Download Stops at 99%

All most ALL downloads stop at 99% and the error box has "Unable to downloasd" "The operation timed out".

Windows 7

IE 8, 32 bit and 64 Bit

Everything is up to date

Windows update works ok but Games and other program upgrades have the issue.


Best to check in the Answers - Windows 7 Forums.

Answers - Windows 7 Forums

Answers - Forums


See next message for general performance troubleshooting.

Strongly suspect your antivirus/antispyware/security program(s).


Internet Explorer freezes or crashes

Tips for solving problems with Internet Explorer

When you start Internet Explorer, it opens, flashes, and then closes immediately


More troubleshooting methods :

What antivirus/antispyware/security products do you have on machine? Include any you have
EVER had on this machine including those you uninstalled (they leave remnants behind which
can cause strange issues).

If no joy something maybe blocking it.

Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - IE with no Addons - does this work better?

IE - Tools - Internet Options - Advanced Tab - click Restore then click Reset - Apply / OK

IE - Tools - Internet Options - Security Tab -  click reset all zones to default - Apply / OK

Close and restart IE and/or IE with no addons

any better?

IE - Tools - Manage Addons (for sure disable SSV2 if it is there, this is no longer needed but Java
still installs it and it causes issues - you ever update Java go back in and disable it again.) Look for
other possible problems.

Windows Defender - Tools - Software Explorer - look for issues with programs that do not look
right. Permitted are usually OK and "not permitted" are not always bad. If in doubt about a program
ask about it here.

Could be a BHO - SpyBHOremover - Free - standalone program, needs no install, download -
unzip and run - not all are bad however some can cause your issue (Toolbars are BHO's).

How to Change, Add, or Remove Startup Programs in Windows 7

Also get Malwarebytes - free - use as scanner only.


Try these to clear corruption and repair/replace damaged/missing system files.

Run DiskCleanup - Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup

Start - type in Search box -  COMMAND   find at top of list -  RIGHT CLICK  -  RUN AS ADMIN

sfc /scannow

How to Repair Windows 7 System Files with System File Checker

Then run checkdisk (chkdsk).

How to Run Disk Check in Windows 7

Hope this helps.

Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience : Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right.
Rob Brown - past Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider MVP 2016 - 2021
Microsoft MVP Windows and Devices for IT 2009 - 2020

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This is a fairly complete general performance troubleshooter.

References to Vista also apply to Windows 7.

What antivirus/antispyware/security products do you have on machine? Include any you have EVER
had on this machine including those you uninstalled (they leave remnants behind which can cause
strange issues).


Do these :

Try these to clear corruption and repair/replace damaged/missing system files.

Start - type this in Search Box ->  COMMAND   find at top and RIGHT CLICK  -  RUN AS ADMIN

Enter this at the prompt - sfc /scannow

How to Repair Windows 7 System Files with System File Checker

How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program
generates in Windows Vista cbs.log

Also run CheckDisk so we can rule out corruption as much as possible.

How to Run Disk Check in Windows 7


After the above :

How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or
Windows 7

Use Advanced Tools to Troubleshoot Performance Problems in Windows 7

Problems with overall system speed and performance

How to troubleshoot performance issues in Windows Vista

Optimizing Microsoft Windows Vista Performance

To see all that is loading bootup - wait a few minutes without doing anything - then Right Click
TaskBar - Task Manager - take a look at Appplications - Processes - Services - this is a quick
reference (if you have a little box on Lower Left - Show for All Users then check that).

How to Change, Add, or Remove Startup Programs in Windows 7

A quick check to see which are loading is Method 2 there - using MSCONFIG then post a list of
those here.

Tools that should help :

Process Explorer - Free - Find out what files, registry keys and other objects processes have open,
which DLLs they have loaded, and more. This uniquely powerful utility will even show you who owns
each process.

Autoruns - Free - See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots
and you login. Autoruns also shows you the full list of Registry and file locations where applications can
configure auto-start settings.

Process Monitor - Free - Monitor file system, Registry, process, thread and DLL activity in real-time.

There are many excellent free tools at Sysinternals

WhatsInStartUP - Free - This utility displays the list of all applications that are loaded automatically
when Windows starts up. For each application, the following information is displayed: Startup Type (Registry/Startup Folder), Command -Line String, Product Name, File Version, Company Name,
Location in the Registry or file system, and more. It allows you to easily disable or delete unwanted
programs that runs in your Windows startup.

There are many excellent free tools at NirSoft

Window Watcher - Free - Do you know what's running on your computer? Maybe not. The Window
Watcher tells all, reporting every window created by every running program, whether the window
is visible or not.

Many excellent free tools and an excellent newsletter at Karenware


Consider this an absolute must - manually updating your drivers.

Vista and Windows 7 love updated drivers so here is how to update the major ones.

This is my generic how to for proper driver updates :

This utility makes it easy to see which versions are loaded :

DriverView - Free - utility displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system.
For each driver in the list, additional useful information is displayed: load address of the driver,
description, version, product name, company that created the driver, and more.

For Drivers check System Maker as fallbacks and Device Maker's which are the most current.
Control Panel - Device Manager - Display Adapter - write down the make and complete model
of your video adapter - double click - Driver's tab - write down the version info. Now click UPdate
Driver (this may not do anything as MS is far behind certifying drivers) - then Right Click -
Uninstall - REBOOT this will refresh the driver stack.

Repeat that for Network - Network Card (NIC), Wifi, Sound, Mouse and Keyboard if 3rd party
with their own software and drivers and any other major device drivers you have.

Now go to System Maker's site (Dell, HP, Toshiba as examples) (as rollback) and then Device
Maker's site (Realtek, Intel, Nvidia, ATI as examples) and get their latest versions. (Look for
BIOS, Chipset and software updates at System Maker's site while there.)

Download - SAVE - go to where you put them - Right Click - RUN AD ADMIN - REBOOT after
each installation.

Always check in Device Manager - Drivers tab to be sure the version you are installing actually
shows up. This is because some drivers rollback before the latest is installed (sound drivers
particularly do this) so install a driver - reboot - check to be sure it is installed and repeat as

Repeat at Device Makers - BTW at Device Makers DO NOT RUN THEIR SCANNER - check
manually by model.

Manually look at manufacturer's sites for drivers - and Device Maker's sites.

Installing and updating drivers in Windows 7 (updating drivers manually using the methods above
is preferred to ensure the latest drivers from System maker and Device makers are found)

If you update drivers manually then it is a good idea to disable Driver Installations in Windows
Updates, this leaves Windows Updates ON however it will not install drivers which will usually be
older and cause issues. If Updates suggests a new driver then HIDE it (Right Click on it) and then
go look for new ones manually if you wish.

How To Disable Automatic Driver Installation In Windows Vista - Drivers


Refer to these threads for many more excellent tips however be sure to check your antivirus
programs, update major drivers and BIOS, and also troubleshoot with the cleanboot method

Problems with overall system speed and performance

Performance and Maintenance tips

Windows Explorer has stopped working

Hope this helps.

Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience : Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right.
Rob Brown - past Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider MVP 2016 - 2021
Microsoft MVP Windows and Devices for IT 2009 - 2020

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Thanks for all the info.

I paused my ANTI-VIRUS and that resoulved the problem. I did it a few times and that was it, so thanks again

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For some reason the entire message did not display, the list of recommended
antivirus/antispyware/security programs was cut off - it has been fixed.

Consider changing whatever you are using - uninstall it and run the maker's Removal
Tool to stop trouble causing remnants from being left behind.

List of anti-malware program cleanup/uninstall tools


Here is what I use and recommend : (These are all Free versions and very effective.) 

Avast and Prevx have proven extremely reliable and compatible with everything I have
thrown at them. Microsoft Security Essentials and Prevx have also proven to be very
reliable and compatible. Use MSE and Prevx or Avast and Prevx however not all 3.

Avast Home Free - stop any shields you do not need except leave Standard, Web, and
Network running.

Prevx - Home - Free

Windows Firewall

Windows Defender (not needed if using MSE)

IE - Protected Mode

IE 8 - SmartScreen Filter ON  (IE 7 Phishing Filter)

I also have IE to always start with InPrivate Filter active if IE 8.
(You occasionally have to turn it temporarily off with the little Icon on LEFT of the + bottom
right of IE)

Two versions of Avast are available 5.x and 4.8x

Avast 5.x - Home - Free - Stop the Shields you do not use (except File, Web, Network, &
Behavior) - double click the Orange Icon in Notification Area - Real Time Shields - click the
Shield you want to stop - STOP. To stop the Orange Icon from showing an error indicator -
click the Orange Icon - Upper Right - Settings - click Status Bar - uncheck the Shields you
disabled - click OK

Avast 4.8x - Home - Free - stop any shields you do not need except leave Standard, Web,
and Network running. (Double Click Blue icon - details next to OK. - upper left Shields -
Terminate those you do not use.)

Or use Microsoft Security Essentials - Free

Prevx works well along side Avast or MSE

Prevx - Home - Free small, fast, exceptional CLOUD protection, works with other security
programs. This is a scanner only, VERY EFFECTIVE, if it finds something come back here
or use Google to see how to remove.   <-- information  <-- download

PCmag - Prevx - Editor'a Choice,2817,2346862,00.asp

Also get Malwarebytes - free - use as scanner only. If you ever suspect malware, and that
would be unsual with Avast and Prevx running except for an occasional low level cookie
(no big deal), UPDATE it and then run it as a scanner. I have many scanners and they
never find anything of note since I started using this setup.

Hope this helps and Happy Holidays!

Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience : Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right.
Rob Brown - past Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider MVP 2016 - 2021
Microsoft MVP Windows and Devices for IT 2009 - 2020

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Please answer all of the following diagnostic questions by number in your very next reply (no need to quote this post):

1. Did you upgrade to Win7 or is it a new computer?

   • Is my PC running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows?

2. Is it a Win7 64-bit computer?

3. What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your subscription current?  What anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)?  What third-party firewall (if any)?

4. Has a(nother) Norton or a McAfee application ever been installed on the computer?

5. Did a Norton free-trial or a McAfee free-trial come preinstalled on the computer when you bought it? (Doesn't matter if you never used or Activated it.)

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (IE, Mail, Security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ Disclaimer: MS MVPs neither represent nor work for Microsoft
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
Microsoft MVP (Windows Client) since October 2002

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1. New lap top 3 months new.

2. 64- bit

3. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 - Purchased at Best-Buy, they recommended it but I’m not impressed with it, it hangs a lot. Standard Firewall in Windows 7.

4. No references to Norton but there are references to McAfee configuration settings within the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Clean folder. Can’t tell if any of these were ever installed. No Programs.EXE

5. Can’t find any reference to any preinstalled except for the above referances.



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Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 - Purchased at hangs a lot

I thought this smelled like a Geek Squad SNAFU! They're notorious for not properly/fully uninstalling preinstalled anti-virus free-trialware. (And they made a nice buck selling you KAV. Bet they tried to sell you Webroot Antivirus with Spysweeper, too.)

KAV's hanging is most likely caused by these "leftovers," too.

Since the computer's no longer under Warranty, you'll have to fix this yourself...but be sure to tell all your friends & your local Better Business Bureau about your experience at Best Buy.

1a. Download the Norton Removal Tool, saving it to your desktop:

1b. Download the McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool, saving it to your desktop:

2. Close all open applications (i.e., anything with an icon on the taskbar).

3a. Right-click on the file you saved in #1a above and select Run as Administrator to run the utility. Don't TOUCH your keyboard until the run completes, then reboot.

3b. Right-click on the file you saved in #1b above and select Run as Administrator to run the utility. Don't TOUCH your keyboard until the run completes, then reboot again.

4. Reset IE8 Advanced settings per

5. Open IE8 32-bit (only!) to  (ignore APPLIES TO section) & run the Fix It in DEFAULT and then AGGRESSIVE modes. [1]

6. Reboot one last time.

If you have ANY problems installing ANY of the updates being released on 14 Dec-10, please reply to this thread for assistance.

[1] Full Disclosure: Running the Fix It in AGGRESSIVE mode will delete your Update History but not the list of Installed Updates.

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (IE, Mail, Security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ Disclaimer: MS MVPs neither represent nor work for Microsoft
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
Microsoft MVP (Windows Client) since October 2002

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For some reason the entire message did not display, the list of recommended
antivirus/antispyware/security programs was cut off - it has been fixed.


Try creating a new account with your same password (always keep a spare ADMIN
account that is not used on a regular basis to test and fix) and then REBOOT (not
logoff) and logon to it and try the downloads.

If that works you may need migrate to a new profile.

Fix a corrupted user profile

Hope this helps and Happy Holidays!

Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience : Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right.
Rob Brown - past Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider MVP 2016 - 2021
Microsoft MVP Windows and Devices for IT 2009 - 2020

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Question Info

Last updated March 22, 2024 Views 4,734 Applies to: