Word multilevel list headings not working


After setting up a multilevel numbering list style (or whatever the correct terminology is) by following the instructions here:


What would prevent new lines from automatically entering the next number? Actually, the new line does not even keep the same heading since the cursor goes all the way back to the left margin and Styles switches to Normal. Here's an example that hopefully explains what I'm talking about:

Suppose you set up your outline headings to look like this — with the bracketed content not seen but showing the heading level (and Style) of its respective row:
[Heading 1]        I.    
[Heading 2]                A.    
[Heading 3]                        1.    |
[Heading 4]                                a.    
[Heading 5]                                        and so on...
and suppose the vertical bar at the end of the third line represents the location of your mouse cursor. 

Pressing the Enter key should give the following, right?
[Heading 1]        I.    
[Heading 2]                A.    
[Heading 3]                        1.    
[Heading 3]                        2.    |
[Heading 4]                                a.    
[Heading 5]                                        and so on...
where the new line is at the same heading level [Heading 3] and the new number follows in sequence from the prior heading at that level.

However, pressing the Enter key in my case results in this:
[Heading 1]        I.    
[Heading 2]                A.    
[Heading 3]                        1.    
[Normal]      |
[Heading 4]                                a.    
[Heading 5]                                        and so on...
where the cursor goes all the way back to the left margin and the Styles menu shows that it switched from [Heading 3] to [Normal]. Every level behaves the same way. It's like it doesn't know to remain at the same Heading.

I would attach the file but I don't see a way to do that.  :P


Word's expectation is that a paragraph in one of the built-in heading styles will be followed by paragraph text, so the "Style for following paragraph" for all the heading styles is set to Normal. When you press Enter at the end of a Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc., paragraph, you get a paragraph in the Normal style. Unless you are in Outline view, in which case you will get a new paragraph in the same style, and you can use the designated keyboard shortcuts (or the Ribbon buttons) to promote/demote levels.


If you are creating a document that will consist entirely of an outline, you have two choices:

  1. Change the "Style for following paragraph" for each heading style to be the same style; or
  2. Link your multilevel list numbering to some other styles (such as the List Number series).

If you choose to continue with the heading styles, note that they are all formatted as "Keep with next," which will ultimately cause problems in a document containing nothing but headings. To avoid problems, remove this property from all but the top two or three levels.


If you are creating an outline as the basis of a document and will later fill in with text paragraphs, then you should stick with the heading styles but create the outline in Outline view, then revert to Print Layout view when you are ready to fill in the text.

Microsoft MVP (Word) since 1999
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Screen shots captured with TechSmith's Snagit

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Last updated November 28, 2023 Views 6,888 Applies to: