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Windows Client for It Pros
Windows Server
March 10, 2025
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Please Advise: Word 365 inserting random page breaks in Print Layout mode
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Simply looking at screen captures helps a tiny bit, but it would be much better to see the affected text.
Could you extract a few segments that have this problem and post them on skydrive for us to look at directly?
The first capture shows a break in a totally unexpected place, the "middle" of the para. That there are 2 lines carried over to the next page is suspicious. There may be a "compatibility" option at play
If you want to try and trouble shoot it yourself, here is a tip and an addon tool that may help to expose hidden formatting that may be causing the problem.
Reveal Codes in Word - Is there life after “Reveal Codes”? - . This is an excellent article describing all of the native Word tools for discovering formatting.
Formatting Problems? Install CrossEyes - -
a product review of the tool
This tool adds a pane that converts Word formatting into HTML/WordPefect like “codes”, displaying a WordPerfect like “Reveal Codes” pane. It is a great complement to MS’s inadequate attempt in the
As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher
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Fairhope, Alabama USA
Screen shots captured with TechSmith's Snagit
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I don't expect your problem to be any of those characters, but it may be visible as one of the others.
On feature I'm wondering if you have turned on is the paragraph "Keep with Next" option on the "broken" paragraph and the following one.
The specific compatibility Options I am thinking are found in File menu > Options command > Advanced option. Scroll down to the very bottom. In 2013 many of the compatibility options are hidden in 2013 format, but displayed in other formats. I suspect your issue is with one or more of these very esoteric settings.
As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher
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Better (or maybe worse) news is that the 'broken' paragraph DOES have "keep with next" turned on, and turning it off, unbreaks it. With cursor in the paragraph, Home tab > Paragraph group > Dialog Launcher button (that little blur on the group name level) to open the "Paragraph" dialog box. Click on the "Lines and Page Breaks" tab. The "offending" check box is the second from the top.
That still leaves a big ugly white space between the paragraphs.
Turning off "Keep with next" in the next para move it up to the previous page. Repeat through the whole document
In other words, you should turn off "Keep with next" in your whole document. It should not be applied to the body text of the whole document. It should only be used in limited places.
The clue for me was the artificial break 2 lines from the end of the paragraph. That is a "symptom" of the "Widow and Orphan Control" option. Without it turned on, you would only see one line on the next page.
PS: you sound like an average "computer user". As a professional software developer I long ago learned to "expect the unexpected" from "typical users". I would build something perfectly logical, and the user testers or "real" users would come back, figuratively scratching their heads saying "it's broke" or "why did you do that ..." . Then when they describe the problem, I would be the one scratching his head, thinking very quietly, "who in their right mind would do THAT!"
As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher
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First, check the relevant styles, probably NORMAL. Make sure the option is not turned on there so you don't keep creating the problem.
To fix existing documents, use
As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher
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Last updated December 28, 2023 Views 495 Applies to: