VBA Stopping a Timer

I cannot get the timer to stop, when closing my workbook, using the following:


In ThisWorkBook:


Public Sub Workbook_Open()
      Call StartTimer
End Sub


Public Sub Workbook_Close()
    Call StopTimer
End Sub


In a routine Module:


Option Explicit
Public RunWhen As Date
Public Const cRunWhat = "AutoSave"

Sub StartTimer()
   RunWhen = Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")
   Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=RunWhen, Procedure:=cRunWhat, Schedule:=True
End Sub


Sub StopTimer()
   Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=RunWhen, Procedure:=cRunWhat, Schedule:=False

End Sub

Sub AutoSave()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Call StartTimer
    Workbooks.Open ActiveWorkbook.FullName 'reopens workbook to show any changes
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub


Might you advise where the syntax error is ?


I've been researching various Excel VBA forums as well as the internet in general. Everything I've located indicates the above syntax should work - others have posted the same issue and utilize the above coding, apparently with success. So what is going on with my project ?


You assistance is greatly appreciated !




out of codes,

you might tell us what are you trying to do


Microsoft365 on Windows 10

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Thank you for your reply. At the beginning of my post, I stated:


"I cannot get the timer to stop, when closing my workbook..."


The following, according to everything I've read on MS, Excel Forums and elsewhere should stop the timer from running when the workbook is closed:


Sub StopTimer()
   Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=RunWhen, Procedure:=cRunWhat, Schedule:=False

End Sub


Suggestions ?

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since, you are going to close the workbook
i think that it's not necessary, the..'stop timer' (disable this code)
just close the workbook


write in ThisWorkbook module


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub




and re-open the workbook to save changes

Microsoft365 on Windows 10

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I should have provided additional background to my issue.


With my original code posted above ... if there is another workbook open at the same time I close my workbook, my project will re-open itself automatically when the timer "fires" at ten seconds.


If there are no other workbooks open when I close mine, my workbook will stay closed.


Everything I've researched on the internet indicates it is necessary to stop the timer before closing ... hence the need to use :


Sub StopTimer()
   Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=RunWhen, Procedure:=cRunWhat, Schedule:=False

End Sub


... which includes ...  'Schedule:=False' ... that stops the timer. 



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That looks like some of my code. The problem is that you are closing and then re-opening the workbook, which causes VBA to stop running and reset its global variables. Normally, you would get a message prompt asking whether to save and close the workbook before re-opening it. But you have DisplayAlerts = False, so no message is displayed and Excel takes the default action, which is to save, close and re-open the file without notifying you.


This causes RunWhen to get initialized to 0. Then, by calculation, you set RunWhen to Now+"00:00:10". This is not the same time value that was used previously by StartTimer to initialize the timer.  Therefore,  OnTime can't find the timer to stop it. Since OnTime is an application method, it will get executed as long as Excel is open, regardless of whether the workbook that initiated the timer is open. Excel will open it if necessary. The only way to stop a timer whose start time is unknown is to stop Excel.


If you put a debug statement at the very beginning of StartTimer,


Debug.Print "StartTimer: " & Format(RunWhen, "hh:mm:ss")


you'll see in the Immediate window (CTRL G to view the window) that RunWhen is 00:00:00 when StartTimer is executed. The time that was used to initialize the timer no longer exists.


Get rid of the line


 Workbooks.Open ActiveWorkbook.FullName


and everything will work fine.



Chip Pearson
Excel MVP 1998 - 2014
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

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It is your code .... all my searching on the internet revealed that most folks are using your code for this purpose.


I tried your suggestion and it does work as intended.


The next question - because I am not at work where I can test this code on the network ... the reason for re-opening the workbook after saving, was to show any changes that someone may have made to the workbook - so viewers on other terminals would be able to see the updates.


What syntax will replace "Workbooks.Open ActiveWorkbook.FullName" without causing the same problem to appear again ?


Thank you for your help.



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I wonder if my project might make use of another piece of your code listed on:

http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/OnTime.aspx  ?


More specifically :


Public TimerID As Long
Public TimerSeconds As Single

Sub StartTimer()
    TimerSeconds = 1 ' how often to "pop" the timer.
    TimerID = SetTimer(0&, 0&, TimerSeconds * 1000&, AddressOf TimerProc)
End Sub

Sub EndTimer()
    On Error Resume Next
    KillTimer 0&, TimerID
End Sub

However, I am not certain how this would be included in my project.   Thoughts ?



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Question Info

Last updated November 17, 2023 Views 13,596 Applies to: