An unexpected I/O error has occurred when installing Windows 7- Error 0xc00000e9

I installed windows 7 in my ASUS laptop and when my computer restarted there is a blank screen with blinking
cursor "_" and can't continue the windows set up. It took a few minutes blinking, so I decided to eject the CD. It prompted "Starting Windows"
After a few minutes it went blank so I decided to insert again the windows installer and turn off my laptop. And it happened again the windows set up
does not continue. And I decided to use other installer and inserted it. But error occurs after windows loader prompted. It says:

This error can be caused by unplugging a removable storage device such as an external USB drive while the device is in use, or by faulty hardware such as a hard drive or CD-ROM drive that is failing. Make sure any removable storage is properly connected and then restart your computer.

If you continue to receive this error message, contact the hardware manufacturer.

Status: 0xc00000e9

Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.

What I'm supposed to do with this?
I hope you can help me fix these problem thanks!



-   Do you have any external USB memory devices connected to the computer?


This might be caused due to one of the following reasons:

-   You are attempting to install with other devices connected to the computer.

-   Faulty installation media.

-   Faulty optical drive.

-   Other hardware components are faulty.


Perform the following troubleshooting methods:

Method 1:

If you have any external USB memory devices connected, then I would suggest you to remove those devices and check if this fixes the issue.


Method 2:


Try to install Windows 7 using different installation DVD and check if you are able to install it.


Method 3:


Update the latest BIOS and check if this fixes the issue.

Check with manufacturer’s support to update the BIOS.

Important: Modifying BIOS/ complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) settings incorrectly can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from booting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the configuring of BIOS/CMOS settings can be solved. Modifications of the settings are at your own risk.


Method 4:


If these methods don’t work then the issue might be with the hard disk. I would suggest you to check with manufacturer’s support for more information.

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Thank you for your reply, I performed your suggested methods to troubleshoot my laptop. But same errors are still prompting. 

I tried  method method 2, but still same errors, but when i load again the installer, new error occurred: 

Windows Boot Manager said:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. to fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer (Me: "How can I start my computer if my operating system can't load.")
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." (Me:"The installation interface can't load ")
3. Repair Computer.(Me:"How can I repair my computer if he installation interface can't load either")

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer assistance.

Status: 0x00000e9
Info: Windows failed to load because a required file is missing or corrupt.

As I esc it. another file is missing or corrupt.
File: PSHED.dll

I cannot perform method three because my operating system won't load because as I formatted it when I installed windows 7 and when my computer restarts and does not continue setup.

Thanks and I really appreciate your help, and I hope you understand me I'm not as techie as you are. :) Have a good day!

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This looks like the issue might be with the Hard disk. I would suggest you to check with the computer manufacturer’s support for more information.

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this error also comes when we change hard disk

simply check ur sata connection of hdd odd and on it

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-   Do you have any external USB memory devices connected to the computer?

Yes i do , plugged in or not still get same error ! :-/

This might be caused due to one of the following reasons:

-   You are attempting to install with other devices connected to the computer.

-   Faulty installation media.

-   Faulty optical drive.

-   Other hardware components are faulty.

Not a lot of people talk about this and i think i found out why i get this problem a friend of mine asked me to format her laptop , i accepted without knowing what i got myself into cus i got this error.

Tried everything !!!! only thing i cant try cus i don't have the original Hardware is the AC Plug

(she got  prob a cheap 1 on eBay ) dosent give the W the PC actually need but still can boot tho. so gonna have to clean her PC without formatting but for all of you make sure you use a good AC Plug

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Olá pessoal, eu tive o mesmo problema, em uma instalação que fiz tempos atrás, de la para cá esta é a segunda vez que acontece isso comigo, como este erro se deu em um intervalo de tempo grande, não me recordava da solução, então fiz o seguinte: e acredito que sirva para todos vocês!

 1° Uma observação antes de tudo:

Este erro certamente irá acontecer se durante a instalação do Windows vocês notarem que ela está indo rápida demais, é como se a mídia pulasse alguns arquivos durante a instalação mas seguisse sem maiores problemas.

Sendo assim tente trocar de mídia antes de qualquer outra ação.

2° O tempo médio para o Windows expandir os arquivos durante a instalação é de mais ou menos uns 5 a 8 minutos. ( dependendo da configuração).

Se for muito rápido é certo de que irá dar erro quando for terminar.

3° Mas antes de chegar neste ponto sugiro que troque sua memória de banco, mas quando fizer isto, passe uma borracha macia nos contatos e em seguida um pincel para remover os resíduos. (Apenas para ter certeza de que nao é um problema nas memórias).

 4° Verifique se possui algum tipo de dispositivo USB conectado ao equipamento, se possuir e este não impactar na instalação do S.O, com excessão do (teclado), desconecte, pois não se faz necessario caixas de som usb, tão pouco mouse conectado ao equipamento durante a instalação do S.O.


 5° Reinicie a instalação e pronto notará que a instalação terminará sem erros.


6° Quero deixar claro uma outra coisa: tal procedimento serve apenas se o disco rígido não estiver com problemas, pois se o mesmo estiver com bad block se faz necessária a troca do mesmo antes do procedimnto sugerido.

 Pois estes equipamentos estavam todos em pelo pleno fucionamento e com outros sistemas operacionais em funcionamento antes de apresentar tal erro.

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Last updated April 15, 2024 Views 26,535 Applies to: