Windows 10 "Tablet Mode" Experience is much WORSE than Windows 8.1 Start/Metro UI Tablet Experience

Just wanted to report my detailed feedback on what's wrong with W10 on my Surface Pro 3, for me.

UPDATE 9 (Final Build - 10240 + Patch 6 / 09/09/2015)

What's still broken and/or must be improved:


  • Tablet Mode: When choosing/resuming opened and multitasked apps from "Task View" preview (clicking or tapping), there's an ugly "white flashing" during the resuming animation and before we can see again the application full screen. It's very jarring and bad to see;
  • Tablet Mode: When the system was in "Connected Standby" for too long, after resuming and going to "Task View" almost all the preview thumbnail are gone/glitched, and only the opened apps Titles remain: very ugly to see;
  • Tablet Mode: Swipe down thumbnails preview to close Apps in "Task View" is missing (inconsistency with touch usage compared to Windows 10 Mobile);
  • Surface Pro 3 Only: turning on the device a "white flash" appears both on first bios loading, and just before Windows Log-in screen. It seems Intel GPU Drivers problem;
  • Tablet Mode (Always on, never prompt): Almost on every boot Start Screen does not appear if there's some legacy desktop program loading in system tray and showing legacy notifications (for example: AdGuard Desktop). The only way to let show it up is tapping many times on Start or exiting/re-entering Tablet Mode from Action Center. Very frustrating;
  • Wi-Fi strenght is unreliable ( performance is flacky while it was rock solid on 8.1 on the same device and environment). New FullHD streaming stuttering arise (where I never had that problem before on same network);
  • Edge often consumes A LOT of CPU and RAM usage (with very few tabs opened);
  • Just starting typing on "Start Screen" (Tablet Mode) does not trigger Searching in Cortana. This is a regression compared to the immediate 8.1 Start Screen typing/searching experience;
  • (Not so new but) We ABSOLUTELY NEED: Edge swiping gestures (back/forward) in Tablet Mode + Full Screen Mode (similar to Metro.IE11) while in Tablet Mode;


  • Calendar Live Tile doesn't update itself (Tablet Mode);
  • Native Maps app doesn't have transit Bus/Metro paths, but only on Foot and Car (Italy);
  • Tablet Mode: when opening File Explorer or any legacy desktop program/window there is a "double-animation" of the window opening in full screen. Annoying;
  • Lock Password Image "blinks to white" before I can enter my image password, I assume it's a bug. Never seen something like that on 8/8.1;
  • When rebooting, it often appears a window saying "Waiting for the programs to close before rebooting". Very Windows 7-Style and annoying, never seen something like that in 8/8.1;
  • In Tablet Mode, clicking with a mouse/trackpad on Task Bar buttons often does not register clicks, and need to be clicked 2/3 times before it register. Works fine with touch instead (it seems a bug with the "pop-up tooltip" when the mouse cursor pass by);
  • "Searchindexer.exe" crashes a lot in Reliability Monitor, and it often hangs for a while active windows;
  • Opening Apps in Tablet Mode with "auto-hide taskbar" enabled shows for 1-2 seconds taskbar on apps splash-screen, it's a bit ugly;
  • In Tablet Mode on boot, sometime there's no "Start Screen" animation, but after log-in it just blinks black, and Start Screen is there. A regression to the beautiful entering of 8.1 Start Screen.


  • Full Screen/Immersive Edge is STILL missing (auto-hiding and animated menu bar / address / favourites bar while scrolling + Swipe Back/Forward like Metro.IE11);
  • Official support of TPLs (Tracking Protection Lists) inside Edge settings pane is STILL missing (manual hack doesn't work anymore);
  • We need better Multi-Display support (Tablet Mode on one display, Desktop on another for example);
  • We need 3+ Snappable Apps in Tablet mode.


  • "Auto-Hide Taskbar" setting independent between Tablet Mode and Desktop mode (with independent Sync between devices) is missing;
  • We need the option to disable the hamburger menu at start screen in Tablet mode;
  • In notification/action center we need the option to adjust brightness level from 0-100% just like charm bar;
  • We need the option completely disable the taskbar at start screen in Tablet Mode;
  • We need Fix for the switching language on touch keyboard just like ios/android keyboard behavior;
  • We need Swipe Virtual Keyboard like Windows Mobile 10 (WordFlow);
  • Import Metro.IE Web Live Tiles into Edge Web Live Tiles missing;
  • We need Improvement to snapping with mouse while in Tablet Mode.


  • 8.1 Start Screen will not transfer over to Windows 10. Not only does 10 make no effort to import my Start Screen, it no longer supports key features of it: 
    * Tile sets are limited to 1 large and 1 medium tile wide. Some of my groups are 3 large tiles wide
    * Web site live tiles no longer show live RSS content consistently - some sites work, others don't
    * Start backgrounds are no longer supported
    * Start colors are not customizable -- they follow the accent color
  • In tablet mode, opening a new app when two others are snapped erases the snap relationship requiring the user to re-snap apps (i.e. the app opens full screen instead of asking for a target pane like in 8.1).
  • Resizable snap is only available in Tablet mode, and Tablet mode is not available when using multiple monitors
  • Resizable snap and resizable desktop windows are now mutually exclusive. Allow option to resize desktop apps in tablet mode.
  • 8.1 allowed snapping from the task list but the task view that replaces it does not allow snapping. Snapping is also impossible from the task bar.
  • In Tablet mode, snap is limited to two panes per monitor -- down from four in 8.1

PLEASE, now SHARE this list inside your W10 "Feedback App" (adding all your personal issues too).

That's the only way for MS to REALLY notices us.

Thanks! :) 


Windows 10 Build 10130 Tablet Mode still broken (VIDEO)


Other Suggestions with a Concept Image (Thanks Joseph-WilfriedRosenbaum ):


Vote on official WINDOWS UserVoice website:

Here (12.120+ public Votes)

Here (3.330+ public Votes)

Here (I opened this, 790+ public Votes)

Here  (570+ public Votes)

and (this is new, even reporting this Discussion!)


We're almost 25.000+ Insider requesting "Tablet Mode" Improvements right now!!!

Thank you


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Oh, and other concerns:

IE IMMERSIVE/METRO EXPERIENCE: where is it? Apparently it's GONE both on latest Win10 TP, AND on next builds shown so far. You showed us the new "Spartan" browser that seams really great with the totally new Edge Rendering Engine and new touch/writing/sharing capabilities...but it was only shown as a DESKTOP Window, DESKTOP Environment and DESKTOP usage. Where is the pure Full-Screen and clutter-free "Tablet Mode" version? I WON'T accept to upgrade my machine (Surface Pro 3) on something with useless and excessive menu bars, tabs, buttons, bottom bars and so on. I have a relatively small 12-inches device that wants its screen SQUEEZED by full-content only, and Tablet usage (even with che Type Cover 3 attached), an hybrid device that needs the best of both worlds, and not only the Desktop world with lesser and worser touch capabilities.

There's "only" 8 months left for finishing and fixing this mess.

And I'm starting to think it won't be enough to release a better product than Windows 8.1 Pro for Tablet and Hybrid device usage.

Very disappointed :(

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Don't erase Metro/Modern environment and going full desktop

Just keep both and switch between them with Continuum or enabling "Tablet Mode" manually

New Desktop improvements are great, but the "Tablet Mode" should be on par with 8.1 Tablet Experience, if not even better.

Bring back 8.1 Metro Start Screen as it is now on "Tablet Mode", and just improve starting from there

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Until  the  build 9926, I have to say , "Windows 10 is for notebooks and desktop PCs"

the Continuum feature and the tablet mode is not working for the tablet. 

If MS makes  no big change  for   Touch UI  or metro/ modern on Windows 10 pc version , it should make windows 10 mobile  version work over 7 inch devices   like 8. 10  inch and bigger , which are for phones and tablets.  

And, get rid of  the Desktop UI or desktop mode  , office  touch apps must be pre- installed , the Files apps   like the one in windows phone 8.1  must be installed and, touch friendly version of IE must be installed like windows 8.1 . 

Cortana should be a store app like the one in windows phone 8.1.

Interactive Live tiles will be good for  windows 10 mobile . 

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Until  the  build 9926, I have to say , "Windows 10 is for notebooks and desktop PCs"

the Continuum feature and the tablet mode is not working for the tablet. 

If MS makes  no big change  for   Touch UI  or metro/ modern on Windows 10 pc version , it should make windows 10 mobile  version work over 7 inch devices   like 8. 10  inch and bigger , which are for phones and tablets.  

And, get rid of  the Desktop UI or desktop mode  , office  touch apps must be pre- installed , the Files apps   like the one in windows phone 8.1  must be installed and, touch friendly version of IE must be installed like windows 8.1 . 

Cortana should be a store app like the one in windows phone 8.1.

Interactive Live tiles will be good for  windows 10 mobile . 

I agree.

Just give us users the CHOICE to keep 8.1 Modern Environment in Tablet Mode or not.

Or even install a Full "Mobile/Touch" SKU even on x86/Intel hybrid devices

I really can't digest the current "Desktop-Centric" Windows 10 TP right now on my Surface...

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Until  the  build 9926, I have to say , "Windows 10 is for notebooks and desktop PCs"

the Continuum feature and the tablet mode is not working for the tablet. 

If MS makes  no big change  for   Touch UI  or metro/ modern on Windows 10 pc version , it should make windows 10 mobile  version work over 7 inch devices   like 8. 10  inch and bigger , which are for phones and tablets.  

And, get rid of  the Desktop UI or desktop mode  , office  touch apps must be pre- installed , the Files apps   like the one in windows phone 8.1  must be installed and, touch friendly version of IE must be installed like windows 8.1 . 

Cortana should be a store app like the one in windows phone 8.1.

Interactive Live tiles will be good for  windows 10 mobile . 

I agree.

Just give us users the CHOICE to keep 8.1 Modern Environment in Tablet Mode or not.

Or even install a Full "Mobile/Touch" SKU even on x86/Intel hybrid devices

I really can't digest the current "Desktop-Centric" Windows 10 TP right now on my Surface...

MS is full of dumb peoples. i still have to see anyone complaining about tablet mode on windows 8.1. why MS changed tablet mode? totally agree that was bit strange to use with mouse on desktop but on tablet it was perfectly working. also agree about internet explorer, on my tablet its first preferences since swipe gestures are awesome and every other browser sucks in that. please give tablet users windows 8.1 UI with additional features.

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What sucks most is the fact they are throwing away a really good Tablet UI and forcing desktop like GUI elements at tablet users.

We have Tablet and Desktop mode why can't Tablet mode be more liker Win 8.1 and Desktop mode be more like Win 10

MS is CRAZY if it thinks one UI type is going to serve both purposes.

The Taskbar should not be always visible on a tablet, screen space is at a premium on tablet and an always on static taskbar add nothing of value. Also taskbars that run the length of the screen are bad for tablets as thumb swipes and presses are more difficult for items in the middle of the taskbar.

It is also silly that MS has removed the swipe ahead commands and swipe app switching from Win 8 that worked well on Tablets.

I honestly do not know what they are thinking? There are some good things in Win 8 as far as how it worked on Tablets their is no need for them to throw that all away.

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What sucks most is the fact they are throwing away a really good Tablet UI and forcing desktop like GUI elements at tablet users.

We have Tablet and Desktop mode why can't Tablet mode be more liker Win 8.1 and Desktop mode be more like Win 10

MS is CRAZY if it thinks one UI type is going to serve both purposes.

The Taskbar should not be always visible on a tablet, screen space is at a premium on tablet and an always on static taskbar add nothing of value. Also taskbars that run the length of the screen are bad for tablets as thumb swipes and presses are more difficult for items in the middle of the taskbar.

It is also silly that MS has removed the swipe ahead commands and swipe app switching from Win 8 that worked well on Tablets.

I honestly do not know what they are thinking? There are some good things in Win 8 as far as how it worked on Tablets their is no need for them to throw that all away.

Fully agree

Hope to hear an official word about this as soon as possible

This argument alone is quickly becoming a very worrying scenario for the future of the platform

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I think this is a very valid discussion and I'd like to see it keep going.

I, too, agree with all the sentiments of the OP.

Another thing I'd like to add - many Windows 8.1 tablets didn't have an on-screen Windows Buttons.

This is a very big problem with the new UI. Hitting a really small button on the bottom-left hand side of the screen is a very bad experience for these devices. Swiping from the right and hitting Start from the Charms Bar was a very natural and elegant solution to the lack of hardware buttons.

My mother's Winbook (which she also plugs in to her tv and doubles as her media server) would be very much affected by this and if Microsoft doesn't add a Start Button to the new Action Center - I don't think I'll be updating her tablet to this new OS.

I have Surface Pro 1, and I have to say - when working on the tablet screen - I NEVER want to exit Tablet Mode. Even with the Power Cover Keyboard attached. My tablet screen is SMALL. Whenever I'm using the tablet screen, I want the device in Tablet Mode.

When I plug my Surface in my dock and it hooks up to my external monitor and my mouse & keyboard, that's when I want my tablet to enter Desktop Mode. Continuum should also be modified to work with this usecase as well. Having a million notifications in my Action Center asking me if I want to exit Tablet Mode only seems to strengthen this argument.

Microsoft, I love you guys, I really do. But you gotta try to understand... you nailed the tablet experience with 8.1. Just add Cortana, the Action Center, and a slightly modified Task switcher to 8.1 and call it a day. Sure, the Charms Bar can go away - Just add the Start Button to the new Action Center and we're in business.

No need to force Desktop UI Elements on a barrage of Tablet Users that are never going to bother navigating through a clunky UI.

Seriously, though... LOVE the Action Center. Much more useful.

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I formatted and went back to pristine 8.1 Pro on my Surface Pro 3 and, god, the Tablet Experience is on a whole higher level of perfection and usability.

I will stick with this until Windows 10 "Tablet Mode" will be completely redesigned at least.

(and probabibly this would mean waiting for 10.1 or Windows 11 :( )

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Fully agree

Hope to hear an official word about this as soon as possible

This argument alone is quickly becoming a very worrying scenario for the future of the platform

Well the official word is not very encouraging, their seems to be a real issue with the Win 10 Devs and what they are trying to do with this OS. They seem very out of touch and determined to push Desktop Elements to Tablet users. It almost seems like another company developed the Win 8 GUI for Tablets and MS is trying to undo all of it.

Tweet from Joe Belfiore on the taskbar being present in Tablet mode

joebelfiore yep, we intend taskbar to be present in tablet mode. Thats quick access to start menu (4 pcs w no HW button)

Win 10 devs says people want Taskbar always present even on small Tablets which is NUTS from a GUI standpoint

Gabriel Aul GabeAul

Silaslang Thanks. Let's see how people upvote. We get lots of requests for always on taskbar, even on small tabs. Threading the needle...

Win 10 Dev on customization in the GUI

Gabriel Aul GabeAul

Silaslang Balancing act is always hard. More customization options means code grows and gets more complex to test. We're working on it.

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Last updated March 13, 2021 Views 35,211 Applies to: