UNLOCK BUTTON ERROR - Run-time error 2164 You can’t disable a control while it has the focus

Dear Sir

I have form “Rcvd_Main_1” and subform “Rcvd_detail1_subform_1”.

The field of subforms are:

S_P_ID (Combo box to select the items),

STATUS(combo box to select IN or out)

O_BAL1: (Opening balance)

QTY_IN: (Rcvd qty)

QTY_OUT: (Issue qty)

C_BAL: (Closing balance)

I have changed the control property of subform from Enable to No and Locked to Yes.

When I open the main form the fields are locked.

I have placed two button LOCK and UNLOCK on main form. When I click on UNLOCK it changes the properties of Enable to Yes and Locked to, to feed the inputs. But when I click on UNLOCK the message “Run-time error 2164 You can’t disable a control while it has the focus”

In combo box there is lost focus or get focus I placed. The codes on LOCK button is:

Private Sub txtPassword_AfterUpdate()

Const MESSAGETEXT = "You are not allowed access to the ''""Special Form""'"

Dim Frm As SubForm

Dim ctrl As Control

Set Frm = [Forms]![Rcvd_Main_1]![RCVD_DETAIL1_subform1]

If Me.txtPassword = "Farooq" Then

For Each ctrl In Frm.Controls

        If ctrl.Tag = "EditMe" Then

        ctrl.Enabled = False

            ctrl.Locked = True

        End If

    Next ctrl

    DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name


   MsgBox "Incorrect Password!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & MESSAGETEXT, vbCritical, "Invalid Password"

 DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name

End If

End Sub

Please advise how to handle this error to resolve.


Muhammad Farooq

You'll first need to ensure that a control which is not to be locked/disabled has focus.  This could be an unbound control in the form such as a command button or similar:

If Me.txtPassword = "Farooq" Then
    For Each ctrl In Frm.Controls
Ken Sheridan,
Newport, Shropshire, England

"Don't write it down until you understand it!" - Richard Feynman

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Dear Ken

Thanks for your reply and sorry for late replying from myside.

There are only two filed which are combox

S_P_ID (Combo box to select the items), [I select name of item]

Name: Combo28

Control Source: S_P_ID

I want to block this because if it is unlock, anyone can change

STATUS(combo box to select IN or out)

Name: Combo50

Control Source: STATUS

I want to block this because if it is unlock, anyone can change

I put the "Combo28 and combo 50 in the field you provided [Frm.Controls("SomeControlName").SetFocus] but it is still creating problem /

Please help as I could not catch your idea properly.



Muhammad Farooq

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You'll need another control in the form, which can be left enabled.  I'd suggest adding something like a 'Close Form' button, which the button wizard can easily create, and set the focus to that.
Ken Sheridan,
Newport, Shropshire, England

"Don't write it down until you understand it!" - Richard Feynman

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I placed a CLOSEFORM button on main form. It works but when I click in subform and work and after than when I click on lock button it doesnt work /means there is error "Run-time error 2164 You can’t disable a control while it has the focus”

The code is as follows

Dim Frm As SubForm
Dim Frm1 As Form

Dim ctrl As Control

Set Frm = [Forms]![Rcvd_Main_1]![RCVD_DETAIL1_subform1]
Set Frm1 = [Forms]![Rcvd_Main_1]

If Me.txtPassword = "Farooq" Then


For Each ctrl In Frm.Controls
        If ctrl.Tag = "EditMe" Then
        ctrl.Enabled = False
            ctrl.Locked = True
        End If
    Next ctrl


Muhamamd Farooq

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At first sight I can't see why you are experiencing that behaviour.  Have you debugged the code?  I'd suggest setting a breakpoint on the If Me.txtPassword = "Farooq" Then line and then stepping into the code line by line after clicking the lock button.
Ken Sheridan,
Newport, Shropshire, England

"Don't write it down until you understand it!" - Richard Feynman

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Thanks for sparing time for my queries to solve. The main problem is in "ctrl.Enabled = False" so I have changed / deleted and only kept lock and combo are visible but can not be changed by anyone least to put password.

Reiterate thanks


Muhammad Farooq

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 763 Applies to: