Word 2016/Windows 10 input lag

I'm experiencing terrible lag while typing in Word 2016 - I don't type particularly quickly but Word can't keep up. It's quite frustrating! Any ideas what I can do to resolve this?

Many people had this sort of problem with 2013 was first released. There are several possible fixes.

Office 2013 Slow - Turn Off Skydrive Sync

Perhaps uncheck the “use Office to sync files faster...” setting in SkyDrive.

Reference: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_home-office_install/microsoft-office-document-cache-sync-client/6b011698-e0d8-4cc0-b3c2-674ba2565fc3?page=1

I looked at the Settings of the Skydrive desktop application and I saw that the option “Use Office to sync files faster and work on files...” was checked. I unchecked it and everything went normal, my CPU is now under control and there’s no CSISYNCSLIENT.EXE process in the background... Somehow, this started when I used OneNote via Outlook 2013 for the first time.


What this process does is build a very large cache of indexed Office files on your local drive.  For me, the cache was ~5GB, or about equal to the combined size of my Office files.  That would be fine provided I had extra space available on my SSD, but I don’t.     


I discovered that simply turning off this option does not automatically delete the cache and free the space.  To recover the disc space I closed the SkyDrive application and then deleted everything in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\OfficeFileCache.   Keeping the “Use Office” option turned off has resulted in a much smaller cache. 


MS needs to document the cause/effect of this option so people understand the impact it has on their system.


Slow Word 2013


Sluggish response in my office 2013 Word document editing was due to using the navigation pane only. I use navigation pane often since I typically work on large documents. Once I turned off the navigation pane, response is as expected. No other settings or features caused this poor response in Word 2013 because I tried them all! This “fix” proved to work on all my installs and a colleague’s office 2013 install.



I experienced a similar issue with slow typing speed in Office 365 Word. I edit a substantial number of Word and Excel documents for work and found the SkyDrive storage incredibly beneficial for working remotely.

I realized though that documents which are being edited from Skydrive, not a local copy, experience the slow typing speed issue.

The fix:   From word:  File, Options. Word Options has an advanced tab on the left labeled ‘advanced’. About 3/4 of the way down, a category for ‘Save’ options exists. The default setting has ‘Allow Background Saves’ checked. I uncheck this option and instead check ‘Always create backup copy’ and ‘Copy remotely stored files onto your computer, and update the remote file when saving’.

I assume that if you’re storing the files on Skydrive, or Dropbox, or web, or maybe even some external drive or flash memory this background save could be lagging and result in typing slowness. Either way, I changed the advanced options, and no more problem. Maybe it’ll work for you.

Excel didn’t have the option, and I usually save a local copy anyways due to the working file size.

*I run windows 7 with office 365 and windows surface pro with win 8 and office 365. 4gb memory each.



word 2013 is typing very slowly again


I have had the same problem on many computers and tried every solution I found on the web and nothing worked(registry changes, office settings(save display and more)).  As a test I copied the files from my Onedrive folder to the desktop and everything worked well - typing was as fast as office 2010 - the slow typing was a one drive problem.  Wanting both the benefits of Onedrive and the ability to type without lag I did the following:

1.Created a folder outside of Onedrive call Onedrive-Local.

2 Downloaded MS SyncToy to sync Onedrive-Local to the Onedrive folder which uploads to the cloud.

Now I only work out of the Onedrive-Local folder and things are fast.  The files get synced and I have access to them on the cloud.




I had DisplayFusion installed on my machine. Quitting DisplayFusion immediately resolved my issue.


After quite a bit of experimentation, I found that many of the solutions proposed helped (marginal improvements) with the speed of the text entry in Word (I am using Word 2013 - delivered with Office 365 subscription).

Unfortunately, I thought the issue may be with performance or hardware compatibility related to Windows 10 (I am using a  a preview version of Windows via Bootcamp dual-boot setup on a new Macbook Pro with Office 365 installed). 

In the end, I found that the main problem was change tracking!...I was editing an excerpt of a larger document which had “Track changes” activated. I can only imagine that the tracking of deletions was causing some sort of efficiency issue in the processing.

I have about 80% free RAM and a Quad core i7 system (16Gb of memory of which 80% is free, 100MB reserved for Word, so not a memory usage issue - must just be inefficient code) 

I confirmed the Track Changes setting was main issue by activating all the animation etc (the other fixes proposed). Those factors did not cause the original issue to re-occur.

Interestingly, when my word locks up with this issue, the performance of the remaining applications is relatively unaffected.




Slow Excel 2013 - Rubber band effect, delayed Response time when typing – Disable Animation feature

In Office 2013 MS added a funky new UI feature called “Animation”. It is supposed to “smooth out”, or some such nonsense, cursor movement in the applications. I first noticed it in Excel 2013. I found it so annoying that that “feature” alone was enough to completely turn me off from using the whole Office 2013 bundle. Fortunately, or not (?), I found these fixes.

<snip> Hi, I have exactly the same problem, Excel2013.

Just opened a new spread sheet, typed the nr 1 in cell A1 to A22, took me about 10 seconds.

Took excel 55 seconds to display, looks like slow motion.  </snip>


The article in the first link has a link to another article with a downloadable file that will make the change without you having to edit the registry manually

There’s an easier fix for the “rubber band” animations in Excel - just turn them off

  1. File menu,
  2. Options command
  3. Advanced option
  4. Scroll down to the Display section of the dialog,
  5. Turn ON the box for “Disable hardware graphics acceleration




I have my Control Panel set up to display small icons (meaning I don’t get the big generalized groupings), and here’s the path in that kind of setup (Windows 7):

Press the Windows Button + [Pause/Break] to skip the next 2 steps


        Open the Control Panel

        Choose System

Choose Advanced System Settings in the left hand column of choices on the next dialog

On the [Advanced] tab, click the {Settings...} button in the Performance section

Clear the checkbox next to the “Animate controls and elements inside windows” entry right at the top of the list

Click [OK] and close out all of the dialogs and the Control Panel.

That did it for me instantly without a reboot.



I found an option that can be turned off when you’re typing over cells that have already been saved. Under options > advanced - (allow editing directly in cells) once I turned this off the lag stopped. 


*********** Registry Hacks *********


http://winsupersite.com/article/office-2013-beta2/office-2013-tip-disable-animations-143779- Reg hack


http://www.withinwindows.com/2012/07/21/disabling-animations-in-office-2013/ - Reg hack

Note, you may have to also add the “Graphics” key.


To see the effect of disabling Office 2013 animation, you’ll need to reboot your computer. 

To reverse the effect, change the value of the added DWORD to its default of 0.


Alternate, related solution

I’m using Windows 8, and found a different solution there:

To disable Windows animations (this is secondary IMHO, but may be required):

  • On the metro start screen type Edit,
  • <tab>, <down Arrow> to then move the search results down 1 to “Settings”
  • “Edit system environment variables” is the first thing in second column on my search results, yours may vary
  • double click on it
  • provide the admin password to display the “System Properties” dialog
  • In the “Advanced” tab, Performance section, click on the “Settings...” button to display the “Performance Options” dialog
  • Personally, I prefer to select the “Adjust for Best Performance” option to get rid of the frilly “bells & whistles” that do not contribute to efficiency of my system.
  • At a minimum, confirm that the “Animate controls and elements inside Windows” option is disabled/unchecked.
  • Click on Apply
  • OK out
  • boot the computer

Under options > advanced > turn off  “allow editing directly in cells”

Here is another idea worth looking at :<snip>

I have had this problem also when authoring user guides.


Eventually I found that if I switched off the “Maintain compatibility” check box in the Save As dialog the problem disappeared.

Word may be scanning each element to make sure it maintains compatibility.

See this screen capture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/djupspb2572kd9i/Word%20Slow%20Typing.png



See JL Lanthams reply in this discussion for how to turn off Windows 7 Animation


I have my Control Panel set up to display small icons (meaning I don't get the big generalized groupings), and here's the path in that kind of setup (Windows 7):

Press the Windows Button + [Pause/Break] to skip the next 2 steps


        Open the Control Panel

        Choose System

Choose Advanced System Settings in the left hand column of choices on the next dialog

On the [Advanced] tab, click the {Settings...} button in the Performance section

Clear the checkbox next to the "Animate controls and elements inside windows" entry right at the top of the list

Click [OK] and close out all of the dialogs and the Control Panel.

That did it for me instantly without a reboot.


Turn Off Hardware Animation in Win 8.1



Visio 2013 Slow


Turn off Hardware Acceleration

Visio 2013 x86 was super slow on a Dell Vostro machine running Windows 7 Professional x64. After a series of troubleshooting, I traced the problem to the accelerated graphics. Just disable the it. Here’s how:

  1. File menu,
  2. Options command
  3. Advanced option
  4. Scroll down to the Display section of the dialog,
  5. toggle the check the box for “Disable hardware graphics acceleration

This issue is most noticeably on machine with dual video chip set.


I have found slowness with Visio 2013, and found that turning off Snap to Shape intersections fixed the issue. ( View \ Visual Aids \ Snap & Glue \ Shape Intersections )


UPDATE: I have gained a slight performance boost by disabling the “Animate Controls and Elements inside Windows” option in System Properties > Advanced System Settings > Performance Settings.  Still not quite on par with Visio 2010, but we’re getting there.

NVIDIA video card fix

Visio 2013 VERY slow

Anyway, this might not apply to everyone, but I saw a few other comments from people who also have Optimus-enabled laptops.

Basically, I’m forcing Visio to be rendered by my Quadro, instead of allowing it to be rendered by the Intel.

Go to the Nvidia Control Panel and open check the “Manage 3D Settings”


Under the “Program Settings” tab

Add a reference to Visio if needed


Set to use the discrete graphics


It’s working way better for me now, no more weird lag when moving the main window, and now more lag during pan/zoom.



When you install GeForce Experience from NVIDIA, you will be notified about updates as well and allows you to update the driver from within the application; http://www.geforce.com/geforce-experience


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Last updated October 10, 2023 Views 1,197 Applies to: