OK, you've done pretty much everything I was ready to start (thanks for the list, that speeds things up).
Your problem should normally be fixed by doing a repair or install. Setting up the Start menu tiles are part of both of those processes. But apparently, something in your current setup is blocking the Word tile/shortcut.
At this point, it looks like you have to break out the "big guns" and do a "full" uninstall using Method 2 in the following tip. This will nuke all of your customizations, so if you have customized Word, make a backup copy of your NORMAL.DOTM. If you have
customized Excel, backup personal.xlsb
Uninstall Office 2016 / 365 – 2007
Method 1: Uninstall from Control Panel (or Settings dialog)
Method 2: Completely uninstall Office with the uninstall support tool (SetupProd_OffScrub.exe)
Method 3: Remove manually (Registry Hack)
The Method 1, “Normal uninstall”, is designed with the assumption that you will be re-installing Office. It does NOT delete everything. It leaves configuration files like NORMAL.DOTM and other templates etc. It also
leaves configuration Registry entries. Normally these “carry-overs” are safe. But if method 1 didn’t fix your problem, they may be the cause.
Method 2 (and 3) are intended to completely wipe Office from your computer
Note:Method 1 includes links to Office version specific re-install instructions
Office File Account - 365 activated Pro Plus 2016 not activated.jpg
Method 2
So if Method 1 doesn’t fix your problem, try Method 2. Method 2 does a more thorough job that the “normal” uninstall (aka Method 1). It deletes “everything” associated with Office
except your personal (document, spreadsheet etc) files created using Office
* Boot the computer.
* After the restart go to
http://office.com/myaccount to re-install Office 365.
http://www.thewindowsclub.com/uninstall-microsoft-office-2013-365 - This page is
a “how-to” on using 27390501 and has screen captures of the whole uninstall process
BEFORE you start the uninstall,
If you have an Office 365 bundle or Office 2016 / 2019, make sure you can access the MyAccount page so you can reinstall.