Using Selection.Find.Text with Wildcards in Word 2007 VBA

I am writing a macro to search a document for all instances of [TBR-XXX] and [TBD-YYY] ( X's and Y's are numbers, like 001, 002, etc., and yes, the square brackets are part of the item I'm looking for ). Once I find the instances, I put them into a table along with the corresponding section number from whence they came. 


The brackets and the hyphen are throwing me as they are special characters.  I've tried the following ( snippet of code ):


Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="bmStartOfBody"  ' Start at the beginning of the main body section


    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "TB??^#^#^#"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With


My document starts with the word, "The" and of course, the .Text search string above picks up on the capital T and thinks that is the first TBR/TBD item. From there, the whole thing breaks down. 


I've also tried the following for the .Text string:


"[TB??^#^#^#]"    (same result)

"\[TB??^#^#^#\]" (Same result)

"[[]TB??^#^#^#[]]" (Didn't work)


But when I used, "[TBR?^#^#^#]"  I found all the TBR values.


I could simply search for the TBR values and then the TBD values, but I'm just curious about the correct way to do the search using a string with the wildcards in there. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me. Thanks! By the way, I tried using the ^# with the "Find" feature in word with the "Use Wildcards" selected just to see if I could learn anything from the built in feature, but it said it can't use the ^# wildcard in a find using the built in feature. Ugh.



Thanks to all who provided answers. I figured it out after two days of trial and error. Here is my inelegant solution. I am certain there is a better way, but at least this works.


Since the numbers were part of a sequence rather than just three character digits, there was apparently no way to make the Find.Text with wildcards to work. So, here's what did work:


----snipped out of my previous post-------

While .Execute

searchRange.SetRange Start:=searchRange.Start, End:=searchRange.End + 3

strValue = searchRange.Text & searchRange.Fields.Item(1).Result.Text & "]"



------End Snip


This successfully parses the document and finds all the [TBR- and [TBD- values, appends the sequence numbers and the close bracket and places it in the correct column in the table.




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Question Info

Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 6,605 Applies to: