So I'm a student studying mechanics and we're given electronic documents for our job cards that we have to fill in with bullet points. I have a document that I've been working on but I've encountered a problem that is preventing me from finishing my work which is extremely frustrating.
Here's my problem. There are a few tables at the top that there was already text in such as student name, date, vehicle registration and so on, I can type in these without any issues. However when I get to the table where the bullet points go, I can only type until I reach the bottom of the table. When I reach the bottom of the page and press enter to start a new bullet point, everything I've previously typed disappears, deleting the table itself and I have to undo to bring my work back.
I've been searching for hours now on a solution and the only advice I can find is that "Overtype" is switched on. I've been in to Options > Advanced and the "use the insert key to control overtype mode" and "use overtype mode" boxes are both unchecked. There is a header and footer tab at the bottom of this table, when I go in to the Insert tab and click on Header, click on remove header I get the exact same issue so I'm guessing this problem I'm getting has something to do with the Header. I aslo know that there is meant to be more to this document than is being shown (should be on a seperate page) but I'm only getting page 1 of 1.
And what I mean by there should be more to this document that isn't being shown is when I start the document with no text added, the top of the second page appears at the bottom of page 1. And Word is still telling me there is only page 1 of 1.
I'm not sure if everything I type is being deleted or if it is just being moved on to page 2 and I can't see it. But it disappears and it's a problem as I'm reaching my deadline and need to get this work done. I'm clearly not a wizard with Word but I have been using it for a few years and have never encountered this so I aplogize if this is a simple solution. And sorry for the lengthly post