Xbox Enforcement... What did I do wrong?

Since my last post got immediately locked and I haven't found another way to contact Xbox Enforcement (I've heard rumors that you can contact them) I will continue to make forum posts although XBLPET do not monitor the forums. I will not give up so easily, considering that I did not do anything wrong during January 28, 2018. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ MY PREVIOUS DISCUSSION OR YOU JUST DON'T KNOW THE STORY, I WILL POST IT BELOW. I'm just really lost and I do not know where to go, I will not start over after I have spent 8 YEARS on that account and have spent thousands of dollars in games, micro-transactions and DLC. Also, I currently have $45 on my Happzy account and I'm not able to use it, not even for Xbox Live so I can talk to my friends. I would like this post not to be locked instantly and if thinks they can help me, please do so. I am getting extremely desperate. If it comes to it, I will even make a video showing my GAME DVR, Game clips and other necessary things to prove that I did not violate the Code of Conduct on January 28, 2018.

I should start off by saying that my account that is banned is called Happzy. I have decided to show my case review (I am not showing who sent the reply back, I respect their privacy also I will not be showing my case review because I have explained it in the previous discussion post but in a more simple manner.) although I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed too. This case review is completely wrong and has everything put of of proportion. I get constantly spammed reports because I use to post memes on Xbox and I stopped and about more than half of those reports go through.  People would report me because I STOPPED POSTING INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT.  When I received the permanent ban, it said Harassment Abuse and Threats. I thought to myself, "I don't be mean to people on Xbox, what could this be... A spammed report that went through." I replied for a case review and was met with this reply:

Hi Happzy, thank you for taking the time to use Case Review!
We are happy to help you further understand the enforcement action that this account has received.
This account was issued a permanent service suspension for continuing to upload an excessive amount of content that violated the the Microsoft Code of Conduct as Explained for Xbox Live Customers on multiple levels.
Despite receiving multiple suspensions for this activity, the account willingly continued to upload this content, showing a flippant disregard for the Microsoft Services Agreement and a refusal to reform. Due to a failure to correct this extensive pattern of behavior, a permanent service suspension was deemed necessary. 
We can assure you that XBLPET investigates complaints and takes each report into consideration when making an enforcement decision. While other users are able to file complaints against your account, it doesn’t guarantee that your account will receive a suspension when they do so. We take an evidence-based approach to enforcement and take numerous factors into account when considering issuing a suspension. The context around the content or activity is particularly essential and drives our decision-making process. Even if multiple complaints are received, suspensions always occur because of a specific Code of Conduct violation.
Additionally, following the submission of this Case Review inquiry we thoroughly reviewed the circumstances behind the enforcement and again confirmed that the violation occurred and that enforcement action was warranted. The Microsoft Services Agreement prohibits this type of behavior and regrettably, we will not be lifting the suspension.
Everyone deserves an enjoyable Xbox Live experience, and uploading inappropriate content disrupts the experience for other players. In order to provide an environment in which everyone is respected, this type of content cannot be permitted.
Due to the severe nature of the violation, this account can no longer be trusted to access the Xbox Live service. As a result, the account can no longer sign in to Xbox Live from any device


This feedback gave me no insight to why I was issued a permanent ban, yet alone why my console was banned (recently my console has been randomly unbanned). This XBLPET personnel said I "was issued a permanent suspension for INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT after I uploaded an extensive amount of content that violated the Code of Conduct". This is not true, I stopped uploading inappropriate content after I received a month suspension in October (9/7/17 - 10/2/17, around a month). Since the beginning of October, I only uploaded videos from my YouTube channel and some got taken down. Some of the videos included me getting an ace in R6S or laughing for 4 minutes straight in Warframe, The videos contained minimal curse words to no curse words, nevertheless they were still taken down.  I stopped in the beginning of December when I received three warnings in a period of two months and since then I haven't touched the upload studio or the Xbox Beta. Could I have possibly forgotten one of the memes I uploaded? It is a possibility, that I forgot one GAME DVR upload (that contained foul language or anything deemed inappropriate) or two out of my dozens of game clips and screenshots. I did show a change of my behavior. As a matter a fact, I tried to stop uploading game clips in general.

In the middle of the response, the XBLPET personnel said "We can assure you that XBLPET investigates complaints and takes each report into consideration when making an enforcement decision. While other users are able to file complaints against your account, it doesn’t guarantee that your account will receive a suspension when they do so. We take an evidence-based approach to enforcement and take numerous factors into account when considering issuing a suspension. The context around the content or activity is particularly essential and drives our decision-making process. Even if multiple complaints are received, suspensions always occur because of a specific Code of Conduct violation". This is not true. I have been spammed reports on several occasions and most of them go through. Most of these result in me getting XBL suspended for: Harassment Abuse and Threats, Communication and Spam, when however it should be the other way around.  One specific occasion that happened to me was when a person messaged me and told me to add them. I did not know this person what so ever, thus I reported them for spam.  I didn't reply for a few minutes and then they responded with "If you don't add me, I'm going to spam reports until you get a punishment" and to my surprise, I got communication banned, and my bio was wiped in just a mere day.  Similar scenarios like this happen, except I was usually reported by my followers for not posting memes anymore. If they were to investigate the report taken on me, (maybe every report on me instead of having an A.I. auto-detect to see if I've done anything wrong) they would've not looked at my past Enforcement Details (although in some scenarios it is necessary), they would've AT LEAST checked my account for FIVE MINUTES. Five minutes could've saved my account and proven that I've done nothing wrong. The fact that they said they do an "Evidence based approach" is not true in my scenario. I did not violate the Code of Conduct and I was showing a change in my behavior at the start of November by not uploading any memes to Xbox.

I hope someone can help me in any way. I do not want to be directed to the enforcement page because there is nothing there to help me. I do not want this post to be locked/answered after a staff or an ambassador replies.  I am not going to make a new account soon and re-buy all of my games (on disc this time) I just want my account back. If you are able to help, THANK YOU. I do not want to roll over and give up, especially after all that I've been through and YEARS and THOUSANDS of dollars and hours on certain games that I will never get back. I'm just a gamer that is going being accused of something I stopped doing. Thanks for taking your time for reading this.


Hello. I don't really know how to start this post off, so I might be jumping from place to place. I will try to start from the beginning.  My Xbox Gamertag is Happzy. During the summer of 2017, I realized there was a feature on Xbox that you could upload game clips and videos from your PC on to Xbox via the Xbox Beta app. I thought this was cool feature. At the same time, I have decided to join multiple clubs and (I'm kind of ashamed to say this) most of the clubs I joined clubs were clubs that shared memes that were posted onto Xbox. Two of the clubs I was most active in were All Memes Matter and Furst (I do not know if they still exist to this date). People complained in both clubs that there were not a lot of memes. Instead of being a bystander, I posted memes onto Xbox through the Xbox Beta app.   


 I will admit, some of the memes I uploaded were offensive and they should've been removed from Xbox Live. As a matter of fact, even when I tried to upload videos that were offensive, they wouldn't upload and I would get a message from Xbox. Some had curse words but they did not show anything graphic. I also tried to upload some videos from my YouTube channel as well and some went through. I stopped uploading memes/funny videos after I received a month suspension, I learned I had to stop after that. The month suspension took place somewhere near fall. At that point, I decided to delete every video containing a curse word or may even be offensive to someone. Video was too loud? Deleted. Somebody said "damn"? Deleted. I only left videos that didn't have a curse word and videos from my YouTube channel, although some of my YouTube videos had minimal to no curse words.  After the month suspension, I only uploaded videos from my YouTube channel. Most of them didn't upload to Xbox Live which I found odd. I even tried to upload a video of me just laughing for 3 minutes straight and it got taken down... twice. I gave up during October, I thought that doing all of this was pointless. I was curious to why my videos got taken down and others didn't. I saw Porn and **** being upload by other various users and I was mad. Why weren't theirs taken down but my video of a funny video taken down?  To this date, some of their videos are still up. Other videos include people saying the "N-word" and has people getting killed (Isis executions and jumping off of buildings).  I was tired of receiving messages from Xbox saying that my posts have been taken down, and besides, Xbox is for gaming. I gained over 700 followers on Xbox and thought that it meant nothing really, I just wanted to focus on gaming.   


I only played with my friends and started streaming more often on Twitch. Unfortunately, I got some messages from people asking "where are all the memes at"? I would usually reply with "I stopped uploading them because I don't want to get communications banned for a month again and if you don't want to follow me anymore, just remove me :)". The majority of them reported me for harassment, spam and inappropriate content because of this and most of the reports actually went through. I kept on getting reported over and over again and my punishment was usually Xbox Live restrictions. I tried to apply a case review on several occasions, put every time I do I am met with a "copy and pasted" response.  That was until the 28th of January, 2018, in which I received a permeant suspension.   


I haven't received a message from Xbox Live in a long time, so I thought I was done being reported. That was until I received three consecutive reports in a row, one of which being the permanently banned suspension. I tried to sign back into my account and I was met with this message: "This account is permanently suspended from Xbox Live due to inappropriate conduct or content" I was baffled. I thought Xbox reviewed every report that went through? I go to the Xbox Enforcement site and try to find ANYWHERE for me contact somebody besides the case review.  The case review is treacherous. I thought to myself, "I only have 500 letters to type to try to get my account". But to no avail, I found nothing. I tried the case review and to my expectation I was met with a copy and pasted response. If I could remember (The reason why I don't want to paste the enforcement members response is because I can't and I will say that later and also, I do not want to violate another person's privacy) it said that the main reason why I was banned was because of "Repetitive Harassment of Xbox Live Gold Trial Members" although in my case review I stated multiple times that I get reported over and over again because people don't see me posting meme/funny videos anymore. A stupid reason, but that is what has been happening for the past couple of months. A day passed. My review has been upheld.   

The worst thing about my Permaban was that it just wasn't my account, it was the whole console. I don't know why Microsoft/Xbox jumped to a console ban, especially on somebody who is innocent. This wasn't only affecting my account, but it was affecting other accounts as well that were on the Xbox when the ban took place. A month passed since the ban took place. I lost all of my digital games as well. I had around 160 digital games, including DLC (Downloadable content) in most of them. I have added up all the prices of all my digital games and I would have lost over $5,000 dollars (that is of which I have spent over an eight-year period).  I had enough after that, in February, I tried to find any means necessary to contact someone of the enforcement team to tell them what happened, I knew there had to be some way, but there was none. I started to give up, by the end February every time I tried to access a part of the Xbox store signed under my Permabanned account it would take me to the enforcement page. I tried to access the forums, but yet again it took me to the enforcement page always. I thought this was ludicrous. Not only, did I get permabanned for false reports, but now I am losing access to even access to call he Xbox website. I've had enough, I decided to make a new account to defend my main account.   

I hope somebody can help me with this problem. I want my account back and that is final (sorry if I seem livid I just haven't played video games in a very long time) I will not make a new account and start over because I would've lost YEARS of progress in several games. I would've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Please... From a gamer's perspective this really hurts. Put yourself in a gamers shoes and have everything taken away from you even though you did nothing wrong... to put it bluntly, it sucks. I have played Xbox for 8 years of my life and it has become part of my personality, it wouldn't make sense for me to throw it away like that. I'm not a toxic person. My gamer tag even says it... my gamer tag is Happzy.   I did a bad thing before and Xbox suspended me for a month because of it, but I've learned my lesson. I'm not the only person to experience this, I know there are thousands of people who play on Xbox who has been in the same exact situation that I have been and have lost their accounts for unjust reasons. I hope someone found this post somewhat informative and if someone is able to help me... Thanks. If something here sounds fishy or doesn't add up, by all means, say something. I typed this all pretty quick.  



Give the guy his account back, and if not xbox you let the trolls win.

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Last updated November 24, 2022 Views 1,159 Applies to: