My Firewall and Microsoft Store on Windows 11 is so broken, 0x8007045B 0x80073D02, no paint or caculator or notepad app, can't install any apps from the store or use winget

Version: 22H2 Build 22621.1105 It was upgraded from Windows 10.

MS Store version: 22212.1401.5.0

Windows Paint and Caculator and notepad has shortcuts in the start menu, however in the Apps->installed app, search them yield no results.

Tring to install Windows Paint in the store, after it finished downloading, it will always fail saying Code: 0x8007045B

Checked Windows Caculator and it is saying update, still stuck on doing update since I last time tried to install it.

The error code here is Code: 0x80073D02

Tried to install a package through winget and it reported error 0x8007045B

Trouble shooting:

Time and date is synced.

Tried to sign out of MS Store and reboot.

Tried to run wsreset.exe, it opens MS Store and I have already signed in again. Here I dont think it is working as supposed, if I have signed out, and do wsreset, should I still have the status of signed out?

Tried to run

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

in PS as admin, error:


Add-AppxPackage : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '\AppXManifest.xml'.

At line:1 char:28

+ ... | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $($_.In ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-AppxPackage], ParameterBindingException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackag


Try to run winget upgrade

Failed in attempting to update the source: winget

Failed when searching source; results will not be included: winget

winget source reset --force

Resetting all sources...Done


Working Fix/Solution :

According to

The cause of the broken firewall (and broken Microsoft Store due to the firewall is broken) is because the value of this specific key is corrupted:


Key DebugedLoopbackApps 

It could be corrupted while in Windows 10 before the upgrade to 11. Or corrupted as 11.

The reason why it is broken is unclear, but it seems upgrade from windows 10 to 11 is a possible cause.

The fix:

to fix this key, a normal user has no permssion to edit this key.

And it seems the normal user can not take ownership of the key either.

The easy solution is to use psexec/psexec64 from system internal suite.

Download that.

Open cmd as admin, run this :

psexec64.exe -s -i cmd.exe then run regedit.exe

or just

psexec64.exe -s -i regedit.exe

Navigate to the key, right click on AppCs folder, select permission,

change SYSTEM user's permission to Full Controll.

Delete the key DebugedLoopbackApps , then recreate it without setting value.

Reboot the system.

Then the firewall should have been back to business.

MS Store should also be happy now.

Your Paint, Caculator, Notepad etc should have also been good for running or install or upgrade.

Things we learnt:

The Windows team for win 10/11 is now only doing damage to the existing system.

The Microsoft Store is so bad. It depends on the firewall to function. And your built in apps depending on the MS Store to function.

In another thought,

DO NOT MOVE YOUR CMD.EXE to Microsoft Store, as doing that might leave no room to fix the issue.

I thought I need a local account password in the process. Tried to set local account password,

Reset your Windows local account password

click that link in the new settings program,

it only opens a search result with

how to set local account password

what a joke are you doing.

And when the user as a PIN as sign in, in the settings program or somewhere it says you shall click PIN sign in issue on the sign in screen to create local account password, but there's just no PIN sign in issue to be clicked on the sign in screen.

The new settings program: super slow and fail a lot.

The PIN sign in part: very confusion and does not work with the old password idea.

Force the user to use live account instead of local password: same as above.

Microsoft Store: Dont like it at all, winget is a great thing though.

Moved paint, caculator, notepad etc to MS Store: not good idea, they wont work when MS Store or firewall is broken..

The MS Store needs to depending on the firewall to functional: Not good idea. .

By the way, in the new settings program, when I click Accounts -sign in options, it usually takes like minutes, several minutes to response. What a thing.

I just want to say I spent five hours with a completely borked W11 upgrade before finding this post. This fixed my problem in it's entirety. I ran across many waylaid travelers that sound like they're having this exact issue and have no idea what's causing it, all of which gave up. This is the only place I found a working fix. I chased the initial problem down through CPU utilization which gave me a hunch to google windows 11 firewall and the 0x errors that randomly pop up on all programs and anything I tried to do. I can only imagine how many people had to do fresh installs from this, as the symptoms are so absolutely random and unrelated. Some people even mentioned that repair installations/reinstalling didn't even fix it.

This is absolutely absurd and I tried literally everything. I'm currently covered in the blood from a goat I sacrificed and have a alter to bill gates... he still didn't reply. Trash firewall that literally went berserk.

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Question Info

Last updated March 8, 2024 Views 3,339 Applies to: