Thank you for your reply.
No, I am not attempting to edit the document in Dropbox.
In both instances, I merely downloaded Word attachments the author sent me. I open the file just to look at it, and then I send it to an editor to edit it. In the first instance, the two editors could open a file that I could not. I had played with it: had
client send to me via Dropbox, and then I switched browsers and ended up getting a .doc version that I could open and see (and could have edited if I'd wanted to).
When this happened a second time, the editor (different editor, different software and hardware than I have as well as different editor from the editors for the first two documents, and also different author, who was also in a different country), that editor
could not open the file. In this second instance, the document, which the editor and I had opened previously, before the author added review comments, could not be opened. I think this was because it now had two sets of comments. I've found that that multiple
reviewers can destabilize a file. That is the author added review comments and left in the editor's comments.
The first document had a lot of tables, which might have made it hard for me to open as a .docx file (which was how it was sent and I can't easily change if I can't open it).
The common denominator seems to be the .docx file for me, but it was not a problem for the first two sets of editors.
In the second case, I asked the author to send a .doc version. After they did that, I I could open it.