My Account Gamerscore (Cheating)

Hello community / Xbox support

I posting about my account gamerscore that I actually cheated on to change.
My gamerscore was reset and I was labelled a "Cheater".

I would like another chance to earn achievments honourably without cheating.
When my Gamerscore was reset it did leave alot that I actually cheated on,
so i think it would only be fair to reset my Gamerscore to 0.

I am also asking aswell if it would be possible to start over and get the "Cheater" label taken away.
From this i have learned my lesson and am only asking for one more chance,
Considering I have never been banned or violated any other Terms Of Use.

The community should be a cheater free environment and from cheating it doesn't really prove anything,
This is also a chance for myself to apologize for my actions not just to the Xbox team but the community as
it is unfair that people work hard to earn them and other people like I have just cheat to earn achievments.

Thanks for reading,

There's no way to remove the cheater mark unless your an unauthorised access investigation found in your favour. As for your other requests that's not happening either. It's a draconian punishment for a reason and if they bent the rules for you they'd have to bend them for everyone.

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I am aware but when reading about the label cheat it does state to appeal about the Cheating, "Your best choice is to show the community you won’t do it again. "

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It also says there is no way to appeal a gamerscore reset.

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About Gamerscore corrections

A gamerscore correction occurs on a player’s LIVE account when they gain achievements through avoiding game play and the use of external tools.  LIVE is committed to keeping the service free of this type of behavior as it violates the LIVE Terms of Use.  When abnormal achievement or gamerscore activity is found, LIVE modifies the gamerscore of players who meet specific and automated criteria. 

A LIVE player who obtained their gamerscore in this abnormal way will

  • Find their gamerscore reset to zero, and
  • Be unable to regain all previously earned achievements, and
  • Be labeled as a “cheater” for the community to view.

While players who have been identified by these criteria will start from a zero gamerscore, they will still be able to gain achievements for future games.  In other words, we give them another chance to earn future achievements by earning them as other “fair” players do.  The original gamerscore correction will remain permanent without any way to appeal.[/quote]


Your only option is starting a new gamertag, and continue with the attrition that you have shown in your post.

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i don't believe you. you cheated once you will cheat again. wear your scarlet "c" and deal with it.

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It's your responsibility to your own account. Unless you make another account, there is no way to gain the achievements you earned before the reset again.

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While your apology may be sincere it is falling on mostly deaf ears as the majority of the community does not condone or tolerate modding/cheating of any kind anywhere on the service. If you were truly sorry you would not have cheated in the first place. The XBL Terms of Service and Code of Conduct tell everyone what they can and can not do while using the service. If more people would take the time to actually read those contracts that they so readily agree to without taking notice of then these types of situations may not be as commonplace as they are today.


You have been given another chance to earn achievements legit. It is just limited to games that were not played prior to the reset. That is part of the punishment.


The cheater label will never be removed. That also is a part of the punishment.


It is too bad you only now have realized that XBL should be free of cheaters. If you had realized that sooner you might not even be in this situation.


Your only recourse would be to create a new account and start everything all over again and prove to the community that this time you will be legit. So long as you do not change consoles the two accounts will be able to share DLC, avatar items excluded.

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Question Info

Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 132 Applies to: