Nvidia Dynamic Super Resolution not working since Windows 10 update 1709

Nvidia Dynamic Super Resolution not working since Windows 10 update 1709. When I try to launch Borderlands 2(dx9) Steam gives the error "Failed to create the D3D9 Device! this can happen if the desktop is locked Exiting". And when I launch Dota 2(dx11) with 4k DSR I only see quarter of the screen. All drivers and Windows updated. Very sure that this started happening after the Windows update. Any way to fix this?


The error message you received means that the color profile for your monitor has been reset or corrupted. It is also possible that there are drivers that needs an update. Since you're able to update all the drivers  on your device, we suggest that you follow the steps below which will help us resolve your concern:

Step 1: Clean boot.
A clean boot is performed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This will help to eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program. Please see this link for the steps.

Step 2: Run the troubleshooter for Windows apps.

Check this link for the app troubleshooter.

3. Reset Windows Update Components.

These are services that Windows Update needs to make sure it's working effectively.

Let us know how it goes after performing the aforementioned solutions. We'd be glad to further assist you.

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When doing step 3-3 there weren't qmgr*.dat files in my computer and when doing 3-6 I got errors on most of the commands, not found or gave the error code 0x80004005. Computer is working didn't break it but the issue still persists. I forgot to mention that I only get the "Failed to create the D3D9 Device!" when I try to run the game in higher resolutions than my native monitor. Which wasn't an issue before the 1709 update. I also found out that apart from games I can't increase the desktop resolution from the Nvidia control panel either. I press apply and it doesn't go above 1080p.

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- Laptop or desktop machine ? Which Nvidia gpu ?

It looks like the update may have corrupted something. If a Windows sysetm file has been corrupted System File Checker may sort it out.

SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker - Windows 7 Forums

- The 1709 update has caused graphics driver issues for many Win10 Users. More so for those who's machines never had a dedicated

Win10 made available for their aging hardware, but 1709 is also the first 'feature' update that has overridden the Show/hide tool and

installed an Nvidia driver on my machine, which was older than the one I had in use before the update.

(I always update my gpu drivers after each feature update as a matter of course anyway).

- When you say all drivers are updated... Manually uninstalled and reinstalled, or via GeForec Experience auto update

(Windows Updates or Device Manager are not recommended for gaming machines) ?

Are you using the 390.60 Nvidia driver  ? This also has some tweaks that are supposed to help prevent MS's Meltdown/Spectre

patch from causing performance loss (I see they have a newer one 390.77 now too).

NVIDIA Driver Downloads - Advanced Search

I'm not having any problem with DSR  on 1709, other than those few games that tend to crash when using a DSR res anyway.

Some general observations that may apply to your issue.

- I'm not on my 3D monitor atm, but believe DSR may conflict with Nvidia 3D Vision if 3D Vision is enabled ?

- If you set a DSR resolution in a game and disable DSR in Control Panel some games will crash while loading when the DSR res

is no longer available (rather than resetting to the minimum res, as any clear thinking game would do ;) ).
My notes show this results in a D3DERR INVALIDCALL  but this may be only one option Win10 may display for this issue.

- 1709 also made some changes to how Win10 implements screen scaling, which has changed with previous updates as well.

While Windows had taken over control of screen scaling with earlier versions, MS has returned screen scaling to the graphics drivers

in 1703 (or was it not until 1709 ? ).

- This brings us back to the 'old' days when the User could choose a screen scaling option in Nvidia Control Panel to suit their needs.

eg - CS-GO players who like to force wide screen, which could not be done with earlier iterations of Win10 because it only

allowed resolutions that are native to 4:3 aspect ration to run with black bars on the sides, can now force wide screen with

a low resolution again.

- 1709 also causes some old games not to fit the screen correctly (off to the right and down) if you don't use the Compatibility option

Override High DPI Scaling Behavior .

This option was also required prior to 1511, but was not necessary after 1703 (or was it 1607 ?)

(Note that Win10 1709 will often force this setting on games that don't really need it, but tends to miss some that do ).


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Desktop GTX 970, did the SFC returned with "Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.". I was expecting it to find broken stuff tbh.

Updated through Geforce Experience but I installed it twice to be sure (GFExp has an option to reinstall). Using 390.77.

Don't have a 3d monitor, just a regular 1080p 60hz monitor. DSR is enabled. I found that different things react differently, Borderlands doesn't open at all, Dota only shows quarter of screen and Desktop resolution doesn't change at all either.

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I was forgetting that you don't need a 3D monitor to enable 3D Vision in Nvidia Control Panel, but just checked and found

it does not affect DSR anyway ( G-sync is the option that gets disabled when Stereoscopic 3D gets enabled )

Have you played with the three scaling options in - Nvidia Control Panel > Adjust Desktop Size and Position (scaling performed on gpu)

to see if that helps get Dota to run full screen ( I assume clicking Alt/Enter to maximise doesn't help) ?

- The driver may not be the problem, but I don't know what else would cause DSR to not work (except in those situations where is

does not normally work), but to really be sure the driver well installed, do it the old fashion way.

Download the package from Nvidia. Uninstall the drivers via Programs and Features, and with Win10, disable your internet before you

reboot to install the new driver.

As a safety measure don't install the components you don't use, such as  Nvidia HD Audio (only if you use HDMI for audio),

or Nvidia 3D Vision drivers. I would also leave out the Experience, at least while troubleshooting.

- Using Display Driver Uninstaller or Driver Fusion (with care) can also help if a driver install has been corrupted.

These software delete files and Registry keys left behind by normal uninstall via P&F.

(the free version may still leave a couple, but they shouldn't matter)

Display Driver Uninstaller Download version 

Treexy | Download free driver and device software


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So I also found out that apart from only seeing the quarter of it Dota is also constantly flashing black (forgot about this detail), I believe it was trying to make it work but it wasn't working. When I perform scaling on GPU it gives me the ability to minimize and shut down Dota which I couldn't with the other setting. I am quiet sure that something is blocking my desktop from changing resolution above native. Works if I go below native. Is there a way to get more help from Windows support?

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Alright I fixed it, apparently you have to disable and enable DSR again and restart your computer to make it work. The reason I wasnt getting any answers on Google was because other subjects who had DSR broken after fall creators update didn't have the resolution options show for them when it did for me. Thanks a lot for trying to help.

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"apparently you have to disable and enable DSR again and restart your computer to make it work."

Ah ha ! Now why didn't I think of that ?     . 

Once set you should be able to enable/disable at will from here on. Just shows how Windows errors tend to mislead.

[EDIT: I've since discovered what may have been the issue with Dota.

COD has an option for 1600x1200 (non DSR), which works on my 27" screen because it has a 1440 height, but on my  24" 1920x1080

screen if I use 1600x1200 the game runs on the left side of the monitor (about two thirds of the screen).

Both monitors have the game running on the left side if I use the next DSR res offered in the game - 2048x1536.

With this res I reckon the reason the game runs on the left side of the screen is 2048x1536 is an dual screen 8:3 aspect ratio.

So, I guess it may be a good thing the game displays this way when the res doesn't suit the monitor rather than crashing

to desktop or black screening with an 'out of scanning range', or similar error. ]


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Last updated February 8, 2024 Views 5,329 Applies to: