Set Reference to Word Template in VBA

Hi all,

I am looking to find the most efficient/simplest way to reference a newly added Word template object. My code is as follows:

    Dim appWord As Word.Application
    Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    appWord.Visible = True
    appWord.Documents.Add Template:= _
        "H:\Documents\Misc Assignments\Template.dotx" _
        , NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0

I wan to do something similar to:

Set objWord = appWord.Documents.Add

How would I do this with templates as there is already an "="? Can I avoid using ActiveDocument?



I think you may have confused me as much as you confused yourself. <grin>

First, let's understand what happens when you execute the Documents.Add statement in your code snippet.

The part Template:="H:\..." is an argument (that is, a value passed to the Add method), just like the two arguments NewTemplate and DocumentType. It is not an assignment, just an argument. Note that argument values follow the := operator, which is not the same as the assignment = operator.

The Add method causes Word to create a new document based on the template in the argument.

I think that what you're asking is how to get a variable to hold the resulting document (which is not a reference to a template). In that case, after declaring the variable

   Dim docWord As Word.Document

you can assign the return value of the Add method to that variable as follows:

   Set docWord = appWord.Documents.Add(Template:= _

        "H:\Documents\Misc Assignments\Template.dotx" _
        , NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0)

When a method returns a value and you want to assign that value to a variable, VBA requires you to enclose the list of arguments in parentheses. There's no good reason for that, but you'll get a compile error if you omit the parentheses.


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Question Info

Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 1,331 Applies to: