compiling Profit and Loss Account via Excel

piling Profit and Loss Account via Excel




As Jeovany put it so eloquently ...


Your question is very open ended. Please be more specific.


In the mean time, here is an "open ended" collection of articles about P&L, or IS, being done in Excel. Personally I'm a big fan of using PivotTables




Create a P & L from monthly balances with a pivot table (2003)  2006 07 20          David Carter
Prior to this tutorial you have exported a Trial Balance report out of your accounts package into Excel. In the tutorial, you are going to apply pivot tables and Excel's Vlookup function to the Trial Balance file to create a Profit and Loss account for each department of your company.
Note: This tutorial is designed to be used with Excel 2003 and Excel 2000.
.  *  Contents of the imported trial balance report explained
.  *  When data comes over in this format, your task divides into three parts (Data Cleaning)
.     *  Split the codes via Text to Columns
.     *  Using Vlookup to add more detail
.     *  Create the P&L with a pivot table
Pt1: Working with accounts data in Excel 2010 and 2013            2013 03 14   Simon Hurst
Changes in Excel 2010 and 2013 have the potential to transform the way we work with accounting data.
inclusion of the PowerPivot ‘Data model’ within Excel 2013 itself should ensure that working with external data is easier, more automatic and, perhaps most importantly, more reliable.
In addition, the Tables feature introduced in Excel 2007 provides similar improvements when it’s necessary to manipulate the data in some way.
Nearly 6 years ago David Carter contributed a seminal article on working with accounting data in Excel (see article above).
To demonstrate how things have changed (starting in 2007), we will repeat some of the steps the tutorial covered and explore how they can be improved using more recent Excel capabilities.
.  *  Get Data (PowerQuery / Get & Transform)
.  *  Excel 2013 Data Model
.  *  Excel 2010 PowerPivot
.  *  Get Data From other sources
.  *  Links vs Lookups
.  *  The PivotTable
Pt2: Create a flexible P&L in Excel 2010/2013                    2013 04 11      Simon Hurst
For inspiration, we used a six year old article by David Carter on working with accounting data in Excel entitled: Tutorial: Create a P&L from monthly balances with a pivot table.
Having processed our data through the Excel 2013 data model, we ended up with our profit and loss report.
This time we’ll look at the various things we can do with our PivotTable in the latest versions of Excel.
.  *  PowerPivot and Data Model
.  *  Slicers
.  *  Flexible reporting
.  *  CUBES()
Pt3: Sales analysis in Excel 2010/13 Part 1,             2013 05 17          Simon Hurst
Here in part 3, we are going to move away from a trail balance and start looking at sales invoice transactions. We will use the Invoices data from Microsoft’s sample database: Northwind Access DB
.  *  Get the Data
.  *  Create the Pivot Table (Pick columns, let Excel guess layout …)
Pt4: Sales analysis in Excel 2010/13 part 2              2013 06 13          Simon Hurst
This is the fourth part of our series looking at new tools for working with accounts datain Excel 2010 and 2013 and the second of two articles looking at the analysis of transaction data.
.  *  Areas
.  *  Change Report Layout (to Tabular)
.  *  Grouping
.  *  Ad-hoc grouping
.  *  Grouping and the PowerPivot data model
.  *  DrillDown – Excel 2013 limitation
.  *  Filters and Slicers
Pt5: Sales analysis part 3 - create a dashboard                 2013 08 14      Simon Hurst
This time we will look at some of the features available to help us turn our data from a list of invoices into an interactive dashboard, including the incorporation of KPIs.
.  *  DAX
.  *  PowerPivot Diagram View
.  *  Create PivotTable
.  *  Add Calculated Columns
.  *  KPI
.  *  Create Dashboard
Pt6: Sales analysis, part 4 - Data analysis expressions (DAX)          2013 09 12   Simon Hurst
We are going to consider some of the concepts underlying the way DAX expressions work as measures within a PivotTable, before looking at the use of some different filter functions in particular.
.  *  DAX
.  *  PivotTable values
Pt7: Sales analysis, part 5 - Time Intelligence functions    2013 12 11      Simon Hurst
This time, we'll consider some more of the date and time functions and also explain, in more detail, why we need the separate table of dates.
.  *  Time Intelligence DAX functions
.  *  Separate dates table
.  *  other DAX time intelligence functions. Here is an example using TOTALYTD(), TOTALQTD(), TOTALMTD() and PREVIOUSMONTH()


Analyzing Profit and Loss Statements in Excel using Pivot tables        2015 06 17      Hasaan Fazal -
This tutorial is effectively a continuation of last tutorial on profit and loss statements using pivot tablesin which we learnt how to make a report in Excel using pivot tables feature to make income statement in few steps quickly.
Today we will learn how to do budget vs actual variance analysis of profit and loss statement (Income Statement) using pivot tables. And it is super easy and super fast to do.



Build a P&L With Power BI                   2020 04 28             Matt Allington

(60min)  (
In this session, Matt Allington demos how to use Power BI to build a Profit and Loss Statement, covering some of the differences between Excel and Power BI along the way.
Creating a P&L using Power BI and DAX. Here is the video of my presentation. I create a presentation and demo that steps people through the process of writing the DAX.  I literally wrote each of these formulas, one at a time, and then placed the measure in the visual in Power BI to check that it did what I needed. From there I set about solving the next problem, with each step moving me closer to a working solution. I repeated the process over and over until the solution was complete.



PivotTable Profit and Loss                  2020 07 30   Mynda Treacy
Creating an Excel PivotTable Profit and Loss statement is surprisingly easy. And because it’s a PivotTable you can team it with Slicers to make it interactive. While you’re at it you might as well add some conditional formatting to make reading, what is usually a drab report, quick and easy.



Profit & Loss– The Art of the Cascading Subtotal             2011 09 15
As a fellow of CIMA, the first report that I wanted to create in PowerPivot was the infamous Profit & Loss (or P&L if you prefer).  It turns out, this wasn’t the simplest report to conquer first as there’s some hidden complexities. In this post, I’ll walk through how to create one version of a P&L but you should find some of the techniques useful elsewhere and transferable to other Profit & Loss layouts.  In reality, this report should carry percentages and comparatives to prior year and budget, as well as show periodic values and year to date values. Perhaps I’ll come to all of that in a future post, but for now, the backbone of the report is in the calculations in the Cascade_Value_All column of this report.
(Part 2)–Compare and Analyse            2011 10 20
In order to make the P&L report more meaningful, it needs comparatives and further analysis.  In this post, I’ll build on the P&L created in part 1 to create some of the key elements of the layout shown above including Actual values, Budget values and Prior Year values for a selected period and the associated year to date (YTD).
(Part 3)–Return On Sales and Variances                 2011 10 27
In this post, I’ll go on to refine this report further by adding Return On Sales (ROS) percentages and variance calculations as well as tune up the appearance of the report.



Profit and Loss Report- P&L Reporting using Excel [6 Parts Excel & Accounting]
With this post we are starting a new series on how to do basic accounting in Microsoft Excel.

In this and next 5 posts, we will aim to setup Profit & Loss account reporting for multi-location retail company.
During this series we will learn how to make P&L reports on various criteria with just few clicks.
Many users find it difficult to manage their P&L reporting for Multi Location organization.
We will be using Pivot Tables for our reporting purpose and will take example of a Retails chain with multiple locations divided into various regions. It is recommended that you be familiar with the concept of pivot tables and also familiar with basic accounting terms.
Data sheet structure for Preparing P&L using Pivot Tables
Data is most important part of the entire reporting requirements. You should plan your reporting needs in advance and collect data accordingly. Initial investments in organizing data properly will help you in long run for your reporting requirements.
Data needs to be in table format on separate sheet. First row of the data should be table headers and following rows to contain the data.
Preparing Pivot Table P&L using Data sheet
In this post we will learn how to setup the basic pivot table from that data.
.  *  Making Pivot Tables
.  *  switch pivot table layout.
.  *  change column label to row labels.
.  *  change the “sum of x” to “x”
.  *  clear sum of from field labels.

Adding Calculated Fields to Pivot Table P&L
Now we will add calculated fields to make it a complete P&L. We will also format data points to make it a complete P&L report.
Exploring Pivot Table P&L Reports
Now that we have P&L report as PivotTable, in this post we will explore excel features to make various types of reports.
.  *  Making Reports by Geography / State /City or Month:
.  *  Making Report of Top 5 Stores based on a Parameter
.  *  Define KPIs and Make Reports Based on them
Quarterly & Half-Yearly Profit Loss Reports (Grouping)              2010 04 21
In this post we will be learning some grouping tricks in PivotTables. We will cover grouping of dates, text fields and numeric fields. You will need to start with Monthly P&L report prepared in previous post.
.  *  Grouping Profit Loss Report based on Dates
.  *  Grouping Dates based on Apr-Mar Financial Year
.  *  Grouping Profit Loss Report Based on Text Fields
.  *  Grouping Profit Loss Report based on Numbers
.  *  Putting it all together – Creating a Custom Profit Loss Report Layout in Excel
.  *  Dealing with “Cannot group that selection” error
Budget V/s Actual Profit Loss Report using Pivot Tables            2014 09 29
This is continuation of our earlier post Preparing Quarterly and Half yearly P&L using grouping option. You can also do budget v/s actual comparison using Pivot Tables.
For this we have to add one more column to our data. I have added column Data Source to the end of data table. Existing data is marked as Actual and I have added more data rows which are marked as Budget.
Budget vs. Actual Charts – 14 Charting Ideas You can Use         2018 05 09
I thought this is a great way for You, my dear reader, to share your ideas.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and tell us how you will visualize this data. The best visualization maker will get eternal glory
I am thrilled and over joyed seeing the quality and quantity of responses received for our first visualization challenge.
First let us take a look at the entries, in no particular order. You can click on the image to see expanded version.

How to present changes in Market Share using Charts? – 12 Ways      2009 11 15
Most of us are comfortable with numbers, but we are confused when it comes to convert the numbers to charts. We struggle finding the right size, color and type of charts for our numbers. The challenge is two fold, we want to make the charts look good (we mean, really… really good) but at the same time we want our audience to focus on the message and not on the bells and whistles. This is where it gets tricky.
I posted a visualization challenge: How to show market share changes?
I thought it would be great to summarize various approaches we discussed as a case-study in how you can take same data and present it in 12 different ways.
.  *  Offset Stacked column
.  *  Stacked column
.  *  Step graph
.  *  “Who is responsible for that” chart
.  *  Aligned bar chart
.  *  Bar chart
.  *  Panel Chart
.  *  Stacked Bar Chart
.  *  Line chart
.  *  “neater” bar chart
.  *  Panel chart, products separated
.  *  Line Chart
.  *  Tag Cloud
.  *  In-Cell chart



A Star (Schema) and a SWITCH for Drill-Down Income Statement Design                 2018 01 25   Matthew Mowrey
When I was first introduced to PowerPivot five or six years ago, I knew it would serve me well in my FP&A function. I spent a lot of time learning about PowerPivot and DAX,with the goal of programming our host of reports, including a discoverable income statement pivot table. This report, while not the prettiest, is highly useful for variance analysis.

Create an Income Statement with a PivotTable                 2014 07 31    Jeff Lenning
Generally, I prefer to prepare financial statements with formulas and functions such as SUMIFS because there are no layout or structure limitations imposed. This means I can design the report to my exacting specifications. However, it is interesting to note that PivotTables support basic formulas, and using a PivotTable formula to create a calculated item […]

Create user-friendly income statements in Power BI                   (webinar)          2018 09 04
Create user-friendly income statements in Power BI - The Income Statement (or Profit & Loss Statement) is one of the most commonly used financial statements.
It takes a lot of time to extract the most important insights from the usual "tabular" income statements.
Join our webinar to learn how to use Power BI to design income statements that are:
.  *  user-friendly,
.  *  easily understandable, and
.  * 
We'll hand out the new Zebra BI custom visuals for Power BI to all webinar participants!
In this webinar you’ll learn:
.  *  Detailed instructions for creating income statements in Power BI
.  * 
Handle different types of KPIs - sales, costs, AR,
.  *  Best ways to compare income statements to previous year and plan
.  * 
How to manage sub-calculations for COGS, OpEx subtotals, etc.
.  *  How to ensure the correct P&L sort order

Design Income Statements in Excel Zebra BI 65min           2016 05 11
The Income Statement (or Profit & Loss Statement) is one of the four major financial statements used by FP&A professionals, accountants and business owners. The biggest problem of most tabular income statements is that they are hard to read. It takes a lot of time to extract the most important insights from them.

How to Design Income Statements (Profit & Loss Statements) in Excel  (webinar)      2016 05 11
The Income Statement (or Profit & Loss Statement) is one of the four major financial statements used by FP&A professionals, accountants and business owners.
The biggest problem of most tabular income statements is that they are hard to read. It takes a lot of time to extract the most important insights from them.
Join our webinar to learn how to redesign your income statements to make them:
    properly visualized using IBCS standards,
    easily understandable, and
In this webinar you’ll learn:
    Detailed instructions for creating income statements in Excel
    How to use Zebra BI’s Income Statement page template to create pixel-perfect reports for PowerPoint or printouts
    How to create profit&loss statements for multiple profit centers using small multiples
    How to manage sub-calculations for COGS, OpEx subtotals, etc.
    Many examples of best practice income statement visualizations

Microsoft income statement – FY18 Q4 financial results in Power BI & Zebra BI addon
At Zebra BI, we believe that our product can really make financial reports easier to read and understand, so we embarked on a cheeky quest: redesigning Microsoft’s quarterly earnings report in Power BI.
We’ve used our visuals, of course. Instead of tables and dull data, we’ve whipped up a rich and engaging visual representation to show how our solutions can be used even for Microsoft’s own data.

The Definitive Guide To Waterfall Charts 64min
          Learn how to use waterfall charts in business reporting
Join our webinar to
.  *  learn all about waterfall charts,
.  *  get plenty ideas how to use them in your reports and presentations and
.  *  ensure you can create the perfect one in Excel with Zebra BI in just 1 click
In this webinar you’ll learn:
.  *  In-depth explanations of the 4 fundamental types of waterfall charts
.  *  How to visualize your calculations and structures
.  *  Managing subtotals and sub-calculations
.  *  Enhancing the power of waterfalls with small multiples
.  *  Many examples of waterfall charts used in business reporting: Profit&Loss, Variance Analysis, Cash-Flow, statements, pricing, expense structures, price/volume/mix analyses, Market development or similar data structures

Visualise financial statements             2016 06 16
Excel trainer David Ringstrom is the latest expert to promote how effective a chart can be in communicating data. In this example originally published on our US sister site, Ringstrom creates a waterfall chart to display data from a financial statement, showing the numbers flow from total revenue down to net income.

As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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Hi SalmonOosthuizen,

Thank you for posting your query in our community.

Based on your description, you want to create a profit and loss statement with Excel.

There are many templates about the Profit and Loss statement on our official template website, such as:

Profit and loss statement

Profit and loss statement (with logo)

Profit and loss

If you still have problems about it, please feel free to post back with more detailed information.

Best regards,
•Beware of Scammers posting fake Support Numbers here.
•Please let us know if this is helpful and if the solution worked for you, as it can benefit others who are facing the same scenario.

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Last updated March 1, 2024 Views 1,049 Applies to: