My family member died recently/ is in coma, what do I need to do to access their Microsoft account?

Please see Next-of-kin process for for the latest information.

How do we get access to the account of an expired/deceased family member or someone who is unable to access their account on their own? 


Occasionally, family members or third parties may need to request email account data in the event of a customer’s death or medical incapacitation. We realize that these may be difficult times for those seeking access to their loved one’s information.  However, the right to privacy and the security of our customers’ data is a fundamental concern to Microsoft.  Our users expect Microsoft to keep their information private and secure even in the event of death or incapacitation.  Our primary responsibility is to honor this expectation. 

If a third party has a compelling need to access a user’s account and he or she has appropriate legal permission for this access, or have additional questions about access to a deceased or incapacitated user’s account, please send inquiries to *** Email address is removed for privacy ***.

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Question Info

Last updated March 25, 2025 Views 64,799 Applies to: