Should I play ME1 and ME2 before ME3?

I want to buy Mass effect 3, and i plan to. But I have not played Mass effect 1 and 2 before. I know that the things I do in 1 and 2 affect what goes on in 3, but I am wondering how big of a difference it makes. I mean, does it completely change the game, or is it just small stuff that doesn't really matter?

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[quote user="K6991"]

I want to buy Mass effect 3, and i plan to. But I have not played Mass effect 1 and 2 before. I know that the things I do in 1 and 2 affect what goes on in 3, but I am wondering how big of a difference it makes. I mean, does it completely change the game, or is it just small stuff that doesn't really matter?


YES, it changes the game. Buy the first two and play them first. Don't start off playing ME3. 


I was watching some walkthroughs of ME3 for vicarious enjoyment, and the people I was watching were using brand new non-imported characters. The difference is night and day in some places, especially with which characters you interact with. It's a much deeper, much more rewarding, and much more emotional experience to play through them in order. 


However, no matter what you do, you'll get the same ending as us! So.... I guess that's a good thing. :(

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I highly recommend you play them both before Mass Effect 3. You'll have a much better grasp of the story and a deeper connection with characters.

Don't get used to the gameplay in Mass Effect though, it's the only game in the series that truly feels and plays like an RPG. Mass Effect 2/3 are much more combat oriented and feel more like a shooter than an RPG.

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[quote user="Black Wolf XCI"]

I highly recommend you play them both before Mass Effect 3. You'll have a much better grasp of the story and a deeper connection with characters.

Don't get used to the gameplay in Mass Effect though, it's the only game in the series that truly feels and plays like an RPG. Mass Effect 2/3 are much more combat oriented and feel more like a shooter than an RPG.


Dont forget how they changed the weapons also. I hate the thermal clips in 2/3

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[quote user="Eilkno"]

[quote user="Black Wolf XCI"]

I highly recommend you play them both before Mass Effect 3. You'll have a much better grasp of the story and a deeper connection with characters.

Don't get used to the gameplay in Mass Effect though, it's the only game in the series that truly feels and plays like an RPG. Mass Effect 2/3 are much more combat oriented and feel more like a shooter than an RPG.


Dont forget how they changed the weapons also. I hate the thermal clips in 2/3


Ugh, yeah, thermal clips were a retcon I do not approve of. Especially when they had such an elegant way to reconcile the two. Just have guns that overheat and recharge like in ME1, but with the added option of thermal clips to use when you want to immediately restore your gun to effectiveness. Would've been perfect. 

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Absolutely you should play both ME1 and ME2 before you embark on the third! As a heavily character driven game it relies on you making connections with your crew and the Shepard you create, so by jumping into the third you won't have those connections which will lessen the impact of quite a few events in the game.

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Things will make sense, and on the plus side playing them back to back is even better as your memory is fresh and you will remember what decisions you made.

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[quote user="K6991"]

I want to buy Mass effect 3, and i plan to. But I have not played Mass effect 1 and 2 before. I know that the things I do in 1 and 2 affect what goes on in 3, but I am wondering how big of a difference it makes. I mean, does it completely change the game, or is it just small stuff that doesn't really matter?


Honestly, it depends on why you want to play Mass Effect.

If you just want to play a good shooter and you're more concerned with the game mechanics over story or any form of immersion, then ME1 and ME2 are not required.

If however, you really want to get the best out of Mass Effect, then ME1 and ME2 are an absolute MUST. The story won't make a whole lot of sense if you start at ME3, you'll probably figure a lot of it out, but it definitely won't have the impact it would have if you carried a character over through all 3.

And just for the record, not everyone agrees that ME1 felt more 'like an RPG' then the others. ME1 is a great game, but I greatly prefer the game play of ME2 and ME3 over ME1. ME1 still had the best overall story of them all, but ME2 and ME3 both had a great balance of great game play and stellar RP interaction. Mass Effect 1 is great for it's time, but will likely feel outdated when you play it. Luckily though, the great story will keep you hooked. Add in the fact that you can get ME1 and ME2 for $10-$20 each and it's a can't lose scenario.

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Given how the game ends it really doesn't make any difference however it is a fun ride up until the point where they clearly just gave up on the story.

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I agree with evryone and say you should really play ME1&2, if you skip the side missions and only do the plot missions in ME1 you can run through it in about 4-5 hours but you'll miss some achievements. You can also download an interactive comic like dlc for MA2 that will recap the events of ME1. This was created for the PS3 version of ME2 since they don't have ME1. This is a decent substitue and if you get it and ME2 you can skip ME1. I'd only do this if you're really desperate to start ME3, otherwise play ME1&2.

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I got 3 today and am installing it right now. I decided not to get 1 and 2 right now because apparently the decisions you make in those games don't carry over very well in the ending of 3? Or so I've read. If I like 3 enough to make me want to get 1 and 2, I will then do that and carry over a character thru the three games.

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Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 31 Applies to: