Dead Space 3 will have co-op. Thoughts?

This link was found by tCruzin4lyfe.  That was a good find so props for that.  Here's the article: 

"With EA announcing a new Dead Space title will be coming next year, fans of the series are no doubt jumping about with glee. Well, brace yourselves: the latest rumors point to Dead Space 3 featuring drop-in and drop-out coop. You heard that right.

Dead Space 3 will see a new character join Issac Clarke in his mission, serving as a guide throughout the main campaign. No name was given, but the man will wear their own RIG suit – though, unlike Issac, this one will emit a red glow from the helmet. When his helmet is off, players can expect to see a lovely scar on his face. We wonder if this is the Shadow Isaac that was mentioned a few months ago.

According to IGN's source, this new character will also serve as a co-op partner, with players able to drop in and out of co-op at whim. However, those playing solo will see a slightly altered story. For example, players in co-op will see Issac and the new character appear together in cutscenes,  while those who play solo will only see Issac. As well, Issac’s moments of psychological torment will be absent during co-op play. Well, at least he won’t appear in solo games.

The co-op mode will also see players work together to solve puzzles, using some of Issac’s staple abilities such as telekinesis and stasis. Interestingly, once a player goes down they cannot be revived, the checkpoint will instead be reloaded – makes sense considering the gruesome ways Issac can die in the first two games.

Now, I’m an open minded guy; I don’t really have problems with change in a game. If a studio thinks it’s a good idea to “modernize” or “streamline” their games, I’m all for it. But this just seems… off. It’s not that co-op wouldn’t work in the Dead Space universe – it worked well in Dead Space: Extraction- but for the core titles I’ve always felt that it was about the solo experience, being isolated and able to explore the environment at one’s own pace. That said, if what IGN‘s source says is true, then co-op is entirely optional. Let’s just hope there aren’t any co-op only achievements – since some players won’t likely have an interest in playing Resident Evil 5with necromorphs.

Oh, and apparently Issac is now able to crouch, do evasive rolls and get into firefights with human enemies.  Another series of controversial choices."

This will surely be a divisive issue, and everyone's entitled to his or her own opinion.  Personally I think the person behind this article is spot on.  Dead Space is best served in solo.  Co-op will probably take away some of the fear that made the first two so good.  But... if we have to have co-op, they're doing it perfect.  First off drop in/drop out co-op is perfect.  Co-op games are very frustrating where if someone leaves, the game ends.  Props for that.  Like the person said, we don't have to play the game in co-op if we want to.  Perfect.  I still feel Resident Evil 5 was lessened by having a forced co-op partner with us at all times.  Whether we liked it or not, there was someone hold our hands at all times.  Didn't have that same "Oh ****!" feeling like the previous games.  I'm glad to hear that DS3 will give us the option to play it in solo, or with a friend.

It especially sounds interesting to me that we'll be able to play through the game in two different ways, depending on if it's solo, or co-op.  This is the first I've heard of Shadow Isaac and that intrigues me very much.  With him playing through the game with normal Isaac, the dynamics should be interesting.  Ying and Yang perhaps...  Besides the visual differences, sounds like his personality will be greatly different from normal Isaac's.  Very cool how the story will be a little different depending on how you play it, giving a different feel for the two.  "As well, Issac’s moments of psychological torment will be absent during co-op play."  Also cool that the cutscenes will be different when one mode is played.  I find it lazy and lame when games that have a separate co-op mode, have the same cutscenes, just showing one character in both versions.  Seems like they're really going to be careful with co-op because they know some fans will be up-in-arms about it. 

It's cool that there will be co-op puzzles that require kinesis and stasis.  Should be a more calm break from all of the necro killing.  Also cool that if one player goes down, you must revert to the previous checkpoint.  There will be no hand holding like there is in RE5 and the LFD's.  Sounds like there will be no revival.  This will probably and hopefully make the co-op mode a little more intense, and encourage more teamwork.  Hopefully this will cause less people to play through the game Rambo style with no fear of the consequences, as seen in RE5 and the LFD's. 

After the first game, the developers made DS2 more action-packed and theatrical because a lot of people complained the game was too scary.  Many people complained at this move, but in the end I feel it turned out great.  Very theatrical and more action-packed, but just as scary.  Hopefully the game is still scary (I'm sure it will be) with the new control abilities like crouching and evasive roles.  More control in my opinion is a good thing.  I'm pretty sure they will stay true to the horror-filled tension that is so great about the series.  I hope so at least. 

To sum up it sounds like we DS fans will be able to have our cake, and eat it too.  We won't have to play with a partner, but we'll have the option to.  After I beat the single-player mode FIRST to completion like I did in DS1 and DS2, I'll be able to switch over to co-op for a different experience.  Personally I really enjoy co-op games, and enjoy playing them just to play them.  Never gets old for me playing them while helping others to complete things.  Should add much longevity to the game for me.  I was sort of hoping if there was co-op, Ellie would be the second player, but Shadow Isaac sounds cool too.  With everything I hear about the game, I get more and more excited.  Can't wait!


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I am excited about it. The main thing I love is that it's "optional". I will do the same, turn my lights off, cell phone on vibrate, tv up and play through DS3 solo and then sometime after that I will co-op with a buddy. I love DS as a series and DS2 was a major improvement and I think 3 will be even better. I've heard the whisper of Shadow Isaac when they first mentioned the envoirment it would take place so I found it interesting. As long as the scares are there, that's what matters. I want it to keep the same survival/ horror feel as the 1st two games. So far I haven't heard of any leaked info that really worries me because though they are trying some new things, they are still very well in the realm of what makes Dead Space awesome. Plus we have to remember we can't keep the same formula for each game so fighting human enemies may sound like a bad thing, it actually makes sense going by what the setting is suppose to be. As long as its not overkill it should be fine.

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Hopefully the lack of leaked info is a good thing...maybe since fans can't speculate on how certain details will pan out, there won't be any preconceptions about whether certain additions are good/bad! I think that (preconceptions) definitely enables negative opinions of sequels. I'm not sure what was leaked before the release of DS2, but if a similar pattern is followed for DS3, it might mean we won't be disappointed with DS3. *crosses fingers* Sequels are always controversial, but it also sounds like the DS series has done an above average job with the DS2 sequel not disappointing. I agree that the addition of coop does make me nervous...what hooked me to DS2 was how freaking scary it was! No other game had that...not L4D, Dead Island, or even Fear. Fear 2 was pretty good, but NOT AT ALL like DS2, lol. I'm excited for DS3, though! DS2 was definitely one of my favorite and most memorable games I've played!

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I have no doubt Visceral will deliver another hit sequel. Multiplayer in Dead Space 2 no doubt had it's kinks (mainly on EA's side, due to people either having trouble logging in because of problems with EA accounts, or not able to log on the servers), but for the most part they pulled it off. Most people are fearful that the co-op path means it's all downhill based on decisions  taken by Capcom with Resident Evil.

I personally hope there is a splitscreen option, but rendering levels takes a lot out of console with newer games, so I won't hold my breath on it. But the idea to play co-op on the hardest difficulty would be extremely awesome.

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[quote user="recogn1zer"]

I have no doubt Visceral will deliver another hit sequel.

Most people are fearful that the co-op path means it's all downhill based on decisions  taken by Capcom with Resident Evil.

But the idea to play co-op on the hardest difficulty would be extremely awesome.

[/quote]I have no doubt as well.  There were a ton of skeptics who were very angry about Visceral making DS2 more action based, feeling the series would go downhill with that decision because the game wouldn't be as scary.  Well they were wrong.  DS2 was/is fantastic in the eyes of most people.  Just as scary if not more.  I'm pretty sure DS3 will be amazing and then some.

I too did not like how there was a walking/talking/shooting/inventory box/medic next to us at all times in RE5.  Whether we liked it or not, a partner was there to save us.  Still a fun game, but just I felt it was a move in the wrong direction.  The way they're doing it in DS3 however, is perfect.  We get to have our cake, and eat it too.  If someone doesn't want a co-op partner (AI or human), they simply can play by themselves.  Problem solved.  Like the author of that article said, the only possible downside of this aspect to a person who doesn't want co-op, is that there might be co-op exclusive achievements.  Then again they're just achievements, meaning this would only matter to a completionist.  Personally I don't feel the need to get 1000/1000 in my games, but do every now and then.  Them adding a co-op mode for me means much more longevity of the game.  With LFD2 for instance, I run co-op all the time.  Probably put over 300 hours into it.  DS3's co-op will probably be the same for me, pending we can host/join random games.  Only a few games have co-op which can only be played with people on friends lists.  This is sooooo stupid (some Halo games do this).  Why even have co-op if you can't host/join random games and meet new people?  Maybe they do this to cut costs on servers, but I don't know.  I'm sure Visceral will be smarter than this. 

Indeed.  Being able to roll some co-op with a friend or stranger on the hardest difficulty would be pretty cool.  The two would really have to work as a team, since one person going down means a forced revert to the previous checkpoint.  It will be interesting to see if normal Isaac and Shadow Isaac have any different abilities, besides being a little different in the head.  If anyone finds any new co-op info, please post it here or in a new thread. 

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[quote user="tCruzin4lyfe"]So far I haven't heard of any leaked info that really worries me because though they are trying some new things, they are still very well in the realm of what makes Dead Space awesome. Plus we have to remember we can't keep the same formula for each game so fighting human enemies may sound like a bad thing, it actually makes sense going by what the setting is suppose to be. As long as its not overkill it should be fine.[/quote]

Agreed.  Haven't heard anything that makes me nervous.  Everything leads me to believe they're going to be careful with the new changes to make sure it still has a true Dead Space feel to it.  Agree about the enemy formula too.  Keeping things the same can lead to staleness.  Only makes sense that Isaac will run into some human enemies after DS2.  In my opinion it would not be realistic if he conveniently managed to get through the entire DS3 game without engaging them, while they're desperately looking for him the entire time.  Only makes sense that they will cross paths at some point.  In the last game they were there in a number of parts, but they just didn't directly fight each other.  Each time the soldiers conveniently died by means other than Isaac (necros, gunship, etc...).  If this happened again, it would just be weird.  Plus a little payback towards the Scientologists... sorry Unitologists, will be welcome in my book. 

[quote user="PryingTuna85649"]

Hopefully the lack of leaked info is a good thing...maybe since fans can't speculate on how certain details will pan out, there won't be any preconceptions about whether certain additions are good/bad! I think that (preconceptions) definitely enables negative opinions of sequels. I'm not sure what was leaked before the release of DS2, but if a similar pattern is followed for DS3, it might mean we won't be disappointed with DS3. *crosses fingers* Sequels are always controversial, but it also sounds like the DS series has done an above average job with the DS2 sequel not disappointing. I agree that the addition of coop does make me nervous...what hooked me to DS2 was how freaking scary it was! No other game had that...not L4D, Dead Island, or even Fear. Fear 2 was pretty good, but NOT AT ALL like DS2, lol. I'm excited for DS3, though! DS2 was definitely one of my favorite and most memorable games I've played![/quote]

It's still pretty early.  With time more details will come out and the wild crying and speculation that happened about DS2, will happen again.  Them including co-op will only guarantee a ton of people crying until they can no longer speak or type.  To those people I would simply say, "You don't have to play co-op if you don't want to."  I fully intend to play through singleplayer first.  They can stick to that if they want.  People cried and whined about how DS2 was probably going to be too action based, while not being scary enough to remain true to Dead Space.  All of those people were proven wrong.  The game turned out better and more scary in most people's minds than the first game.  I'm sure Visceral will do an amazing job, and I'm sure it will be plenty scary.  With or without a partner.  I'm betting with co-op they'll compensate and make changes so it's scary enough for us DS fans. 

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Im really hopin they show something at E3, even just a quick teaser. As soon as they announce preorders I am on it! This time I am getting the Limited/ Collectors Edition or whatever they are going to call it. I'm telling you this is my favorite game series ever. My gaming catalog may not be as long as most but I know DS2 got to me in a way no other game could. I still have plenty of other amazing games but DS2 just tips them all for me. Again, they haven't announce not has any info leaked that scares me. I also hope they add a Hard To The Core type of achievement again or even bring back the 1 Gun acheevo from the 1st game (which I never got lol) but I'm ready for another nail biting challenge. Oh yeah and the upgraded visuals from the Frostbite Engine is very welcomed. Man oh man, I can't wait. Now that's two heavy hitters at the beginning of 2013 for me, Dead Space 3 & Bioshock Infinite :)

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[quote user="tCruzin4lyfe"]

Im really hopin they show something at E3, even just a quick teaser. As soon as they announce preorders I am on it! This time I am getting the Limited/ Collectors Edition or whatever they are going to call it.

I'm telling you this is my favorite game series ever.  I still have plenty of other amazing games but DS2 just tips them all for me.

I also hope they add a Hard To The Core type of achievement again or even bring back the 1 Gun acheevo from the 1st game (which I never got lol) but I'm ready for another nail biting challenge.

Oh yeah and the upgraded visuals from the Frostbite Engine is very welcomed. Man oh man, I can't wait. [/quote]Yup hopefully we'll hear/see some new stuff at E3.  *Crossing fingers*.  You know what I'd like to see in the Collectors Edition?  A decent sized Marker paper weight like the one seen on the desk in the very beginning of DS2 (While Isaac's talking to the psychologist).  I want it!!!

Right with you.  Plenty of other amazing games, but DS2 is the best.  So polished. 

Exactly.  Insane in DS1 was too easy, but Hard to the Core was perfect.  The entire process of getting it was extremely intense.  White knuckle game at its best...  Think you said it another thread, but it's easily the achievement I'm most proud of. 

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Being a fan of the first game more than the second, this doesn't please me. Dead Space 2 wasn't all that scary.

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Another thing, about there being "co-op achievements". They could do as ME3 did by giving you a choice. In ME3 you can get complete extraction on every map on gold OR finishthe single player campaign on Insanity. So something similar would not be a hassle for people who are not interested in co-op at all.

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Last updated August 19, 2021 Views 9 Applies to: