Unhide games on Xbox One

Hello everyone,

I have an issue with the action of unhidding games I removed from my game list.

I do know the method is LB+RB+X, but when I do that from the 'ready to install' tab, it brings me back to 'installed games' due to the press of the LB button. It's impossible to hit those 3 buttons without being sent to the tab aside.

Is it due to an up-date that broke it? Is there any method now? Am I doing something wrong (even if it has already been this way, so not really my fault)?

Thanks for the help!


Hi, things changed a little, now you press and hold the left thumbstick and press X unless your Xbox is using the skip ahead insider update in which case that doesn't appear to work.

The only way I could get my hidden games to show on the skip ahead update was to go to the installed games section, highlight the first game on my list, press and hold LB then press RB and X together while keeping LB held. That then shows my hidden games. However once I leave that screen the games become hidden again unless I choose to unhide them so then it's a case of doing the same process.

I dropped down to the Alpha update and the left thumbstick and X combo works fine.

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Question Info

Last updated January 25, 2023 Views 10,702 Applies to: