Microsoft FINALLY admit to Adware, Spyware and Malware in WIN 10.!!

M$ has at last released a highly 'spin doctored' admission of it's malware policies of spying and adware. !

MS Squirming 'SPIN'

I must confess  I have never read so much 'spin' and obfuscation as is posted in that link. MS were forced to post SOMETHING due to the enormous public reaction against Windows 10 and Microsoft's Malware (Malware as in Spyware and Adware built into the OS!)

Win 10 uptake is losing ground and after flat-lining is actually reducing as people remove it from their systems as they would a virus.

Some of the hilarious and obfuscated SPINS from the above link ...

MS tries to make the user think it A. doesn't scan your personal info, and B. doesn't send targeted ads.


3. Advertising Data We Don’t Collect
Unlike some other platforms, no matter what privacy options you choose, neither Windows 10 nor any other Microsoft software scans the content of your email or other communications, or your files, in order to deliver targeted advertising to you.

This is totally misleading - first - MS  - DOES - ABSOLUTELY - scan your email, communications and files - anything they want to - and you cannot disable it in any way. THEY (M$) may not use that specifically for targeted ads, but they CERTAINLY use it for other purposes. Who is to say what they use it for - ALL your information - all identifiable - is available and utilised by M$. Who is to say what 'partners' of M$ use that data for, or, how much of that data is passed onto 'other agencies' and ends up on vast databases never to be removed - ALL personally identifiable. !!! 

The spin by MS is designed to make the average user TRULY believe that no data is taken at all from their pc for targeted ads (Totally untrue!) and also, that their personal files, emails, pictures. documents, programs installed, keystrokes, everything -  are NOT scanned and data collected and collated by M$ - AGAIN, this is TOTALLY untrue.

M$ - through apparent desperate reaction to FALLING numbers of WIN 10 users !! - are trying to mislead the public with these obfuscated and twisted statements.

Take the next part - ;-)

 We aspire to deliver a delightful and personalized Windows experience to you, which benefits from knowing some things about you to customize your experience, such as knowing whether you are a Seattle Seahawks fan or Real Madrid fan, in order to give you updates on game scores or recommend apps you might enjoy– or remembering the common words you type in text messaging conversations to provide you convenient text completion suggestions. You are in control of the information we collect for these purposes and can update your settings at any time. Note that with new features like Cortana which require more personal information to deliver the full experience, you are asked if you want to turn them on and are given additional privacy customization options.

Note the deliberate obfuscation here - "You are in control of the information we collect for these purposes" -

Meaning that you are Absolutely NOT in control for any other purposes apart from the specifically mentioned ones. !

Tim Cook at apple is having a good old dig at MS here -

Privacy - Tim Cook

The MASSIVE ANTI MS reaction on social media  and blatantly evident lack of uptake - and in fact -DECLINING numbers of WIN 10 users is down to 3 specific reasons.

1. People simply do not like the OS, it is clumsy and  difficult to use. It has no recognisable start menu and is not a suitable os for desktop use. (As there are no win phones - or not enough to register on any scale) then Desktop OS is where its at !.

2. People simply do not trust M$ and are aware of the total invasion of privacy and AD focused purpose of the OS. That trust has been ruined by the lack of openness by M$ regarding the Spyware Adware  (Malware!) that is WIN 10. 

3. Actual OS security. There is absolutely NO WAY that an OS can be ever considered 'secure' in a personal or commercial sense when the OS is actively collecting and collating data, including sensitive and FULLY identifiable data (read the policy !) !.

It also can never be considered 'secure' due to the constant updates and changes to the OS. Win 10 will ALWAYS be in development as it was released as an early beta. Also M$ have clearly stated they will continue to 'enhance' the experience - meaning adding more garbage to what you already have and do not want in the name of generating more advertising revenue. !

THIS constant - NEVER stable state can NEVER achieve any form of 'security' - PERIOD>!

AGAIN _ TO REPEAT !  - Microsoft have LOST THE TRUST of the vast majority of their users !. -  (Probably irrevocably!) 

Too little too late for MS.. 

A Tim Cook Classic - Who gets YOUR data ???

"I want to be absolutely clear that we have never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services," Cook said. "We have also never allowed access to our servers. And we never will."   (APPLE Tim Cook )

Can M$ say that ? ....................................

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There's an 'Ars Technica' article that says similar kinds of things.


"as things stand right now, the Windows 10 privacy situation is substantially unaltered, and the lack of clear guidance and transparency that has concerned people since day one will continue to cause concern."

it's basically what Joe Belfiore said about 2 minutes into the keynote speech at the 'build' conference early this year:

"But the thing I want to sort of focus on a little bit is this space right here, where in this case I haven't installed an app for a little while.  So the system is going to give us a 'smart suggestion' for an app in the store that is going to be one that's suitable for ~me~.  As I'm using my PC, on the client we know

which apps you're launching, and which apps you're installing, and so we're able to communicate with the store and bring down suggestions that are personalized for ~you~, to help users learn about great new apps that are available for them to try out on their PC.  And as time goes by we re-use that space, in a smart way, to help _script_ the user's discovery of apps first, but then their engagement later, so if I've installed an app, as you see here, for a little while that space becomes 'the recently installed app'.  The user can find the app, they can revisit it, and if they use it enough, it will move its way up into the 'most used' section, automatically, and of course at any time the user can drag from left to right, to take any of those apps, and pin them as full, live tiles."

"personalized for you".  that's right, *TARGETED* *AT* *YOU*, disguised with the [ab]use of the term 'personalized'.

But *WE* know better.  And 'recommendations' are _REALLY_ *ADVERTISEMENTS*, DANG IT!

let's get HONEST in on USENET, where there are NO mods

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Well, for what it's worth, I bumbled onto this tonight:

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So many things wrong with the OPs post. what a hater Move on to Linux or OS X then if you don't trust it. Seriously what kind of loser hangs around a messageboard just to hate? Oh an Windows 10 numbers are NOT declining and there is ZERO malware, spyware etc ect on Windows 10. MS should sue you for libel.

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So many things wrong with the OPs post. what a hater Move on to Linux or OS X then if you don't trust it. Seriously what kind of loser hangs around a messageboard just to hate? Oh an Windows 10 numbers are NOT declining and there is ZERO malware, spyware etc ect on Windows 10. MS should sue you for libel.
You are completely missing the whole point of the insider programme, which is to get feedback (both positive and negative) about the product and direction of travel that M$ is adopting, thus allowing M$ to make informed decisions (or not as the case may be).  This is not an "emperor's new clothes" forum and your continued intolerance of others views does nothing to further M$'s aspirations for the future.

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It will also be interesting to see M$'s response to the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation the the Safe Harbour Agreement on data transfers.

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Windows 10 is the most secure version of Windows ever

Data collection is what we accept as an insider, data collection can be disable during startup as well as more features in windows in a retail use. Most of us testing allow MS to collect data. If we are testing then We have to understand how we are networked with Microsoft data servers, we agree to this being a insider, no harm done to help better the OS Right.

You are confusing the retail with insiders builds. In apps if you don't wants ADS you can control this in MS account' however don't expect to use apps,  WE can choose not to accept sharing data during setup of apps. Ms gave us choices to disable this under the request of insiders. If you choose to remain an insiders, stop harassing MS about this and quit the insider program and be a regular joe.

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What are you people banging on about. If you don't like Windows 10, clear off. There are people who are  here using Windows 10, enjoying the experience and looking to further additional features in the future There are some who have difficulties and come here wanting positive assistance from others who may be able to assist them. What they do not want is idiotic and negative abuse of nothing in particular. If you have anything factual and can help this forum then please provide such info. otherwise, clear off.

What is wrong with you people???? As I pointed out to BF68, you and your ilk are 'completely missing the whole point of the insider programme, which is to get feedback (both positive and negative) about the product and direction of travel that M$ is adopting, thus allowing M$ to make informed decisions (or not as the case may be).  This is not an "emperor's new clothes" forum and your continued intolerance of others views does nothing to further M$'s aspirations for the future.' 

Your rants simply makes you look like badly behaved immature children chanting in the playground "do you want to be in my gang?". Please grow up and discuss things rationally... sigh

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I totally agree with you. I find it exasperating that a person cannot express an opinion without immediately being labled as belonging to a "side". This kind of adversarial approach only works in TV courtrooms and has no place on a forum trying to grapple with the future of an OS. I really take my hat off to those individuals that can deal with the constant sniping and serve on these forums for years at a time. 

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Last updated January 27, 2024 Views 5,793 Applies to: