Finally getting XE's out of the text

I have long been annoyed that Word puts XE’s inline with the text, with the result that displaying them vs. not displaying them results in drastic changes of the pages and line wraps. Also, if you create an index or TOC with Show enabled, the  index and TOC will be wrong. Further, going from seeing a problem in the index itself to the guilty XE is not easy.

The Basic Idea

But I finally found a good way to dissociate them from the text, such that display/not display has no effect on page layout or wrapping. The secret is to insert a rectangular Shape on each page where one or more XE fields are to go. Put the XE’s inside the rectangle and, if you wish, size it to fit. The index will accurately show which page the Shape and its XE’s are on. The Shapes do not affect page layout or pagination. If the page is modified so that the Shape moves to the next page (etc.), the index will correctly indicate that. Shapes can be hidden or made visible, so they should be hidden before printing.

Limitations of this method:

1. Multi-page index entries do not work with this method, so they must be handled the ordinary way. Since there will be relatively few of them, they can usually be placed not to change the pagination. They can be put anywhere in the document, and if necessary, given a very small point size.

2. So far as I know there is no way to hide the Shapes for the whole document in one step. For a long document, hiding them all would be inconvenient. One way to handle this problem is to hide each Shape as it is created with its XE’s in place: normally no Shapes or XE's are to be displayed with this method. The only reason to display them is if examining the index itself shows a problem. Then just Go To that page, do Show All in the Selection Pane, and fix the problem.

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That could work, but it just seems to me like so much effort and a lot of unnecessary overhead, dealing with all those shapes.

I personally just have a macro that toggles the display of hidden text (I always work with all other non-printing characters on), so that when I do finalise the document for publication, I can get the index and TOC right. I would in any case not want any other hidden text (it has more uses than for XE fields) shown.

This allows me to write, add XEs as I want, and then worry about the finalised Index and TOC right at the end, where a simple click of the relevant macro button on the QAT gets the document right for that step. Simple, and it works for me.

Jacques Raubenheimer

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Even simpler here. I also operate with all nonprinting characters shown. When I generate the TOC and index, I just click the Show/Hide button to turn them all off temporarily. I also sometimes find it easier to proofread with them hidden (though I do switch them back on when I detect what I suspect is an extra space).
Microsoft MVP (Word) since 1999
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 354 Applies to: