Nearest Preceding Sequence Number and List of Figures

I'm trying to make a set of Figures where a set of related figures are named with a alphabetic second character.


For example I have normal figures 1, 2, and 3 but figure 4 is divided into 4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d.


I used the \c switch to maintain the figure number the same for 4b, 4c, and 4d as illustrated in this article:


However, I now have the problem that none of these figures show up in my "List of Figures" (TOC field code: {TOC \h \z \c "Figure"})


Is there any way to force these figures to also show up in my list of Figures?

Assuming your captions are using the Caption style, have you tried setting the Table of Figures to use the Caption style instead of the Figure label?
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Fairhope, Alabama USA
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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 121 Applies to: