How can I change from 3 columns to one without messing up the current page's text?

I'm typing out registration forms for our office, and at the top of a page, I have 3 columns. When I go to change to one column. (Format>Columns>One column from this point forward) it messes up the layout of my document.


I feel like I'm just missing something silly, but any feedback would be great!



Are you sure you're in a new paragraph (not in the existing text of the three-column section) when you do this? Another approach is to insert a Continuous section break manually (Insert | Break: Section break types: Continuous) between the three-column section and a new, empty paragraph. Then, in the newly created section, change the number of columns.
Microsoft MVP (Word) since 1999
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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Last updated December 23, 2024 Views 4,646 Applies to: