Erro ficheiro "MOM. Implementation"

Boa noite pessoal!

Sou utilizador do Windows 10. No último dia 30/12/15 - o sistema fez uma das varia atualizações de sempre. Demorou a bué!

Reiniciou o sistema várias vezes e quando finalizou, sempre que entro no sistema aparece um aviso sobe - um tal de ficheiro - "MOM. Implementation" que não foi encontrado. Bom, a princípio, não tenho muitas funcionalidades afetadas no que diz respeito ao word etc. Entretanto, noto uma certa lentidão em algum vídeos e a páginas de jogos não abre.

Alguém tem alguma ideia do que se trata e como posso resolver?

Muito obrigada desde já!

Mariana Rosa.    


Isso é um erro das drivers ATI, quando nao conseguem encontrar um ficheiro no Net Framework, assista ao video e veja se resolve o problema:

Esse problema é descrito no suporte da AMD/ATI, está em Inglês mas se quiser pode usar o tradutor do Google para perceber melhor.

How to troubleshoot a MOM.implementation or CLI.implementation error message that occurs during installation or operation of the AMD Catalyst™ software

Article Number: GPU-26494

This article provides troubleshooting steps to help identify and resolve factors that can cause a "MOM.implementation” or “CCC.implementation" error and to ensure successful installation and operation of AMD Catalyst software.

Issue Description:
A MOM.implementation or CCC.implementation error message appears during installation or operation of the AMD Catalyst™ software. The error message states:

  • Could not load file or assembly 'CLI.Implementation, Version 2.0.3595.17816, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified​

The following troubleshooting steps can help identify and resolve various factors that can cause the issue.  Note! If you do not feel comfortable performing any of the steps provided in these instructions, you should have your system checked by an expert.

  • The error can occur when the Microsoft's .Net Framework, software used by the AMD Catalyst Software during installation, is unable to locate a required file for installation or operation. Refer to Microsoft's Fuslogvw.exe article for details. To resolve the issue:
    1. Ensure that the operating system has the latest Microsoft .Net Framework files. Refer to Microsoft's .net Framework page for information on how to obtain and install the files.
    2. Once the .Net Framework files have been updated, try installing the AMD Catalyst software
    3. If the error reoccurs, a clean install of the .Net Framework and AMD Catalyst Software should be performed.
      1. Uninstall all versions of the Microsoft .net Framework

        The following third party utility may be helpful in the uninstall of .Net Framework: Aaron Stebner's Automated cleanup tool to remove the .NET Framework
        Note! The third party utility is provided as is and is not supported by AMD. It has not completed any AMD testing, and is only recommended for users experiencing the particular issue

      2. Once sure that the old .Net Framework files have been uninstalled. Perform a clean install of the .Net Framework. Refer to Microsoft's .net Framework page for information on how to obtain and install the files
      3. Perform a clean install of the AMD Catalyst software
        1. Uninstall any AMD Catalyst files that may exist on the system. Refer to GPU-57 for information on how to uninstall the files
        2. Use the AMD Driver Autodetect Utility to download the latest driver for your graphics card

          Note! If the AMD Driver Autodetect Utility is unable to find your product or operating system:
          A manual download may be required. Refer to Article GPU-56 for more information on how to manually find the latest drivers for your graphics card​​

        3. Perform a clean reinstallation of the AMD Catalyst Driver Suite. Refer to the following articles for instructions:
          1. Article GPU-57: ​How-To Uninstall Pre-Existing AMD Catalyst™ Drivers From A Windows® Based System
          2. Article G​PU-507:​ ​How-To Install AMD Catalyst™ Drivers For A Windows® Based System
  • Verify that the graphics card's requirements are met by the system. Some examples of requirements that must be met are the bus type on the motherboard, the size of system memory and the wattage of the power supply
    1. Refer to AMD's Products and Technologies page, the graphics card's manual or contact the manufacturer to determine the system requirements of the graphics card
    2. Refer to Article GPU-104 for instructions on how to determine if the PSU is inadequate or defective.

      Note! The PSU must have the proper connections. If the graphics card requires a 4-pin, 6-pin or 8-pin connection, the PSU must have the same type of connection. Avoid the use of any power connections adapters.

    3. The motherboard's BIOS version may not support the graphics card, which can be caused by installing a graphics card onto a motherboard that was released several months prior to the release of the graphics card. An outdated BIOS can prevent the motherboard from correctly identifying the graphics card or providing it with the proper power requirements.
      1. Check the motherboard manufacturer's website or contact the manufacturer to ensure the current BIOS supports the graphics card or to determine if there is a BIOS update that will

        Note! Only use BIOS releases that have passed full testing. A beta release can cause additional problems

      2. If the motherboard does not have a BIOS version that supports the graphics card, the graphics card may not function properly. AMD's Certified Motherboard page provides a list of motherboard tested and certified to be compatible with AMD based graphics cards

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