W8 Windows Update Stuck at 0% Tried Fixit Multiple Solutions didnt work Please Help

Hi I just brought an Asus s200e and it came with Windows 8.Im having problems running Windows update on it
I ran a WIndows update tool and these are the results
Error 80070002
Windows UPdate components must be repaired
Problem with Background Transfer Service

.Straight out of the box I uninstalled McAfee Internet Security oping for Windows Defender.Whenever I run Windows update its stuck at 0% I tried numerous solutions I tried runnning Fixit but it didnt support Windows 8.I ran WindowsUpdateDiagnostic that semi fixed it.As in it was able to install updates after that ,- the only time updates install is if i shut down or restart the computer - but as soon as i restarted there were more updates to be installed and once again the updates were stuck at 0%.I also tried stopping the Windows Update Service and deleting C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder.There was a solution saying to" right click on command prompt in the list, run as administrator, then type: net stop “windows update” I tried doing this on Windows 8 and it came with a cmd saying the Syntax of this command is NET STOP
I tried a couple of other commands i saw in other peoples solutions but it did not work in Windows 8
On top of that I restored my  laptop to factory settings removing all files and restoring default windows files Numerous times and this also did not work.
Sorry about the long question Ive tried all the solutions I could find but havent been successful in getting the updates to download
I hope someone knowlegdable could assist me in fixing this otherwise since my laptop is new i should ask to exchange it ?
Thanks In advance !

Update for fixing "Windows Update components must be repaired" I tried 
C:\Windows\system32>DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth'

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.2.9200.16384

Image Version: 6.2.9200.16384

Error: 87

The restorehealth' option is not recognized in this context.
For more information, refer to the help.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

C:\Windows\system32>DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.2.9200.16384

Image Version: 6.2.9200.16384

GRRRR Please help so frustrated !!!

Hello Pat,


To show all files:
Press and hold Windows-key & then press R key to get the RUN menu.
Type in


 and press Enter

When in Windows Explorer, press ALT-key then V key to get VIEW menu
Look at the top ribbon, right side. {the Show/Hide block}

Look at the line Hidden items. IF it has no checkmark, then Click the box one time so that it is checked.


To get to an Elevated command prompt in Windows 8:
press Windows-key on keyboard.
You will be on Win8 Start screen.

Type in

then when the box shows up, do a Right Click and look at the bottom bar, and click on Run as Administrator.


The command prompt windows will start.


In the command-prompt window
type in
net stop wuauserv


Flush your Automatic Updates download folder.
Housekeeping and cleanup steps:

Go to Windows Explorer.
Look on your system drive (usually C ) and look at the Windows folder name. Like Windows or WINNT.
Modify following as appropriate.
If your  Windows folder is C:\Windows.  Look at this folder

If you find files in there, delete them.  That folder is where files are stored from W U downloads.


Go back to Command prompt window.
type in
net start wuauserv  <Enter-key>

EXIT  <Enter-key>


Check for missing or disabled Windows services, by doing the following, and post detailed results when done !!

Press and hold Windows-key & then press R key to get the RUN menu.
 and type in MSCONFIG

You should see the General tab. Click the General tab.  It should have Normal startup selected (in the radio-box=selection)
IF it does not, then you click on Normal startup.

Click on Services tab.  To get it's display of services.

Keep a written list of any changes from my list of services below. That way you and I have a reference document.
Look at the bottom line Hide all Microsoft services
IF and only IF its is checkmarked, then un-check it.
the list of servies may be shown in non-alphabetical order, so ....
Look at the heading titled "Service". Click on it as needed so the list is sorted and top of list starts with the "A" services.
You can toggle as needed to get the desired order.

IF any of below services are NOT shown, don't panic & do not stop, just write down the info for me and proceed with the others !

Then using the scroll-bar scroll down the list

Look for Background Intelligent Transfer Service.  Is it shown?  Is it checked?  If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Base Filtering Engine.  Is it shown?  Is it checked?  If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for COM+ Event System.  Is it shown?  Is it checked?  If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for COM+ System Application.  Is it shown?  Is it checked?  If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Cryptographic Services.  Is it shown?  Is it checked?  If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Ipsec Policy Agent.  Is it shown?  Is it checked?  If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator.  Is it shown ?  Is it checked? If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for RPC Endpoint Mapper.  Is it shown ?  Is it checked? If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Windows Firewall.  Is it shown ?  Is it checked? If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Windows Installer.  Is it shown ?  Is it checked? If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Windows Management Instrumentation.  Is it shown ?  Is it checked? If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

Look for Windows Update.  Is it shown ?  Is it checked? If not, click on that checkbox to checkmark.

When done, press the Apply button, and the OK button.


You're likely to be prompted to Restart Windows, do so.

If not prompted, you do a Logoff and Restart of Windows.


Then report back here with details.
If any of the services are not shown, just let me know which.

~ Maurice

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I had the same problem.

First error code 0x80070054

Then just what you described: stuck at 0%

Somewhere I read that it's just the progress bar giving wrong information. I thought that would be too simple maybe but I could try to wait....and I did...after 20 minutes it started installing.... so maybe slow servers or something.

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Question Info

Last updated January 6, 2020 Views 22 Applies to: