This is it! LIVE keeps disconnecting!

I am sorry, but this is my last attempt to get help from you guys. I have had MAJOR problems ever since the last big Dashboard update to XBOX LIVE, NOT before. BEFORE my Xbox Live connected just fine with my Verizon FIOS wireless connection.

It has been MONTHS now and i have been on and scoured these forums and seen NO real help from ANYONE involved in this company. I have seen grown adults with detailed, professional technical knowledge treated like children and talked down to.

For the cheap seats: I have SCOURED these forums for MONTHS and done EVERYTHING that has been recomended to fix the problem of my Xbox Live account randomly disconnecting for NO apparent reason. It is so bad now it disconnects every 1-2 minutes. I cannot use NETFLIX which i am PAYING FOR. I cannot use ZUNE. I cannot download MODERN WARFARE 3 from Games on Demand which I PAID FOR YESTERDAY AND AM UNABLE TO PLAY! I am paying a monthly XBOX Gold membership fee for a Service I am UNABLE TO USE!

Now, please do not treat me like a child. I have been working with computers casually for years and even built my current PC from scratch.

I have Verizon FIOS with an Actiontec MI424 WR router/gateway. My FIOS router and connection are working perfectly, I PROMISE YOU. I know what i am doing when i say that.

I have 3 other devices in my house that are able to access my FIOS wireless connection with NO problems as well, and NO, i am not stupid enough to try to fix my XBOX LIVE problems while the other 3 devices are connected, so DONT ASK!

My XBOX wireless adapter is plugged in correctly. I have reset my XBOX LIVE network settings to Factory default also.

I have downloaded my Frigging LIVE Profile like 18 times since this started including the last time 10 minutes ago.

I have my XBOX 360's IP address included in my DNS list.

I have forwarded the proper ports in my router for the XBOX 360.

I have done several other things i read on these forums that at this point i cant even remember.

NOTHING works. My XBOX LIVE account disconnects ever 1-2 minutes no matter what i do! When i go to reconnect, my connection tests FINE and i sign back in with no problem and the while cycle repeats. I get NO error message of any kind during all this.

Please, i need REAL Help, REAL! I Don't need to be talked to like a child, i am not some 12 year old whose parents bought him the XBOX. I am 40 years old and have been working with PC"s since the late 90's.

I Have games i am unable to play, movies i am unable to watch, and a service i am unable to use all of which i am paying for...and get NOTHING in return. My problems started the DAY the last Dashboard update went into effect and not a second before. It is YOUR problem, YOUR fault, no matter what crap you try to sell me. I am paying you guys a lot of my hard earned money. YOU need to fix the problems you created and stop trying to convince everyone that it is somehow our fault. It's not my fault when my Xbox Live account/connection worked fine for YEARS and only screwed up immediately after a major Dashboard update. This isn't rocket science.

I am sorry to sound like such an @@@, but i have been very dismayed by the cavalier and lackadaisical attitude that the company representatives have shown towards the people having these problems over the last couple months and their apparent unconcern for the amount of money I am shelling out for services i cannot use and some of their treatment of people posting on this forum.

Please prove me wrong and get us some real help. I Love my 360 and the services XBOX LIVE provides and i would really hate to have to leave it.

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Hi Presti - I can certainly understand your frustration. To not be able to use a service that you are paying for would definitely be very aggravating! I can assure you that the recent Dashboard updates have been installed on millions of consoles without issue, though I can certainly understand that when you are experiencing an issue, that statistic is hardly comforting, and actually can be a source of frustration when troubleshooting is directed elsewhere. 

That said, I would like to help. I've searched through your post history and have not been able to locate the diagnostic information that is requested in our Start Here sticky. Would you be willing to provide that for us? It will inform us as to the nature of the issue that your console is experiencing, what it is seeing on the network, and also the additional information we request will allow us a chance to see the bigger picture. Regardless of the what the true cause of the issue is (whether it is related to an update, or whether it is related to network issues), the information it provides us is extremely valuable in learning more about what's happening exactly. :) If you are willing to do this, please provide the information below. I went ahead and filled in the information you've already provided in this thread and your previous thread: 

What Country/State/Province do you live in?
Modem brand & model number:
Actiontec MI424WR
Router brand & model number:
 Actiontec MI424WR
If Wireless, are you using a white or black external adapter, or an internal (Xbox 360S) adapter?

Is UPnP Enabled? Yes/no/Unknown
Do you have a NAT error? If so, what is your NAT?
Any Error Codes you encounter:
After you run "Test Xbox LIVE connection" press “Y” for "More Info”. In the pop-up that appears, what are the following values, if shown? (If a value below does not appear for you, just leave it blank.)

Thank you for your patience with us as we attempt to work through this issue with you. We want to make sure you are at a place where you are able to connect to and enjoy LIVE - and I will do my best to ensure that we get you to that place as soon as possible. :) 

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Thanks for getting back to me, here goes everything:

What Country/State/Province do you live in? USA/MD

Modem brand & model number: Actiontec MI424WR

Router brand & model number: Actiontec MI424WR

If Wireless, are you using a white or black external adapter, or an internal (Xbox 360S) adapter? BLACK

Is UPnP Enabled?Unknown

Do you have a NAT error? If so, what is your NAT? OPEN

Any Error Codes you encounter: None

After you run "Test Xbox LIVE connection" press “Y” for "More Info”. In the pop-up that appears, what are the following values, if shown? (If a value below does not appear for you, just leave it blank.)

W: 0000-0021

X: 0000-F001

Y: 20A8-4840

Z: 0000-0000


L: 0015-10F0

Q: 8007-0435

T: wireless



C: 11

Hope this helps!

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Hey Presti,

Im a tech support representative for a cable company here in Canada called Shaw and I believe I can help you.

The first thing I want you to do is go to and pick a server closest to you, either link the picture it gives you or just go ahead and type out your Jitter, Packet Loss % and Ping.

Also, on your computer click on Start -> Run -> type in "cmd" without the quotes and type in the command "ping /t" without the quotes. Tell me the ping in mili seconds that you are receiving back from google and try to note how many Request fails you see. Since you say you disconnect every 1-2 minutes just let it run for 5 minutes and take note of anything that comes up. If you dont receive any request failures and a ping at about 15-50 MS then you're internet connection is fine and we can narrow down the Xbox issue.

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Ok thanks, i appreciate the Help. Here is my PINGTEST.NET info:


if that doesn't work its: Packet Loss 0%, Ping 15ms, & Jitter 1ms

OK i pinged Google like you said and i didnt get any failures and the average ping was between 11-13ms with the occassional 8-10ms and every once in a while a 16ms.

Hope that helps!

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The connection looks perfect Presti, glad that is not the issue.

Most of the time connection drops on anything means a RF issue. Something is being dropped between your router and your Xbox. Since you are not dropping connection from your computer this further isolates the problem to your wireless connection.

Presti, have you tried these steps?

1) open a browser, and go to,  user name is admin.  and the password is most likely the serial number found on the service tag of your VZ router unless you changed it.

2) Once you login succesfully, go to the top and hit wireless, then on the left basic security.   then go to option 3 which is channel

1, 6 and 11 and are the only channels you should try.

3) So it will likely be set to auto, change it to 11 and put the check for keep settings even after reboot (Directly under the channel) and then hit apply.,

4) after you hit apply,  test your connection out, if you notice a difference, leave it like that until the problem happens again, and if it happens again, go back into the router, and try channel 6,     test it out.  and then finally 1 if the first two don't work.

If you forgot the login username/password to your router you can get a safety pin or a tack and push in the small reset button on the back of the router.

Good Luck!

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Thanks Spitfire! I am very familiar with my router settings and following advice on these forums, i had already messed around with changing channels when this all first started happeneing and it didnt help the problems at all.

It is weird, some nights LIVE disconnects ever 1-2 minutes, some nights it is every 5-10 minutes, every once in a while it is every 30-45 minutes!

Last night was a good night and i was finally able to download the game i had purchased on GAMES ON DEMAND a couple nights ago thank God!

One thing i did notice the other night. While i was playing a Singleplayer game off the disc(Kingdoms of Amalur) i never lost my connection to LIVE as long as i was in the game but the second i exited the game and went back to the dashboard it disconnected.

Disconnects also occur when using NETFLIX or ZUNE videos.

I own a Blu-Ray player with wireless internet connectivity and have had NO problems streaming video or connecting with it.

My wife has an Android tablet that uses my wifi and never has any trouble and lastly, we have a Nintendo Wii that has never had any trouble connecting to my wifi.

To be honest, the only thing that makes me mad is that my XBOX LIVE had ZERO connection problems for years until the DAY the last big dashboard update came out. That is when this all started and i have YET to find ANY Microsoft reps on this site even Hint that their update has had ANYTHING to do with this. Some of the reps go out of their way to make it look like the problems are solely caused on our end.

Im sorry to say this but it is how i truly feel, im not trying to Troll here honestly.

Once again, i really appreciate all the Help i have gotten so far!

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I bought xbox 360 recently. and i have absolutely same problem, as at you. It's sad!

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Yeah, i have tried everything that has been recommended on these forums and nothing has worked. I get that they want everyone to post their own thread to help them individually, but they act like you haven't read Everyone ELSE'S posts over the last 3 months.

If the reps haven't been able to fix ALL the other people who hve posted before me, why the Heck should i believe that they will have a fix just for me?

The really sad thing is I have seen MUCH more helpful, informative and in-depth technical advice from other Xbox players than from any of the reps on these forums...even though none of it has worked for me.

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I have the same exact problem. I haven't touched my xbox in a few months but it worked fine before that. Nothing was wrong with it but now, I get constant shutting down of my internet when the xbox has only been on for 1-2 minutes. It's REALLY annoying. None of the other threads seemed to have a conclusion of some sort either but glad to know that others are having this same problem. I also tried every single "fix" out there but I pretty much just gave up for the moment. Curious to know though if anyone replaced/switched their router and fixed this issue.

Keeping an eye on this thread!

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Presti, thanks for telling me that other wireless devices dont have the problem. However, some streaming devices have a buffer so in case your connection does drop it can still run off the buffer, and reconnect and rebuffer. Some services, like XBOX Live is super sensitive to this and any type drop will immediatly result in a drop from XBOX Live.

The only true way to taste this will be to run a "ping /t" from a laptop on the same wireless connection. Also, is your Xbox the furthest point from the wifi router? Could your TV, Wifi tablet be closer to the router than your xbox?

Here is a couple of troubleshooting steps I would like you to try

 Under Network Settings on your Xbox type this into your DNS Settings [Primary DNS:, Secondary DNS:] Plug these into your router DNS too in your admin config panel then power cycle all of the devices on your network (unplug both your router/modem for 30 secs plug back in)

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Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 488 Applies to: