Bonus Reading related to MS Feedback system

This is a continuation of the article on how to submit "feedback" to MS.

Microsoft Feedback Process: Send Feedback to MS Developers


This article includes articles on topics like:

  • confirming that "Feedback" really is (or was) read by real people at MS

  • several tips on what to do or not do when asking for help

  • Alternate ways of getting help from MS

  • examples of bad customer service at other companies.


Is this Real, or just more Propaganda?

Plus Side ....

In a question on the forum I have seen responses from MS employees that indicated that "they" (MS) really are reading and reacting to the suggestion box ideas, ie:


2021 01 08- Theresa Estrada – Microsoft Principal Program Manager Lead   
Theresa dis a 26min interview on ExcelTV, at the 20:44point (linked here if you are impatient:

  ) she started talking about how MS, specifically Excel developers/managers spend "tons of time" reading feedbacks. )


Now I've seen independent "proof" that someone at MS does at least seem to look at the suggestions:

Picture from: PowerPoint Feedback and UserVoice: Does This Go Anywhere?


Jan 30 2020- Microsoft: This is how Windows 10 has been changed by Windows Insider feedback

But did Microsoft successfully deliver the features fans wanted ?

Why Didn’t Windows Fix My Pet Peeve?

The author, Leo, used to work for MS, so even though this is a general problem in computing (aka "priorities"), he does have inside insight.


Windows can't fix all the bugs on each release. I'll look at some of the reasons Windows might not fix something you consider important.


2013 March- Does MS Listen to User Feedback?

This blog:

In the blog entry above by Rob Collie a former MS employee, and now PowerPoint MVP he provides a roundabout insight to confirm that MS does listen. He is talking about the issue back in Office 2013 when MS was not providing PowerPivot to all of the Office bundles, especially consumer bundles. A lot of people stood up to be counted to eventually convince MS to provide the PowerPivot feature to everyone.


Minus side: Windows 10 1809 bungle: We won't miss early problem reports again, says Microsoft

Right, where have we heard that before ...

like that was the whole point of the "Insider" program, Insiders reported the problems, ... which MS didn't act on ...



it was discovered that many testers had already reported the same file-deletion problems that prompted Microsoft to halt the Windows 10 October 2018 Update.



Microsoft could have fixed this issue if only its engineers had noticed multiple reports from Windows insiders on Microsoft's Feedback Hub about data loss after upgrading.



However, as noted by Microsoft watcher Rafael Rivera, there are "tons of reports in Feedback about data loss on upgrade" to version 1809, and the reports were neither up-voted by users nor grouped in Collections, resulting in high-severity issues being buried.


This article is discouraging.  The Feedback system in combination with the Insider program worked.  Insiders found a serious problem and reported it in Feedback.  But the feedback system did not group the many postings so no one at MS recognized the significance of the problem.  <sigh>.


Minus Side: Yes, but ...

There is another downside to feedback. Although they count the number of comments and "votes" they are just information. I have seen feedbacks that had thousands of votes and that are years old, that have not been acted on.


We can submit suggestions and bug reports, but ultimately someone at MS has to decide to fund the work to make it happen.  Individually, and "corporately", they have their own vision for the applications and they don't agree with all of the feedback we provide.

Here are some articles on various aspects of customer service, including some tips on how to get "better", or at least not get worse, customer service.

Get better customer service by choosing your words wisely

December 12, 2016


The next time you make a complaint to your cellphone or cable company, don't get personal.

New research, published recently in the Journal of Applied Psychology, from the University of British Columbia has found that what you say to customer service employees can determine the quality of service you receive. For example, personally targeting employees by saying, "Your product is garbage" instead of "This product is garbage," can trigger negative responses from service employees.

"Employees can handle a lot, but when aggressive language and interruptions happen together -- combined with minimal positive language from the customer –employees get to a point where customer service quality suffers. Customers need to remember that they're dealing with human beings."



Rohn007:  since most of us already know that “MS Support sucks!”, we, as callers to MS Support, should do anything we can to avoid making the service any worse than it already is … It is in our best interest to not antagonize the person on the other end of the line.


2021 04 11- An ex-Verizon employee explains why it's not worth helping customers

As the pandemic has rolled along, many things in phone retail have changed. What's happening in stores, according to a recently departed Verizon employee, seems quite extraordinary.


MS isn’t the only One slow to act on “Feedback”


FireFox recently implemented a “new feature”. One that had been requested, only 17 years ago … (see the link above)


Social Media- Twitter - Make your Pain Public, maybe then MS will fix the problem – At least they often reply

A subset of links from above page:






2014 12 22- Want Support? Get Social

Check out this suggestion


I went to the Microsoft forums to see if others were reporting an issue and saw that some people had the same issue back in June, t there was no solution listed.

I put in a support ticket through my Office 365 account as well.

I turned to the chat support offered on I waited a long time for a rep to come online and we went over the trouble shooting steps I’d tried so far again and also found that if I created a new OneDrive account, I could access it. The rep said he might need access to my computer. I balked at that because the issue was on multiple devices and seemed to me to be clearly related to the account. The rep then tried to sell me a $200 antivirus and tech support package under the theory that a virus could be causing the issue.


So I turned to Twitter and sent a message to the OneDrive Twitter account. My response from their reps was almost immediate. I also looked over their accounts for others reporting the same issue.

The next morning, I received a Tweet from one of the people who was having the same issue. His OneDrive was working and so was mine. Three days later I received a confirmation e-mail for that Office support ticket. Glad I didn’t wait on that one.

But the point of this tale is that when you can’t really get a response from a company via e-mail, phone or chat – contacting them via Facebook or Twitter can be the way to go.



Get a “Bigger Stick” working for you – The Media

If all else fails, “shout louder”.

As an alternate approach, “get a bigger stick”, or a "bigger hammer".

As individuals we are pretty powerless. But there are various “media personalities” that can help i.e. radio/TV/Newspaper/Internet “ombudsmen”. They have large audiences and companies want to avoid bad press. When a well-known (loud mouth) media personality exposes bad customer service it can have a big, negative, long term effect on the company. So it is easier and cheaper, and better PR, to simply give the customer anything to get them to go away.

So, try to get one or more “reporters” to help you.


*** Email address is removed for privacy *** (email) Bad customer service

marketplace @

(more suggestions would be appreciated)


UK- ADR- Alternative Dispute Resolution after Brexit (Mediation)

Alternative dispute resolution after Brexit | The Law Society

This guidance sets out the implications for UK lawyers advising clients considering cross-border alternative dispute resolution (ADR) from the end of the Brexit transition period.

It’s relevant for UK lawyers advising clients in cross-border civil and commercial disputes involving parties from EU member states.


EU- ODR- Online Dispute Resolution (Mediation)

Find a solution to your consumer problem

Tell us about your consumer problem to find suitable options for resolving it.

For consumers

·     Your rights when shopping

·     Find the right tool to resolve your dispute

·     Access your ODR dashboard

For traders

·     Why this site?

·     Register now to protect your online reputation

·     Complain against a consumer

The European ODR platform

·     How it works

·     User guide

·     Contact ODR advisor

·     Alternative dispute resolution in Europe


How to Get Help: Contact the CEO

Here’s what to do when normal customer service channels fail: Go to the top.

You can find information on Microsoft Executives here:


Contact is the President of Microsoft Office Division:



<snip By Rick Broida, PCWorld Jun 21, 2011 >

As I’ve chronicled in recent weeks, my two HP desktops died a terrible death within two weeks of each other... I’ve read reports of the same board having the same issue in other models.)


Both systems were out of warranty, meaning my options were limited: I could pay HP $300 per system for repairs, try replacing the motherboards myself, or cut bait and buy new machines. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with any of these choices.


... I discovered an HP Web page where you can write a letter to the CEO. So I did. ...


The next day, I received a phone call from a member of HP’s “escalation” team, who apologized for the problems and turned me over to a case manager. Long story short: HP offered to repair both machines at their expense, including priority shipping to and from the repair depot. Knock me over with a feather!


Some friends have suggested that the recipient of my letter figured out “who I am” (namely, a tech blogger), hence the world-class treatment. I suppose that’s possible, ... the optimist in me wants to believe that even big corporations are willing to do the right thing when it comes to customer service—though sometimes you have to appeal to a “higher power” to make that happen.


My advice to you: If you think you’ve gotten a raw deal on a product or service, and you’re not making any headway through the usual channels, a politely worded letter to the big boss might just do the trick.



(In Theory) Your satisfaction Matters! Let us know your thoughts about your Microsoft experience.

MS has a very large audience, so if you want your suggestion to be acted upon you need many people to make the same suggestion. So ask your friends, fiends <grin>, enemies, relatives, co-workers, strangers on the street to also submit your suggestion to all of the following locations.


Here is proof that once in a blue moon MS does actually listen to user input about some of its “stupid” design decisions:

So “.. yes Virginia …”, it is worth complaining about the stupid ribbon, or other pet peeve, they sometimes pay attention.


But then again, when I looked at the “before” and “after” I don’t see much improvement! I’m afraid this is a fore-runner for a “metrified” Office 15. Well, we’ll see.

Another example of MS sometimes listening is found in Outlook. In 2010 MS removed the “Unread” messages view from Outlook. In 2013 the “Unread” view is returned.

There are examples of how well the “listen”, like the 2013 Preview White color scheme. The “fix” is 14 new application bar designs, but only 2 new shades of grey color schemes (no blue or black like previously) …


<snip Comment from a “Softie” in the Answers Forum, take it for what it is worth ... >

Hi, I’m an engineer on the Word product team. Thanks for your feedback. JairOV is correct: unfortunately, we cannot comment on unannounced product updates and decisions. However, we take customer feedback seriously when designing future versions of our product, and frequently monitor these forums for feedback and suggestions.



In addition, this page has screen captures of Outlook 2013 RTM (don’t miss reading the comments, they are hilarious):


Screen caps of new “color” scheme. But at least they have a choice of 14 “background designs” for the title bars. Well, there you go, we can see that they certainly have their priorities straight <sigh>

After a long time, I finally have come to an understanding of where the 3 2013 color schemes came from. They are the 2010 color schemes “dumbed” down. Actually, what was done is that the color was removed, desaturated, from the 2010 color schemes. “Silver” became “blinding white”, the light blue became light grey and black became the slightly darker grey. Simple color schemes for a simple UI

.!297&authkey=!AGZ-GhCx9Q1Zuug – JPG comparing color schemes from 2003-2013(RTM)

 .!298&authkey=!AN36Nw-TqH6py2M – Original DOC comparing Color Schemes from 2003-2013 (RTM) allows you to zoom in for more details



Sorry, there is no good answer to that. If you, and all the others with this problem start tweeting it, making it more public, maybe then MS will finally be inspired to find the fix to the problem.


Microsoft has a number of dedicated teams that do this kind of support explicitly:









You can reach out to key folks on the Windows Engineering team through Twitter
. (sorry, apparently this link no longer works)

Make sure you send short link to them. They are known to be very responsive and might be able to point it in the right direction.


Take your complaint to the top, Tweet the CEO of MS: @satyanadella (sorry, apparently this link no longer works)

. – comments on trying twitter


This story is not related to your problem, but it may give you a small laugh … (Box of Boxes)


Three weeks ago, I ordered a box of boxes from @PkgWholesalers , via @amazonca.

Specifically, I ordered a package of 25 boxes, each 6x9x6:

When the delivery arrived at my door, it was a box of Chocolate Sea Salt Granola packets.



It goes on from there with a sad tale of automation gone wild and “Helpless” help desk “service”.



Personal Favorite Feedbacks I've Seen

Here are links to some of my personal “favorite” specific suggestions:

This is busiest suggestion I've seen. I keep getting update comments several times a week


Bring back Picture Manger to the Office 2016 Bundle
As of Oct 1 2016 there are 226 votes
Bring Picture Manager back to Office bundle
Unhappy about Microsoft Office Picture Manager being removed from the Office Suite.
Totally stinks that Office Picture Manager was removed! Why? So many of us are heavy photo users and used that as a key feature of Office
Please bring back Microsoft Picture Manager for use on Windows 10 (Office 2016)!
bring back office picture manager right away.
MS Picture Manager is missing from Office 2013
Bring back MS Picture Manager! It was just right - not too complex, but very useful!
Bring back MS Office Picture Manager
Please bring back the good old picture manager. Known from Office 2003 up to Office 2010.
Make Picture Manager available on Office 2013


Here are some others.


Compatibility mode - automate conversion  -


Solve the Word 365/2016 Slow Typing Issue 218 votes Mar 2017
Since Word 2016 was published, it has very serious performance issues on devices with high resolution displays like the Surface Book and Surface Pro. As soon as a document is longer than about 1000 words, there is a terrible typing lag, i.e. text appears on screen much slower than you type.
The typing lag is particularly bad in tables and when markup mode is used.


Restore pinned folders in Save options in all Office products


Bring Back 2010 type full page text boundary / borders  522 votes and 389 comments as of June 23 2017.  Has been “under review” since 2015 09 17


More themes – black theme – 234 votes as of Feb 19 2017
128 votes  Under Review Feb 2017
Black has been released for 365 only. There is a registry hack one-time payment users can use to get it too. .
056 votes .
017 votes
015 votes
007 votes
006 votes
002 votes
002 votes
001 votes


170 votes total as of Nov 23, 2017 
MLA 8 Bibliography Support
marked "planned" for a future update, back in June 2017 ... So they will "get around to it" eventually ... Maybe in time for "Office 2019" (which has been announced to be coming out some time next year, Academic year 2018? ). There are a number of other similar requests: 


Cumulative list of “new features” by application  You need to create an alternate page/site that lists ALL of the new features that have been added by application to date with links to the intro page/blog for them and links to more in depth training for them. ie all of the new Excel features listed on one page, all of the new Word features on another etc


UserVoice submissions I’ve Followed that have been acted on.


Pin pinning recent files no longer sorts alphabetically  544 votes – Was rolled out in July, then rolled back, is supposed to roll out again in October.


File > Options pane - make all text searchable


Back out change to make pen Ink default  MS Is working on this issue
341 total votes as of Feb 26, 2016 – Mar 2016 MS pushed out a Windows Update to at least partially fix the problem

30 votes - Office in General

52 voteTo using Surface Pro 4 Pen as a mouse in PowerPoint 2016 instead of inking - PowerPoint

106 vote Use the pen as a mouse - Word

153 vote let pen usage toggle between inking and pointer - Excel


Bring back all of the old grammar checking rules – Brought back for Office 365 Subscribers only in Aug 2016

<snip >,

I was looking for some indication that Microsoft actually sanctions the Uservoice website.


"Official" MS Articles on Feedback:



Win10- Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback Hub app


2017 05 18 Win10- How to Use Feedback Hub 3minute video

Devin from the Feedback Hub team shows how to use the Feedback Hub app and answer questions about the app a lot of you might have.


2016 05 23- Windows 10 problem? Now everyone can gripe to Microsoft via Feedback Hub


... Feedback Hub ... Microsoft has opened it up to all users ...

Feedback Hub also lets users upvote others' suggestions, search for issues, and rate Microsoft's various Windows builds.

The app is available for anyone to install. However, it appears Microsoft is reserving some features for members of the Windows Insider program,




Fixing Feedback Hub app Problems

Personally I've found that Microsoft "Store apps", like the Feedback Hub, are relatively primative and unreliable.  Most of the time I can't get the Feedback Hub app to work ... <sigh>

Here are some general tips for repairing problems in any Store App:

#1: Update Feedback Hub app

  • Open Microsoft Store

  • Click 3 dots icon on right side of app

  • Select "Download and Updates"

  • Update Feedback Hub or click Update all


#2: Reset the Feedback Hub app

  • Press Start

  • then search Apps and Features for Feedback Hub app

  • Right click Click on the tile and select "advanced options > Reset command"

#3: Reinstall Feedback Hub app

Start by uninstalling the current version of the App using PowerShell:

  • Press Windows key+X then select Powershell(Admin)

  • Copy and paste the command to uninstall Feedback Hub app

get-appxpackage *WindowsFeedbackHub* | remove-appxpackage

After that, Proceed to reinstall Feedback Hub app via Microsoft Store app or PowerShell

  • Open Microsoft Store then search for "Feedback Hub"

  • Click Install


Or Install Feedback Hub via Powershell

  • Press Windows key+X then select Powershell(Admin) (or start it through the start menu)

  • copy paste the following command into the PowerShell command window, then hit Enter:

Get-AppXPackage *WindowsFeedbackHub* -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

  • Restart your PC



Links to Technet & MSDN

Check with Experts at TechNet and MSDN where Sharepoint is supported.
Technet Sharepoint - Forums
TechNet - Support for Business Owners, larger than small networks
(medium to Enterprise), Server editions, Live Meeting, Office for IT,
and other networking software.
TechNet - Windows Server (Server 2008 R2 Forums are locked so you will need
to use the other forums for current support)
TechNet - Windows 10 IT Pro - Forums
TechNet - XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 IT Pro,w8itpro,windowsvistaitpro,windowsxpitpro,windowsintune
TechNet - Where is the Forum For…?
MSDN/Office - Dev Center - SharePoint Forums
MSDN - Forums
MSDN - Where is the Forum For…?

Performing a who-is on Uservoice shows that it’s administered by CloudFlare.  Wikipedia’s description of Cloudflare does not mention Microsoft, so apparently Microsoft contracted Cloudfare to handle all the incoming feedback.

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How do I give MS feedback re Developer Community? The search isn't working, and there's apparently no place to report it.

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I would be satisfied just to know whether I have reached a developer at all. These bots are a desaster.

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I have had UserVoice suggestions where they say they have fixed it and they have not.
Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

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How do I give MS feedback re Developer Community? The search isn't working, and there's apparently no place to report it.


Sorry for the delay replying. I didn't have the option turned on to see comments. (oops)

Feedback re which "Developer Community"?  Do you mean a website? In that case you can do it via:

  • At top of this webpage there is a ribbon drop down button for "Participate"
  • Under it select "Community Participation Center". This is a subsite for moderators (and users). You can post a question or discussion there to make your suggestion/feedback.
As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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I would be satisfied just to know whether I have reached a developer at all. These bots are a desaster.



Sorry for the delay replying. I didn't have the option turned on to see comments. (oops)


When you submit "feedback" via any of the 4 methods described in the article above MS developers do see it. I've included links in the article that describe confirmation that developers do see all of the submissions.


And, very rarely, developers will update the "status" of a feedback that they are actively considering.

As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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I have had UserVoice suggestions where they say they have fixed it and they have not.

Hey Charles:


Sorry for the delay replying. I didn't have the option turned on to see comments. (oops)


What can I say?  MS has a very "creative" relationship with the truth? But you should know that by now. <g>


Based on my personal programming experience in a large corporation I can speculate on a couple of excuses:

  • they intended to make the change, but the change was backed out at the last minute, and status was not updated
  • they actually did make the change, then later someone "accidentally" removed it (due to inadequate version control and testing)
  • they actually did make the change, then later someone intentionally removed that change when they made another change ... ie because the change was defective, but they never re-implemented it
As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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Reply In reply to deleted message

The automatic protection of personal identifying information removed the media email addresses. They are under the picture of the hammers.

Volunteering to "pay forward" the help I've received in the Microsoft user community.

Charles Kenyon
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Legal site:

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No problem.

Now it is my turn to say sorry. When I moved the data to the article, I deleted it from my Word document. I've just discovered that I don't have a backup version that includes any email addresses in that area. I only found one, for the "CBC" that I was able to correct.

As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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Forum Article Info

Last updated December 3, 2023 Views 13,658 Applies to: