I had this problem a while ago. This was my solution.
Create a table with a header row and one data row. Specify the header row to
Repeat as header row at the top of each page within Table ► Properties. I actually made a table style for this as there were numerous tables with the same basic layout and formatting requirements. Bookmark the (almost) empty table. To keep things simple,
I used identically named Word bookmarks and Excel named ranges each with rpt_ as an identifying prefix.
From Excel, my macro opened the Word document and fed the data in cell by cell. This was more time intensive than copying and pasting the table as a whole but it isn't too bad if the Word document is hidden. If it isn't hidden, you can watch the Word table
calls populate. Something like,
''Tables transfer
With ThisWorkbook
For Each nm In .Names
If Left(nm.Name, 4) = "rpt_" Then
'Debug.Print nm.Name
With .Names(nm.Name).RefersToRange
For x = 1 To .Rows.Count 'change to x=2 if the Word headers are OK
If x > wdDOCX.Bookmarks(nm.Name).Range.Tables(1).Rows.Count Then
End If
For y = 1 To .Columns.Count
wdDOCX.Bookmarks(nm.Name).Range.Tables(1).Cell(x, y).Range.Text = .Cells(x, y).Text
Next y
Next x
End With
End If
Next nm
End With
You could probably just modify the Word table's header row after the wholesale table paste for to Repeat as header row at the top of each page but this is how I brought in a few dozen data tables to a new Word document based upon a custom template.
As this was a small part of a report generation routine that took a couple of hours, time was not mission critical.
I chopped up and redacted the code. I hope it's mostly usable.