"Do you also want to save changes to the document template?" Pop Up on Every Save

I am getting this in seemingly random documents. This has happened to a custom template I created many months ago called "Notes.dot" (.dotx?) and also in "Normal.dot", the default template.

The only thing I've been able to find online is that if you have a malicious addin it could be doing something. Problem is, I haven't installed any add-ins. And I've just now tested by disabling all default add-ins (even though the 4 that were active didn't look suspicious).

Some documents it gives me the prompt, other times it doesn't. It's just really ugly. As a temporary solution I've made this AutoHotKey code:

#IfWinActive, ahk_class OpusApp
WinWait,,Do you also want to save changes to the document template?, 5
If !ErrorLevel
ControlClick, Button2,,Do you also want to save changes to the document template?

It's terrible that I had to use a third party application like that. I hope there is a better solution.

Despite saying No to saving the template, I keep getting prompted. If I wanted to save the Template, I'd manually save a template. And from other research online it seems this pop-up is impossible to disable. Everyone frets that you'd get accidental changes - why is it not an option to deny making changes to templates unless you explicitly wanted to create a template?

Does anyone have any idea what other possibilities there are to add-ins doing this? Is there actually something I thought would not change a template, like selecting a bullet (because using *+Tab and -+Tab together in the same document just leads to problems...) that is being registered as a template change? Clearing a style from pasted text maybe?

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These forums are not the place to suggest product changes. They are peer-to-peer support to get assistance solving or working around problems.

If something has been done that does change the template you will get this message. Period.

The add-ins causing the problem are not malicious; they simply have not been well written. (I distinguish between malice and ignorance. Either can cause serious problems, though.)

I believe that there may be an option to automatically save changes made to styles to the template but do not know this. Recorded macros are saved by default in the normal template as are formatted AutoCorrect entries. There are a number of processes that will make changes to a template while in a document.

The way to verify that it is not Add-Ins is to start Word without Add-Ins using the command-line switch of " /a"

See Add-Ins in Microsoft Word (around the middle of the page) for more on that switch.

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site: https://addbalance.com

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Alright, so let's ignore any suggestions I may have implied or explicitly stated.

How can I, using Word's built-in existing feature make sure to lock a template from being edited? Surely, there is some way? Or must I rely on digging into my templates and putting write locks on them through file properties?

[quote]I believe that there may be an option to automatically save changes made to styles to the template but do not know this. Recorded macros are saved by default in the normal template as are formatted AutoCorrect entries. There are a number of processes that will make changes to a template while in a document. [/quote]

There is such an option to automatically save template changes. But I have no intention, ever, to make a change to this template until I explicitly open up the .dotx file and make a change to it. If I'm working in a .docx file, I do not want to save any template changes. As I had stated before, I have found that there are options to automatically save changes. But not to automatically reject, deny, or forbid changes.

I have not recorded macros. I do not believe I've changed an AutoCorrect entry -- does adding a word to the dictionary count? If so, that could be the cause then. Odd that it would save to a template and not an actual dictionary though. However I've added dictionary entries into Word for years and never had this prompt.

Are there any other things that I as a user might have done to prompt a change in the template?

If my add-ins are the problem, why is Microsoft distributing default add-ins that are not well written? Here were the add-ins that might've been enabled (4 were enabled, I can't remember which of these 5 weren't):

1) Date (XML)

2) Instant Messaging Contacts (English)

3) Measurement Converter (Measurement Converter)

4) Telephone Number

5) Time

All of them were found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag

If those are indeed default add-ins, can anyone verify that they are not giving me any problems with template-saving prompts?

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I do not know all the things that might have changed your template.

Not all Add-ins are distributed by Microsoft. Most are not.

Before I respond to the rest, I want to know if you have the problem when you start Word with the /a commandline. This is a diagnostic, not a fix.

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site: https://addbalance.com

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Beginning with /a is hard to diagnose. Sure, I don't have the problem right now. But I also don't have the problem without using it in my testing today. I opened up one of the .docx files that was prompting me to save the .dotx file on both save and on close, made a few text changes, and did not get the pop up asking me to save the template.

I have only had this problem for maybe 4 days so far this year (and I do not recall having this problem at all before 2015, with the only two templates I use - Notes and Normal - having been around in 2014..). There is no particular thing that catches my attention as modifying the template.

Like I said in the first post, it's unreliable when this problem comes up. It'd be a great inconvenience to try to launch MS Word using the /a command at all times. However, I have already disabled all add-ins. So that should be the same as a /a, right? If not, I'll go tweak on the file property for Word.exe or whatever and see about adding in the parameter so I don't have to manually type out in the Run window the .exe's address and the parameter..

I made this change to the shortcut, can you verify this is what I need to use? I'm rather inexperienced with command-line parameters and can never seem to nail the syntax on the first try...

Target: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\WINWORD.EXE" --/a

>Not all Add-ins are distributed by Microsoft. Most are not.

(OK, really, how do I add a quote on here?  I see there is a "Reply with quote" setting, but trying to click it I get a "Forbidden Cursor" which tells me it's not an option right now. Which I guess is because I have already opened a reply and they're looking to avoid confusion by losing post content by clicking on the Reply buttons a second time..)

If I have only installed MS Word, and never have I gone out of my way to install an add-in for any Office program, why would I ever have an add-in not coming from MS? My current add-ons were bundled with MSO from what I can tell, unless someone can correct me otherwise as to why those 4 active add-ons (well, before I inactivated them) could have been added to my copy of MS Office. I will say I got it through MS's education promotion or whatever where students can get free licenses through affiliated schools so long as they are a student. If it is known that that education bundle has problematic add-ins, then we have an even more likely diagnosis.

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Beginning with /a is hard to diagnose. Sure, I don't have the problem right now. But I also don't have the problem without using it in my testing today. I opened up one of the .docx files that was prompting me to save the .dotx file on both save and on close, made a few text changes, and did not get the pop up asking me to save the template.

I made this change to the shortcut, can you verify this is what I need to use? I'm rather inexperienced with command-line parameters and can never seem to nail the syntax on the first try...

Target: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\WINWORD.EXE" --/a

This is intended as a diagnostic, not as the way to run Word, although if you are not using any addins, it should work the same. The thing is, actually disabling all Add-Ins manually is not easy. There are at least two different dialogs.

You do not need the -- in the command line switch. I have no idea what it will do.

>Not all Add-ins are distributed by Microsoft. Most are not.

(OK, really, how do I add a quote on here?  I see there is a "Reply with quote" setting, but trying to click it I get a "Forbidden Cursor" which tells me it's not an option right now. Which I guess is because I have already opened a reply and they're looking to avoid confusion by losing post content by clicking on the Reply buttons a second time..)

If I have only installed MS Word, and never have I gone out of my way to install an add-in for any Office program, why would I ever have an add-in not coming from MS? My current add-ons were bundled with MSO from what I can tell, unless someone can correct me otherwise as to why those 4 active add-ons (well, before I inactivated them) could have been added to my copy of MS Office. I will say I got it through MS's education promotion or whatever where students can get free licenses through affiliated schools so long as they are a student. If it is known that that education bundle has problematic add-ins, then we have an even more likely diagnosis.

Many non-Microsoft programs install Add-Ins without ever asking or notifying you. Many computers come with them installed by the computer manufacturer. Adobe Acrobat installes Add-Ins. One "Send to bluetooth" has been noted to cause problems. They are often intended to give you additional commands in Word to use their program or to let their program better integrate with Word.

On my downloads page you will find a number of Add-Ins, none of which is sophisticated enough to cause this problem.

Please read my page on Add-Ins in Microsoft Word. It should help. There are two different kinds of Add-Ins and they can be stored in multiple locations. If the /a diagnostic stops the problem, the next step is to determine which of the Add-Ins you want to leave active and if one you want to have active is causing the problem, you need to contact the manufacturer and see if you can get them to fix it.

I am a volunteer, your fellow user. I'm sorry, but until you tell me you have this problem with the /a switch I am not willing to spend the time trying to figure out what else might be causing the problem. That is because I feel it would be a waste of my time and not help you.

However, I am not the only volunteer who answers questions here. Nor am I the most knowledgeable. Perhaps someone else will have more to suggest.

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site: https://addbalance.com

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I understand you're a volunteer. It's just there is zero helpful information on the web thus far, which is surprising for a program as extensively used as MS Word. I'm sorry if my frustration is being expressed to you and might be offensive; I'm frustrated only at the product itself and there being no helpful resource thus far.

To help encourage you to stick with this issue, I have modified my shortcut for Word so that it runs with /a (having dropped the "--"). I had re-enabled the five add-ins (which means one extra than before) I've listed before, before changing my shortcut. This way I don't screw up the diagnosis by trying too many things at once. As soon as I get the problem again, I'll let you know.

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I understand you're a volunteer. It's just there is zero helpful information on the web thus far, which is surprising for a program as extensively used as MS Word. I'm sorry if my frustration is being expressed to you and might be offensive; I'm frustrated only at the product itself and there being no helpful resource thus far.

To help encourage you to stick with this issue, I have modified my shortcut for Word so that it runs with /a (having dropped the "--"). I had re-enabled the five add-ins (which means one extra than before) I've listed before, before changing my shortcut. This way I don't screw up the diagnosis by trying too many things at once. As soon as I get the problem again, I'll let you know.

I know how frustrating it can be. I've been there. I feel a huge debt to those who have answered my questions over the years.

I will keep my eye out for your coming back with more information.

Keep in mind that if you start Word by double-clicking on a document, it will start normally.

In the meantime, someone else may pop in with better advice.

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site: https://addbalance.com

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In Word 2013, the way to check to see whether Add-Ins are active is under File > Options > Add-Ins.

Starting Word normally, what do you see there under Active Application Add-Ins? If it is not Send to Bluetooth, someone else may spot a problem-causer.

I don't think it is any of the smarttag ones, although I don't use them.

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site: https://addbalance.com

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That is an image of exactly what I see in the Add-ins panel.

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OK, I am likely mistaken about Add-Ins being the cause. I no of no reason that you would use any of these Add-Ins.

The normal template is always running in the background. For any document that does not have a different attached template it is the attached template. It is always available for storage / changes.

The attached template may be yet another template that is directly attached to the document. Your notes template is likely such a template.

Your normal template should be normal.dotm, not normal.dot. If there is a normal.dot template it suggests that your installation is an upgrade from Word 2003 or earlier. Try renaming any normal.dot / normal.dotm templates to normalold.dot and normalold.dotm. You would do this renaming with Word closed.

Normal Template in Microsoft Word - How to Find or Open the Normal Template

Word will automatically create a new normal.dotm template next time you open Word. If, that time, you are asked if you want to save changes to the template, the answer should be "yes."

If there are resources in your normal templates like macros or styles that you want to preserve, write back and I'll help you do that, later. Let's see if this fixes the problem first. If not, you can delete the newly created normal template and restore the name of normalold.dotm.

So back to your original questions....

What can cause changes to the template (document template and/or normal template)?

I am getting this in seemingly random documents. This has happened to a custom template I created many months ago called "Notes.dot" (.dotx?) and also in "Normal.dot", the default template.

The only thing I've been able to find online is that if you have a malicious addin it could be doing something. Problem is, I haven't installed any add-ins. And I've just now tested by disabling all default add-ins (even though the 4 that were active didn't look suspicious).


Does anyone have any idea what other possibilities there are to add-ins doing this? Is there actually something I thought would not change a template, like selecting a bullet (because using *+Tab and -+Tab together in the same document just leads to problems...) that is being registered as a template change? Clearing a style from pasted text maybe?

Bullets are connected to numbering (bullet) lists. A change to such a list can be saved to the attached template. Do you have AutoFormat as you Type turned on for bullets? I generally keep these options turned off (the bottom two sections).

I prefer to use deliberate bullets and numbering.

How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly

How to control bullets in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly

(may be adding more)

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site: https://addbalance.com

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 2,297 Applies to: