Vertical Taskbar with Multiple Columns - WHERE and HOW???

Windows XP and Vista always supported multiple columns of icons on a vertical taskbar. It's highly efficient on displaying many Quick Launch icons, especially on a 16:9 wide screen. Windows 7 seems to have taken that essential feature, from a user productivity perspective, away from users. WHY??????????????


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The taskbar usually appears at the bottom of the desktop, but you can move it to the sides or top of the desktop.

Before you can move the taskbar, you need to unlock it.

·         Right-click an empty space on the taskbar. If Lock the taskbar has a check mark next to it, the taskbar is locked. You can unlock it by clicking Lock the taskbar, which removes the check mark.

·         Click an empty space on the taskbar, and then hold down the mouse button as you drag the taskbar to one of the four edges of the desktop. When the taskbar is where you want it, release the mouse button.


To lock the taskbar into place, right-click an empty space on the taskbar, and then click Lock the taskbar so that the check mark appears. Locking the taskbar helps prevent it being moved or resized accidentally.

Unlock and move the taskbar

Taskbar: recommended links

Resize the taskbar

Rearrange buttons on the taskbar

Pin a program to the taskbar

Change how buttons appear on the taskbar

What's new with the Windows 7 taskbar?

The new Windows 7 taskbar

Hope this information is helpful. Please let us now if you require further help.


Rehman – Microsoft Support


John Rubdy
Forum Moderator | Microsoft Community

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This answer doesn't address xyn19's question: "Windows XP and Vista always supported multiple columns of icons on a vertical taskbar."

I also use a vertical taskbar and multiple monitors, and have the same question, however this question applies just as well to horizontal taskbars too. None of the videos referenced are irrelevant to this issue.

Although Windows 7 allows toolbars like 'links' or 'desktop' to display in multiple columns (when vertical) or rows (when horizontal) the taskbar itself does not display simultaneously all pinned programs. Instead the user is given a scrollbar to flip through the overflow, even with small icons set on a stretched out taskbar on a huge monitor.

I have created a workaround by using a custom toolbar, but this doesn't have the taskbar functionality and is just a mocked up quicklaunch.

If this still isn't clear take a look at the picture labeled 'C' on this webpage:

Thanks for your attention!

- Windows 7 fan

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On further experimentation I see that this issue does not apply to horizontal taskbars, only to vertical taskbars.

- Windows 7 fan

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How about this...I've been researching for a few days with no luck. It's a mess, but vertical columns can be created if you make a folder, add it as a toolbar, smallsize the icons if you want to. If you have a few, you can drag them to the right and then place them in vertical columns. Maybe someone more creative than me can make it look good, but at least there's possibly a way....


Check out this link for a picture:

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I cleaned it up a bit:


I moved the main taskbar to the right column.

I moved a folder toolbar called Office 2007 with large fonts to the far left top.

I moved a folder toolbar called fun to the bottom and opened it with small icons and text so I could see three common folders I need.

I moved a folder toolbar called Technology to the bottom, and left the quicklaunch arrow there so it opens as you can see.


How does it look?

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Here is the final version. I opened up the taskbar far right so you could see all the elements, but normally it is very tight to the left.

I am using two columns with one as a folder toolbar with transparent spacers for the right column, and a Launcher folder toolbar that is closed at the bottom where I can hit the arrow and open quickly to multiple folders, and the normal taskbar.

The next prob: If you lock the taskbar, the Launcher folder at the bottom opens up. But if you just auto hide it, or leave it unlocked, it stays the way you see it. See it at:

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These boilerplate responses from these moderators are worthless. I wish they would not even reply, or at the very least not checkbox the reply as if it's a solution--which it isn't. 

I know exactly what you're describing, and I hate it as well. The old XP taskbar would collapse into more than one columns when the vertical space filled up.  Now, with the "improved" taskbar, it goes to a new page that you access with a scrollbar.  Not only that, the taskbar shows the second page by default.

Short answer: you can't fix this.  Microsoft removed the feature completely, thinking that collapsing tasks into drop-downs, or using Aero Peek is somehow a usable replacement.  It's not.  You'll no doubt receive many useless responses like "oh, get used to it" or "why would you want that when the new taskbar is so useful!" Obviously, some of these people would be content to use Windows 7 Starter Edition where only three tasks can run at a time.

What did I have to do to tolerate this taskbar?  I had to hack a special theme that allowed me to have shorter tasks so that I could at least fit more than 50 or so tasks on a single column before spawning a horizontal taskbar.  The current themes must have been made for old people or for touch screens so you could press the task with a fat thumb.  The tasks are like 50 pixels tall and you can only fit maybe 20 in a 1200px tall screen. You have to get uxCore to allow custom themes, get a program called VistaStyleBuilder, and then fix the taskbar's vertical margins:

Windows Style Builder:
    Windows 7 -> Taskbar & Tray Notify
            Taskbar Vertical
                TaskItemButton (top-link)
                    ContentMargins:Margins --> 10,10,1,1 (from 7,7, ..)

Replace the aero.msstyles with your new one.

This isn't a solution to your problem, but it is something that'll make the taskbar somewhat more tolerable.

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Yeah, seriously. Why did they remove the multiple column capability of a vertical taskbar? This is essential. Having to scroll to see app icons is inefficient, and you can't notifications.

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The problem is not that you love Windows 7 too little, but that you love Aero too much.

At least some of the problems with vertical taskbars (including re-sizing on events such as Switch User) can be resolved by simply switching to Windows Classic mode.

Windows Classic is squirreled away at the bottom of the personalization window, and the advanced appearance settings are harder to find (under "color" of all things), but formy use case for vertical taskbars, which is to use the desktop toolbaron the taskbar and show three columns of desktop icons at the bottom and my program captions above, Windows Classic mode still works in at least Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Home Premium.

I doubt that every feature mentioned in this thread is still present in the classic taskbar, but it's what I use on every Windows 7 machine (until Microsoft does an overhaul on Aero).

I have also purchased Classic Start Menu to replace other functionality (SevenClassicStart is another one).

Too bad that Microsoft went on a feature removal binge with Windows 7 (and Visual Studio 2010).  At least some of this happened when things were converted from c++ to c#.

Wayne Erfling
Wayne Erfling

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Please have microsoft consider the possibility of adding multiple columns of icons to the (vertically positioned) taskbar!  I like W7 so far except for this feature.  I realize that this would compromise the ability to easily reposition an icon AND drag it a bit to see the recent documents/tasks (which is great): perhaps you can only move it by dragging down or such (and it moves one poistion at a time).  Anyway, a "fix" would be fantastic (please! :))

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Last updated March 13, 2024 Views 16,364 Applies to: