Beste Joni,
Wat bedoel je precies met "de drivers geupdate" ? Over welke drivers heb je het dan precies ?
Even op een rijtje wat ik gedaan heb :
- Cleane install van Windows 7 professional
- Geen extra software geïnstalleerd, geen drivers, niets
- Windows update zijn werk laten doen
- Na een aantal updates foutmelding gekregen, niets meer aan te doen.
Ik heb even de error logs opgezocht (sorry, geen screenshot).
{65097E23-725A-49CC-BD30-8015EF9F1E2A} 2016-03-29 23:04:06:861+0200 1 162 101 {61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{A3505589-F948-4090-9553-C278C607604E} 2016-03-29 23:04:06:877+0200 1 201 101 {E2FF4526-97D7-4926-8E75-295DBA39C6BF} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation pending.
{A384BB6E-3B39-4D7C-A190-6263A82B7407} 2016-03-29 23:04:16:705+0200 1 190 101 {174EAAC7-5A3D-448F-BE6F-D6FE450E1DCF} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update ActiveX
{7AD9FF4F-7671-4812-873A-B048295409BE} 2016-03-29 23:04:16:705+0200 1 190 101 {0011B9ED-9189-4D58-BE25-FA2F13FC3D6C} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update Aux
{BECC190D-9FA3-467E-972F-D3445B04BB69} 2016-03-29 23:04:16:705+0200 1 190 101 {E2FF4526-97D7-4926-8E75-295DBA39C6BF} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update Core
{783FD3D5-B6D9-4BAA-8468-7DEF080337F8} 2016-03-29 23:05:44:346+0200 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 21 updates.
{68AA7035-22B5-4879-B644-F82F0B2D90EB} 2016-03-29 23:11:24:577+0200 1 162 101 {544C8F6E-B2B5-4AE6-8401-F96596C4575D} 201 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{29C1102E-B083-4062-8AD7-8068AB4A3AD6} 2016-03-29 23:11:24:608+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3004469: Update voor Windows 7
{72018230-B2B8-4535-9072-A8854F6D4B68} 2016-03-29 23:11:30:021+0200 1 162 101 {0C56AF28-4B66-477A-8902-60FA9CF33562} 202 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{4611DEB3-10FD-41B0-8E3B-988AA56A8CF6} 2016-03-29 23:11:30:053+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor Windows 7
{327DC1B1-8046-42A6-8E4B-E5C3123CB314} 2016-03-29 23:11:30:287+0200 1 162 101 {D0902677-4BFE-4C47-AAE1-60FD165C5ECA} 200 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{6BE3EE0F-89DF-433F-B3F6-59799C853089} 2016-03-29 23:11:30:318+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7
{77DDB24E-E5A0-4931-B141-12E60BA04CDE} 2016-03-29 23:11:31:581+0200 1 162 101 {DD971BA6-1FB9-4A75-9016-27209AF98260} 101 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{700B8620-4325-4C1D-A972-FC7CFC3C181F} 2016-03-29 23:11:31:597+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate voor Windows 7
{3B70945A-DEEF-458D-B685-A70768F6655E} 2016-03-29 23:11:32:049+0200 1 162 101 {456197CA-06FF-4BCF-AEAE-C5183E3AE72F} 110 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{35EE7511-65EA-4E3C-A224-5E0FE68A8821} 2016-03-29 23:11:32:081+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate voor Windows 7 - Windows 7 Service
Pack 1 (KB976932)
{5E9D74E9-AE88-479A-A024-A8E07A3F9E4B} 2016-03-29 23:11:32:283+0200 1 162 101 {1279F61F-D754-4550-B60D-214E229B4FBD} 201 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{111091C2-9FF1-4C74-A977-2EB2725A52ED} 2016-03-29 23:11:32:283+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3015428: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Windows 7 - Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932)
{5DA23BAB-EA59-4BC2-BA29-16E9377C8B6D} 2016-03-29 23:11:44:202+0200 1 162 101 {A21E9926-FC73-41A2-A932-2FBE6E7F986D} 200 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{08EEC63B-3C27-4DEF-8C9F-454828DF63D6} 2016-03-29 23:11:44:202+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3015428: Update voor Windows 7 - Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor
Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate voor Windows 7 - Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932)
{5F100D70-3E7F-4792-BFF6-9DDAE9D3E254} 2016-03-29 23:11:52:813+0200 1 162 101 {90D43C78-067A-4EE4-A62F-3E7CC8D3DF2D} 200 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{FB1341B0-9BD7-488D-A9AC-AE4643FC0CEA} 2016-03-29 23:11:52:813+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB3015428: Update voor Windows 7 - Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update voor
Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7 - KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate voor Windows 7 - Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932)
{BB98711E-F01D-4B7B-AE74-154E9DD01102} 2016-03-29 23:11:59:084+0200 1 162 101 {AE66A9AB-7B20-49C0-BC56-B2BB241E70E4} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{8C578D6B-CE5E-44D6-A12A-C5D5FD342101} 2016-03-29 23:11:59:084+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB982670: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile voor Windows 7 x86
{562C6369-4240-488D-8061-0EB201E96DCE} 2016-03-29 23:12:02:922+0200 1 183 101 {1279F61F-D754-4550-B60D-214E229B4FBD} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB3015428: Update
voor Windows 7
{A58FC9C0-C6EE-4733-BDD3-D0E9077CB1DE} 2016-03-29 23:12:08:709+0200 1 183 101 {A21E9926-FC73-41A2-A932-2FBE6E7F986D} 200 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Definition Update
for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition
{A5873939-62C6-4138-8643-C92B21950249} 2016-03-29 23:13:09:971+0200 1 183 101 {90D43C78-067A-4EE4-A62F-3E7CC8D3DF2D} 200 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB890830: Windows-programma
voor het verwijderen van schadelijke software - maart 2016
{1FAD101A-8541-4565-A391-D0F9EDF3ED8B} 2016-03-29 23:13:12:623+0200 1 193 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted.
Until this computer has been restarted, Windows cannot search for or download new updates: - KB3015428: Update voor Windows 7 - Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition - KB3046480: Update voor Windows 7 - KB3004469: Update
voor Windows 7 - KB2998812: Update voor Windows 7 - KB890830: Windows-programma voor het verwijderen van schadelijke software - maart 2016 - KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate voor Windows 7 - Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932)
{5DD1F510-2B7E-46CE-9095-463CF6EF11C6} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:925+0200 1 183 101 {456197CA-06FF-4BCF-AEAE-C5183E3AE72F} 110 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows 7 Service
Pack 1 (KB976932)
{F88F69C2-D909-4498-89B2-E5FEED10377D} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:925+0200 1 183 101 {DD971BA6-1FB9-4A75-9016-27209AF98260} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2425227: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Windows 7
{CF4DAB57-7692-4DFC-A391-C5FD3CA61F92} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:925+0200 1 183 101 {D0902677-4BFE-4C47-AAE1-60FD165C5ECA} 200 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2998812: Update
voor Windows 7
{40422630-5F0C-4604-8DBB-19DA43B655A5} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:941+0200 1 183 101 {544C8F6E-B2B5-4AE6-8401-F96596C4575D} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB3004469: Update
voor Windows 7
{14804EA5-1690-4782-8F22-994ADE7ACB08} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:941+0200 1 183 101 {0C56AF28-4B66-477A-8902-60FA9CF33562} 202 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB3046480: Update
voor Windows 7
{355060E4-03A6-4865-B8C2-758E7BA7A796} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:987+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on woensdag 30 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB982670: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile voor Windows 7 x86
{362B803A-6FF4-4D71-8960-DC589D9C3BD6} 2016-03-29 23:16:49:987+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{C4880210-C9A5-44C0-9721-6D8782549955} 2016-03-29 22:21:56:247+0200 1 193 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted.
Until this computer has been restarted, Windows cannot search for or download new updates: - KB982670: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile voor Windows 7 x86
{2437BD41-4309-4965-8134-1F62BAF6354A} 2016-03-29 22:24:13:484+0200 1 197 101 {AE66A9AB-7B20-49C0-BC56-B2BB241E70E4} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB982670: Microsoft
.NET Framework 4 Client Profile voor Windows 7 x86
{6B17CD84-0586-404D-B3D9-D219B79715EA} 2016-03-29 22:24:13:515+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{EDC73BB5-9930-44D8-9530-B312D36E98F7} 2016-03-29 22:31:13:282+0200 1 162 101 {6AEAD438-7363-49DA-AADF-1763E1D9526D} 200 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{3E493F9F-5CB6-481C-A78C-AA13D468F84D} 2016-03-29 22:32:21:751+0200 1 184 101 {6AEAD438-7363-49DA-AADF-1763E1D9526D} 200 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation successful and restart required for the following update: nVidia - Graphics Adapter
WDDM1.1, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.2, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.3, Other hardware - NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
{DAB971F2-491F-4B08-AC19-72CC33357C3B} 2016-03-29 22:32:21:751+0200 1 193 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted.
Until this computer has been restarted, Windows cannot search for or download new updates: - nVidia - Graphics Adapter WDDM1.1, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.2, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.3, Other hardware - NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
{CB385F5C-1E2A-4CD4-AE45-2F11A66CEDD0} 2016-03-29 22:35:36:347+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{91BDBA35-0BD3-4C01-8828-825CC5DCC7CF} 2016-03-30 18:16:20:308+0200 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 21 updates.
{517B08CF-1EF3-4D4B-A17C-BC1EB3E52FB9} 2016-03-30 18:16:39:075+0200 1 162 101 {0AA3CF0A-2269-4356-AD99-0E3CA8EB439F} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{0F85894C-2138-4401-A580-3EB72BFA0780} 2016-03-30 18:16:39:090+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{A1E1F7A7-E6C0-4A64-808B-2F73C2F6BA25} 2016-03-30 18:16:48:013+0200 1 162 101 {3ABE760C-4578-4C84-A1CB-BF1DF019EFE4} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{0484C4F4-13B0-409B-B751-97C92BB023CE} 2016-03-30 18:16:48:013+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{047A6B59-9CA8-4E69-B452-1C6806547A25} 2016-03-30 18:16:51:180+0200 1 162 101 {98C62B24-A3DD-4843-AD1A-E08D95624F00} 104 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{1CCFB4ED-E79A-4E54-BFA5-A2B6A305E927} 2016-03-30 18:16:51:180+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86
{178FB34D-4424-4A58-893A-E730720CC03B} 2016-03-30 18:16:59:994+0200 1 162 101 {596ADB47-108D-482D-85BA-A513621434B7} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{796E3F9D-09EA-4BE6-812F-751662FA4237} 2016-03-30 18:17:00:010+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{A0873B7E-DD05-4510-BD7D-CC310BB9FC62} 2016-03-30 18:17:10:758+0200 1 162 101 {AFDD5D5E-2CC2-4A6A-A44F-E45A275702F5} 104 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{B1291926-3275-44A1-96D4-51DDBFEAE1FC} 2016-03-30 18:17:10:758+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{137BDFEA-65E0-4299-8FCB-8C04E76A65E4} 2016-03-30 18:17:16:296+0200 1 162 101 {97E091C7-35EB-4DA0-9346-E6F33115C8ED} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{266456EE-030E-46A5-98F6-3089D8A7EE08} 2016-03-30 18:17:16:296+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{E4E7A5E8-2C0B-469C-9078-6848CE3207A2} 2016-03-30 18:17:22:817+0200 1 162 101 {0B92ACCC-057D-408A-8E6E-0867F21F015F} 202 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{FA3728AC-816A-4AFE-BD27-A0A29BB7A948} 2016-03-30 18:17:22:817+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2729449: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET
Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vi
{662AAE34-E8B2-4FC1-AC35-15CC6AEB4DE8} 2016-03-30 18:17:28:339+0200 1 162 101 {FC5608E4-A70D-4344-B358-2847F4A57434} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{904406B1-B3A2-4431-AE81-55B39800E8FC} 2016-03-30 18:17:28:339+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2729449: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET
Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vi
{7E01964A-BC9A-40AF-9A36-6BC099EC7201} 2016-03-30 18:17:36:873+0200 1 162 101 {7079BEEB-6120-4AFD-AD07-FB4DFA284FBE} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{6E4D3531-F2B1-4338-8C81-0659927F1712} 2016-03-30 18:17:36:873+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2729449: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET
Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vi
{51B9B142-47A6-4C1D-90F4-4AE4D4EF4D16} 2016-03-30 18:23:18:586+0200 1 162 101 {456197CA-06FF-4BCF-AEAE-C5183E3AE72F} 110 0 AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{0F0E59E6-0201-483E-8ADD-4FDD33CD41A6} 2016-03-30 18:23:18:602+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer
is currently scheduled to install these updates on donderdag 31 maart 2016 at 3:00: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932) - KB2729449: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windo
{17F4BFB0-1F45-4DAC-9655-519C8FA09E7F} 2016-03-30 18:24:05:355+0200 1 183 101 {0AA3CF0A-2269-4356-AD99-0E3CA8EB439F} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{DC914761-BF2F-4677-BCE0-2F1985D142DF} 2016-03-30 18:25:46:412+0200 1 184 101 {3ABE760C-4578-4C84-A1CB-BF1DF019EFE4} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation successful and restart required for the following update: KB2533523: Update voor
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{8308BBEB-5B1D-4193-B873-DC673AC5F7A0} 2016-03-30 18:26:11:029+0200 1 183 101 {98C62B24-A3DD-4843-AD1A-E08D95624F00} 104 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{7DDB30F0-1834-4488-A40F-CF647EEAA712} 2016-03-30 18:27:32:321+0200 1 183 101 {596ADB47-108D-482D-85BA-A513621434B7} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2468871: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{074DBF8C-2313-4807-8822-3D07A49E6E12} 2016-03-30 18:28:42:178+0200 1 183 101 {AFDD5D5E-2CC2-4A6A-A44F-E45A275702F5} 104 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{C695391C-A0E3-4A44-9CC7-DA44F6EF6B4B} 2016-03-30 18:29:51:317+0200 1 183 101 {97E091C7-35EB-4DA0-9346-E6F33115C8ED} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{A245EF8E-5C4D-4D94-8801-0F0AE964D766} 2016-03-30 18:33:38:386+0200 1 183 101 {0B92ACCC-057D-408A-8E6E-0867F21F015F} 202 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2729449: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{D72FC87D-093E-4932-82B1-794FD305C568} 2016-03-30 18:34:32:520+0200 1 183 101 {FC5608E4-A70D-4344-B358-2847F4A57434} 201 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2737019: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{486FFA0A-CC67-4076-97A9-6D083037264E} 2016-03-30 18:35:02:073+0200 1 183 101 {7079BEEB-6120-4AFD-AD07-FB4DFA284FBE} 100 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: KB2600217: Update
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86
{0D671062-638F-49DA-AC21-6B4909B593FA} 2016-03-30 18:35:02:073+0200 1 193 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted.
Until this computer has been restarted, Windows cannot search for or download new updates: - KB2789642: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2533523:
Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2656351: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows
Server 2008 x86 - KB2468871: Update voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2604121: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - KB2742595: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 x86 - Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932) - KB2729449: Beveiligingsupdate
voor Microsoft .NET Framework 4 op Windo
{E50C6C7A-B055-49BF-A404-DA1A124DEB72} 2016-03-30 18:40:51:948+0200 1 183 101 {456197CA-06FF-4BCF-AEAE-C5183E3AE72F} 110 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows 7 Service
Pack 1 (KB976932)
{6DDC333B-7E14-4D21-BBF6-DDDC06FEE85D} 2016-03-30 18:40:51:964+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{EBC7509D-E775-4A93-994E-3214D000A72C} 2016-04-05 19:43:28:453+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{E41A35B8-F17C-4BD8-9DD4-57A1D3586BDE} 2016-04-05 19:43:48:966+0200 1 162 101 {61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Download Download succeeded.
{8CEDAB35-33F0-42F8-BAEB-176D7D9F91B9} 2016-04-05 19:43:48:982+0200 1 201 101 {E2FF4526-97D7-4926-8E75-295DBA39C6BF} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation pending.
{D7BF5617-0FA0-4146-B2D3-0C62314BB254} 2016-04-05 19:43:59:777+0200 1 190 101 {174EAAC7-5A3D-448F-BE6F-D6FE450E1DCF} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update ActiveX
{6DC83C5E-9315-46D0-BB75-50D5ACDE4126} 2016-04-05 19:43:59:777+0200 1 190 101 {E2FF4526-97D7-4926-8E75-295DBA39C6BF} 1 0 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update Core
{EDE8BC3C-B108-4361-8CE6-87C3247EC15A} 2016-04-05 19:46:46:369+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{A2C69496-FE48-4389-B401-12B7707CE76D} 2016-04-05 19:51:33:647+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 c80003f3 AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0xc80003f3.
{E69A7B02-EB12-40DD-85C9-E8635F1194A0} 2016-04-05 19:51:37:266+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{9BC2C16E-7C06-42F7-A0A8-CDD9D74F2EB1} 2016-04-05 19:51:49:200+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{5F99C7B8-A636-4C26-8B13-7822B4ACF121} 2016-04-05 19:51:52:835+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{2282B0EB-8FA5-4A6F-96B6-16015198A6A8} 2016-04-05 19:51:56:688+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{63586C72-6B2A-4606-837A-649DE43A5A85} 2016-04-05 19:52:00:650+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{F7A0BBA4-192C-4F5C-A5DC-317A6E2AF738} 2016-04-05 19:52:04:270+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{7E1FBDC4-D28B-4D77-9E20-D0E70542223E} 2016-04-05 19:52:08:014+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{41863A88-2D82-45B9-972C-707225756478} 2016-04-05 19:52:11:539+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{6BD1C5CD-2BEE-422F-9C9B-B6E0C693DB0D} 2016-04-05 19:52:15:018+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{A2FF2450-087A-406B-95BF-B2DE18F1F396} 2016-04-05 19:52:18:512+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{095E4FE6-233D-414B-B8E0-AE552AF2DDFB} 2016-04-05 19:52:37:794+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{864CF827-5F91-4BDE-BD98-70D964945B52} 2016-04-05 19:52:41:444+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{7C18B3B5-D255-4106-89D9-C4769443AE4C} 2016-04-05 19:52:45:095+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{138CEDAC-445A-4625-84E1-E20F63D02D3A} 2016-04-05 19:52:48:683+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{7827E4F2-612C-4222-9374-372098491748} 2016-04-05 19:52:52:177+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{53F6614D-C3A5-447B-B41C-DAEB5CC993DA} 2016-04-05 19:52:55:687+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{0F85ACB7-5E04-46C5-8214-74EBA1227EA4} 2016-04-05 19:53:06:202+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{59943794-61FC-4F8C-AB10-02FC4108433A} 2016-04-05 19:53:09:758+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{B344884A-EFE3-4E66-A7B8-382D7EAFD5FB} 2016-04-05 19:53:13:191+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{7FE368EE-1BA4-4C14-8F1F-BFD4C40A039F} 2016-04-05 19:53:16:872+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{58133F8E-E10A-411C-AB8C-79CAE38B527D} 2016-04-05 19:53:20:616+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{CE677F27-C11A-4938-A21A-C35D5869D9E1} 2016-04-05 19:53:24:267+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{CD79E4D8-6B24-42D3-A53B-E174578AD952} 2016-04-05 19:53:27:652+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{4D884F93-DBC0-49F3-8601-88E242718270} 2016-04-05 19:53:31:084+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{95FA5D35-A046-414F-A151-BFAD477FA3C1} 2016-04-05 19:53:35:155+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{D65DF940-36AA-425B-98FF-5D043CA7CA68} 2016-04-05 19:53:38:650+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{B5917028-796B-4C96-8392-D4630C85A3C7} 2016-04-05 19:56:00:719+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{05BDF75A-A883-446A-B62D-1A24DF26F49B} 2016-04-05 19:56:22:684+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{DE9A53E7-A2D8-43AB-B2FD-0227333C3BCF} 2016-04-05 19:56:44:056+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{43C7C808-0855-4C22-AB21-82925172BEC3} 2016-04-05 19:57:05:381+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{795325B6-8A03-4548-A3FC-2F7B9541ED85} 2016-04-05 19:57:32:089+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{EC07CF3F-016D-4C6F-A77B-36106721B598} 2016-04-05 19:57:53:180+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{2D2C87B1-E92D-40F3-A63D-88A901AAE563} 2016-04-05 19:58:23:054+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{EE6049A8-F1C9-4C82-ABC5-8BA31418384C} 2016-04-06 17:02:30:449+0200 1 199 101 {0011B9ED-9189-4D58-BE25-FA2F13FC3D6C} 1 240005 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation successful and restart required for the following update: Windows Update Aux
{71F27AC7-9302-487F-9DCC-C2F6BDA8B17F} 2016-04-06 17:03:14:581+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{45C76FB7-5550-420B-A3E5-08E5B796D609} 2016-04-06 17:35:56:964+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{FE1F87EC-2A00-4024-B228-0ADA1857F890} 2016-04-06 18:34:30:826+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{44174D7E-A4FD-4279-B10D-871CD8987C9D} 2016-04-06 18:35:08:859+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{C06E4C9F-4D50-4866-A165-CED2D05282FD} 2016-04-06 18:45:42:160+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{7F604B01-A203-495D-A1DA-7E374AD259BE} 2016-04-06 20:23:53:355+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{8B839478-EFBB-42ED-ACF1-E6397A48E453} 2016-04-07 08:33:36:572+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{C7427465-C923-4794-AF0F-E371A54B38BD} 2016-04-07 08:50:26:329+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{F2C6BD5C-0B48-4BCE-89B8-6349020B5B7E} 2016-04-07 08:56:34:491+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{103F9688-C0E2-498D-A597-08A04870D721} 2016-04-07 08:57:30:801+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{ACE227AB-5DFF-40FD-A7B9-F7D7331BD73E} 2016-04-07 08:59:32:536+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{CEAED286-849D-4FCE-9891-30F1BA30D05F} 2016-04-07 09:00:36:735+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{FDFED13E-33B7-4746-AD2C-1CAA0481870B} 2016-04-07 09:02:47:313+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{F4ED933A-7541-4995-8B05-CED3CC0165A4} 2016-04-07 09:06:28:166+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{4485900A-A21F-4DF2-B2D5-F53EBA80440B} 2016-04-07 09:11:56:341+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{DFEEEC8F-D0BE-4926-B043-5867D84DFD3B} 2016-04-07 19:49:00:244+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{EF3920B0-5EC8-43DD-8713-54B2B976BE53} 2016-04-07 20:27:48:151+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{990DAB97-2200-4057-9720-872482E54818} 2016-04-07 20:54:00:018+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{61384F4E-12EF-4927-B1A1-020BD93BBC41} 2016-04-07 20:57:18:436+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{8DE76328-72D0-4832-9399-B1AA54A1932C} 2016-04-07 21:03:58:421+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
{68DFBABC-48D7-4DD5-839D-019D7D49C0CF} 2016-04-07 21:07:02:577+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{3370F716-D991-47FD-8B14-3E2E18933DAB} 2016-04-07 21:11:56:417+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.
{4ED5ED7C-5849-41D5-B826-2D9A9597D180} 2016-04-07 21:13:25:429+0200 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8007000e AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8007000e.