Sharp black shadow on shapes - gone in Word 2010?

Seems like Word now offers only the very subtle, blurred-edge shadows shown in the in Format Shape gallery. Call me old-fashioned, but I need the simple sharp-edged black shadows of yore. How do I get this? In an old document that has these, running the VBA code:


      MsgBox Selection.ShapeRange(1).Shadow.Type


Gives a value of -2. But if I try to *assign* that value to a shape's shadow, it throws a value-out-of-range error.


Short of the clumsy idea of keeping an old shape that has the sharp black shadow and reusing it forever, how can I get that "legacy" (sigh) shadow from this version of Word (pref. using VBA)?

Thanks for any help.



You can still get a sharp black shadow. After you've applied a shadow of the desired type (presumably one from the Outer palette), open the menu again and choose Shadow Options... If you set the Transparency to 0% and the Blur to 0 pts, you'll have a sharp black shadow. You can also change the size, angle, and distance.


There ought to be some way to save this setting to the gallery of shapes, but if you right-click and choose Set Default Shape, you'll get the same shadow (and also the same line and fill) on additional shapes you add.

Microsoft MVP (Word) since 1999
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Screen shots captured with TechSmith's Snagit

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 171 Applies to: