[WebCast] - Short Video: OneDrive for Business - Recover deleted MySite (Powershell)

Nível técnico : Básico

You want to restore a users MySite, but you cannot access it in the Portal anymore? You can check through Powershell if this is still in the recycle bin and this video will show you exactly how.

For more info to retention and deletion of MySites please read the following KB article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-sg/k...

Video steps:

1. Download and Install Sharepoint Management Shell
2. Then run connect-sposervice -url https://”Domain name”-admin.sharepoint.com -credential admin_account@contoso.onmicrosoft.com
Get-SPODeletedSite -IncludeOnlyPersonalSite | fl - will return all MySites that are in the Recycle Bin of the sitecollection, but are not visible on the Portal
Restore-SPODeletedSite -Identity “URL of the personal site of the user till username”
This above command will restore the OneDrive for Business site
3. Now go to the browser login to the https://portal.office.com with your office 365 credentials and paste the restore users OneDrive link
4. In case you are getting the error access denied, use the below command to set your admin account as secondary owner.
Set-SPOUser -Site “Url of the personal site till user name” -LoginName “login ID of the user who want to be made the secondary admin” -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $true

Now, the restored OneDrive can be accessed by the users MySite URL.

Level 100 – Basic
Language: English
Technology: Sharepoint / onedrive
This video have been delivered by: Manuela Rusu-Hack
Short Video: OneDrive for Business - Recover deleted MySite (Powershell)

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outubro 6, 2021 Última atualização Visualizações 166 Aplicável a: