This app has been blocked due company policy windows 10 store

i have tried several possible fix to this issue. none of them worked.

i have installed the same ISO in a virtual machine and the store is working.

i even did a repair restore, preserving apps and data.

is there any solution to this? the windows apps already installed are working, but i can't donwload new ones and not buy.

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This issue can occur from domain restrictions and changes made to Local Group Policy.

For us to better assist you, please answer the following questions:

  • Are you connected to a domain network?
  • Is the error only showing on a specific app like Instagram?
  • On which version and build of Windows 10 is your device running?
  • Have you tried updating Windows 10 and see if you'll be able to download and install the app after?

In the meantime, try resetting Windows Store by following the steps below:

  1. Press Windows key + R.
  2. Type wsreset.exe.
  3. Hit Enter.
  4. Restart your PC.
  5. Try to install the app again.

Update us with the outcome so we can provide further assistance.

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Hi Arjay, thanks for reply.

  • No domain network
  • not only instagram, every app in windows store is like this, free or paid
  • windows 10 x64 pro version 1703 15063.608
  • there are no more updates. i have installed the latest cumulative update released on 12/09

things i have tried:


dism commands health, restore etc...

sfc /scannow

some others store related commands

i have modified some stuff on LGP like:

  1. Set "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" to Elevate without prompting.
  2. Set "User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation" to Disabled.
  3. Set "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode" to Disabled.
  4. Set "User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations" to Disabled.
  5. I have disabled the smartscreen

and i have used some other softwares to change some privacy settings, BUT I have reverted everything back to the original setting, and still not working

and as i mentioned i did a repair restore keeping my data and apps.

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I think I found something.

I'm trying to replicate this problem on a virtual machine, and i found out that was a update of Store app itself that blocked me. see pictures below:

store working before the update

store blocked after update

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Thank you for the information.

Have you tried running the troubleshooter for Windows Store Apps? If not, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. In the Search box, type troubleshooting.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Select Troubleshooting.
  5. Click Hardware and Sound.
  6. Select Windows Store Apps to launch the troubleshooter.
  7. Click the Advanced link and make sure that the Apply repair automatically option is selected.
  8. Click Next to run the troubleshooter.

Should you need further assistance, feel free to post your query anytime.

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I ran the troubleshooter 3 times:

first it only detected the the UAC was off, then i turned on, restarted the computer and still blocked.

second time asked me to login with my Microsoft account, did it and still blocked.

third time and on the result is the same, try to fix, i restart and still blocked. run again and same results.

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Is there any other suggestion? 

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Thank you for the update.

Lets try to reset the cache folder in App Directory as a workaround to resolve Windows store cache may be damaged error:

  • Open File Explorer.
  • In the File Explorer address bar, type: C:\Users\Note: Replace Users and directly to the folder location.
  • In LocalState folder, check if Cache folder is present. If yes, rename that folder to Cache.old and create a new folder (empty folder) and name it as Cache.
  • If Cache folder is not there, simply create a new folder (empty folder) and name it as Cache.
  • Once done, exit File Explorer and reboot your device.
  • Run Windows Store Apps troubleshooter again.
  • If the error will no longer appear, reboot your PC again and start using Windows Store.

Get back to us with the outcome so we can help you out further.

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The folder Cache wasn't there. I created, rebooted and ran the troubleshooter

First run: Reset and open Store again. Result: Still blocked

Second run: Image below

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Thank you for the information.

Try performing the workaround provided by NishantVerma-915 on this thread which was found helpful in resolving the issue.

Let us know if you have any other concerns.

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Followed the steps, this happened and final result: it didn't work.

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Last updated August 12, 2024 Views 12,882 Applies to: