a TDR error since early days Win7. That was with one game, and it seemed to

be caused by using too high graphics settings for the gpu I was using at the time.

I dropped the resolution one step and had no more TDR errors.

-  TDR errors almost always point to the driver as the cause of the crash, but this is more often than not bogus. The reason the

driver gets the blame is very often because it is the last thing to crash in a chain of events that lead to a game lagging or crashing.

- However, it may help if you upload a few mini-dumps to a file sharing site so those here who have good dmp file analysing

software can have a look at the mini-dumps.

- Changing the timing in the Registry is an early method at preventing premature TDR, and after some time I believe

MS changed the time from 2 sec to 8 sec (in step with what Windows users had been doing since the beginning of TDR).

Using a longer time has no impact on gaming performance. All it does is allow for a longer lag in processing before a TDR error

or BSOD happens.

- Going with a time longer than 8 sec is not advisable in case there is actually a problem with the gpu.

TDR is most often not caused by the gpu or drivers, but is unfortunately just a difficult to isolate as the BSOD TDR was meant to prevent.

TDR errors can be caused by pretty much anything - software or another hardware component.

Some of the other things to check for include -

- RAM. Run  memtest to verify the RAM is not producing errors
- HDD. Run  chkdsk to test the HDD for errors
- Run a temperature monitor on the cpu and graphics card to verify they are not overheating.
- Inadequate power supply. Can cause lock-ups or random re-boots, but more often when
under load from gaming or similar system stressing software.

- Verify your motherboards  BIOS is up to date.

Are BIOS settings at default, or have you used some manual settings, specifically the RAM or cpu overclock ?

Some examples of software causes -
- When TDR occurs when using the internet it is sometimes due to browser add-ons, or the
version of the browser you are using.
- Anti-Virus software, particularly AV suites that run a number of programs in the background
are another possibility. Running more than one AV program in resident (always on).
- Malware, Spyware or Virus are possible. Run a full boot-time scan with your AV.
A virus called iehighutil.dll  that come as an added bonus from some torrent downloads is one example.

- System 'optimising' software is another possibility.
- Games often cause TDR. In some cases this is due to using too high graphics settings.

- Did you install anything around the time the crashes started ?
- Conflicts with other drivers can also cause TDR. One such driver comes with Daemon Tools.

It may be worth while running via Clean Boot to help troubleshoot potential services or Startup program conflict
(Note that Clean Boot does not help isolate programs you may launch after booting into Widnows.)

How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot

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Thanks for your quick answer.

A clarification I added in the registry the TdrLevel and I tried the all possible values (0,1,2 and 3).

Only with TdrLevel =3 I resolved the issue.

I didn’t add and I didn't modify the TDR Dealy (in this moment this key is not present in the Windows registry).

The RAM has been tested with HCI Memetest for 10 hours. No error detected.

HDD as been not tested, I will a chkdsk , thanks for the suggestion.

Temperatures are ok.

No overclockand the bios is setting to default with xmp profile activated.

Games crashed also after a clean Windows installation with basic vga driver and without not necessary other drivers and softwares.

I do not use Daemon Tools.

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I did a chkd and no error founded  buti have an important update: my problem is not resolved and games crash again. This is the error when i try to playing at Cod WWII:

Until yesterday night i was sure that the issue was resolved because i played 2 hours without problem. Obviously I was wrong. 

Now i tried to set the TdrDelay to 8 but the problem is not resolved :(.

Please, help me.

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Oops... I didn't look at my old notes closely enough. I forgot I had to create a new key on Win7, and that key

is no longer present on Win10. I never added a TDR level key. Only the Delay.

Looks like you have found where to do this already, and I'm not sure it still works with Win10, but for others who may read your thread...

Navigate to -
H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Graphics Drivers.
Right click on the open field and click on New / DWORD (32bit) Value,
Then name it:  TdrDelay -> double click it -> Set the value to 8.

- Are you able to run one of the less system intensive games such as Rocket League on the AMD integrated graphics with no TDR ?

- The error message is not really helpful. It mentions failing to create a 2D Texture, which could mean the game install is corrupt,

but it could still have been due to a conflict from another software. Software conflicts are a more common cause of TDR than people realise.

Not software conflict related, but I had a similar issue with the one game years ago. I was maybe 25% into the game and suddenly

had several TDR errors in one section of the game, so I dropped the resolution, which lowered the gpu use from 100% to about 98%,

which in this instance stopped the TDR's. Go figure.

Thinking back I may have had one or two TDR (Skyrim ?) that actually recovered as was intended, but for the most part the

TDR thing is a big fail.

- Unfortunately, I can't offer more suggestions atm. As with BSOD, TDR errors can be maddeningly

difficult to sort out. Particularly when they only happen randomly after several hours of play.

btw - while XMP should be stable, there is no guarantee, and it is technically an over-clock.


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So, i tested one module at a time and with one module games crashed, with the other one module all was good. Now i have a new couple of memory and all works very good. So was a bad memory module and the cause of the crash was this. Thanks anyway for your help.

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Good to hear you got it sorted out, and thanks for posting back with your result.

With 16GB RAM 10 hours probably wasn't quite long enough to isolate the faulty cell when testing two sticks together.

It also illustrates why MS introducing TDR was no improvement over BSOD, and tends to just lead people in circles because

it always blames the driver or gpu.

Cheers - BD

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Last updated May 6, 2024 Views 29,788 Applies to: