Capcom Say Thanks For Buying "Marvel vs Capom 3"!

By releasing "Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3".


So what's "Capcom" actually Japanese for anyways?  'Electronic Arts'?


Gosh, do I throw my money at this or do I hold off a few months for "Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Arcade Edition"?


Thanks Capcom.


Don'd mind me if I save my money.



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What's "Marvel vs Capom 3"?

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[quote user="Puck Yeah"]

What's "Marvel vs Capom 3"?


A good reason not to point out whats implied by your gamertag.

Any-one familiar with Scott pilgrim vs the World will know what I mean here lol


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I am not familiar with that particular motion picture.

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I've got Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and I won the Shuma Gorath/Jill Valentine pack, so I've no interest in buying another edition of the game. If I do fancy going back online with purchasers of the ultimate edition, no doubt I'll be able to get a DLC pack to enable that function

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[quote user="hobblejp"]

[quote user="Puck Yeah"]

What's "Marvel vs Capom 3"?


A good reason not to point out whats implied by your gamertag.

Any-one familiar with Scott pilgrim vs the World will know what I mean here lol


[/quote]Ice Hockey?


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"Do you know about pac man ..... He was origninally called Puck man, people thought it was because he looked a bit like a hockey puck but it actually comes from the Japanese Pucku Pucku which means to open and closes ones mouth, however for the Us release they changed his name to pac man because they were worried about people vandalising the machines and changing the P to an F"

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marvel vs capcom 3 is more proof that capcom don't always get it right.

capcom fighting jam is another good example

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Yup, there's a lot of hate over the release of what is an updated version of the same game released only 9 months after the original.  I can understand it but at the same time a lot of the haters are the same people that wanted more characters, they got what they wanted.  


Initially I thought that what Capcom were doing was quite lame, however Capcom have said that the game would be "mid-priced"  (I reckon a £29.99 RRP with many retailers discounting so you are more likely to pay £20 - £25 on release) which could suggest that Capcom's cut, after every one else in the supply chain has been paid, could be little more, possibly less than if they went down the DLC route.  For all we know the changes to the gameplay may have made DLC infeasible.  Another consideration is the fact that Street Fighter X Tekken is penned for release in March next year, releasing two cross-over games at the same time would be a bad idea and waiting until next summer/autumn for another major MvC release may be too long.


You can criticise a company for milking a cash cow all you like, it happens because it's a natural business behaviour and a good way to raise investment for new IP's (such as Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Dogma), without this behaviour we would be lucky to be spoiled with the variety of new IP's that we have.  Anyone familiar with the Boston Consulting Group Matrix will understand what I am talking about here.


I think it's best to reserve judgement on this until we know how much it is going to cost us and what we are going to get for our money.

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its not a case of more characters for me its a case of the wrong characters. MVC 2 had such an extensive list of characters you didn't mind the odd pants one here and there

but MVC 3 took out the most used characters and replaced them with new rubbish ones they should have left them in i can't believe they took out ZANGIEF

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^ Well, 8 new characters would cost what? 3200 MS Points? (Based on 400 each). The game will cost around £20 online at launch, and I would rather have a disc based product than DLC, same as SSFIV:AE.

At the end of the day, nobody is being held at gun point and being forced to buy it.

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Last updated January 4, 2022 Views 14 Applies to: