Is it possible to use the same hard drive/OS on 2 different computers?

Of course you'd have to load the required drivers on each.  But I was wondering if this is possible, in theory. 

I'm using Win7 now and will be changing to Win10 a little later.  Is either easier to do this in?

Please ignore the legal parameters please.  Just trying to figure out the theoretical possibility of this.  I can satisfy the legalities later if this is even possible. 

Or if you've heard of anyone doing it with Linux or OS X. 

I'd like to be able to move a SSD drive from desktop computer to desktop computer and have all the settings/data remain the same. 

My plan was to get the basic drivers needed for the 2nd computer (say for the motherboard's networking) and then download whatever else is needed upon boot up.

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Why ignore it?

Activation is a very important part of using Windows.

One license is for one installation on one computer.

1. If you transfer the hard drive with the operating system still installed from an old laptop/computer to a new laptop/computer the odds are that it will not even boot in a new laptop/computer, as the drivers in the installed operating system on the transferred hard drive are for the motherboard in the old laptop/computer not the new motherboard it finds.

You should clean install the operating system.

2. And you may have licensing problems too.

You do not tell us what type of License you have.

If the Laptop/Computer came with the Windows Operating System preinstalled (Dell, HP, Acer, etc) , that Product Key that came with the Laptop/Computer is for the preinstalled OEM Licenseand is non-transferable.

The OEM License/Product Key (preinstalled Operating Systems on Dell, HP, etc machines) is tied to the first machine it is installed on and dies when that machine dies.

The above rule also applies to OEM System Builders Licenses.

Retail Operating System License, that you buy and install yourself, are allowed to be transferred to another machine.

But Retail Licenses can also only be installed on one machine at any particular time.


Bill Smithers - Microsoft MVP July 2013 - Dec 2020

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Why ignore it?  You just proved why!  99% of your response was about the stupid license!  THAT's why!

First let's see if it can be done.  THEN we'll figure out IF its possible legally. 

You didn't come close to even answering my question and didn't even read my post properly where I stated "you'd have to load the required drivers on each". 

This would work better if you READ the original post before spouting off with irrelevant drivel. 

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I did read it.

And no license, no use.

Did you read my reply?

1. If you transfer the hard drive with the operating system still installed from an old laptop/computer to a new laptop/computer the odds are that it will not even boot in a new laptop/computer, as the drivers in the installed operating system on the transferred hard drive are for the motherboard in the old laptop/computer not the new motherboard it finds.

You should clean install the operating system.


Retail Operating System License, that you buy and install yourself, are allowed to be transferred to another machine.

But Retail Licenses can also only be installed on one machine at any particular time.


Bill Smithers - Microsoft MVP July 2013 - Dec 2020

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Hundreds of millions of people use Windows operating systems without licenses so don't claim "no license - no use".  That's patently false.  Many people CHOOSE not to register the operating system after purchase just so they're not hampered by this.  

Yes of course I SHOULD clean install the operating system.

Can we please move this conversation into one of theory? 

Remember I said the drivers were loaded FOR BOTH.  I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this point.  Twice you have ignored this.

Is it even possible to install drivers for both motherboards on the same OS?  Why don't we just start with that simple question?  I've never tried it, I've never considered it, I've never heard of anyone doing it.  Hence my post here. 

Why am I curious about this?  So I can move my data around in the most seamless way possible I suppose.  I want everything to replicate flawlessly and the only way to do that is to always be working with the same OS/install. I also only want my data to be on one machine at a time for better security.  Its not only the data but all the settings of all the programs as well.  It takes me about 10 hours to get everything up to speed with a new install because Microsoft makes the process about as tortuous as it possibly can.  I'm sure Apple's OS X is no better, but as I can't stand it, I have really no idea. 

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Hundreds of millions of people use Windows operating systems without licenses so don't claim "no license - no use".  That's patently false.  Many people CHOOSE not to register the operating system after purchase just so they're not hampered by this insanity.  

I wonder if you have ANY experience in this area at all.  If your computer experience is anything like your literary comprehension this conversation surely is doomed. 

Yes of course I SHOULD clean install the operating system.

Can we please move this conversation into one of theory? 

Remember I said the drivers were loaded FOR BOTH.  I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this point.  Twice you have ignored this.  Sheesh!  What reading skills you have!

Just ignore this thread if you can't contribute to the question posted instead of trying to hijack it to beat it to death so you look like a valiant and always submissive yes-boy for Microsoft.  You remind of Pence and how he didn't have an original thought ever.  Just robotic submission. 

I'm asking for someone here to think outside the box. 

Is it even possible to install drivers for both motherboards on the same OS?  Why don't we just start with that simple question?  I've never tried it, I've never considered it, I've never heard of anyone doing it.  Hence my post here. 

Why am I curious about this?  So I can move my data around in the most seamless way possible I suppose.  I want everything to replicate flawlessly and the only way to do that is always be working with the same OS/install. I also only want my data to be on one machine at a time for better security.  Its not only the data but all the settings of all the programs as well.  It takes me about 10 hours to get everything up to speed with a new install.  Just because Microsoft makes the process about as tortuous as it possibly can.  I'm sure Apple's OS X is no better, but as I can't stand it, I have really no idea. 

My biggest mistake I ever made in tech was not learning Linux when I was a lot younger. 

We don't deal in theory here, we help posters fix actual computer problems.

And we do not deal with your pirated operating system theories either.

And if you want to keep throwing insults around I will take the matter further.


Bill Smithers - Microsoft MVP July 2013 - Dec 2020

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So I take it you do not know if, once drivers for both machines are loaded, the OS would load on both machines........

If you don't know do you think you could just ignore this and let it sit here in hopes that someone else may respond?  I can ask this question on any number of forums.  I just would like to get some opinions from a Microsoft one as well.  I was hoping to get more than one opinion. 

I realize its an unusual situation.  If it CAN work I'm sure the licensing can be solved easily enough.  Its not as if an operating system is even expensive.  If I have to buy 2 of them instead of one, who cares?  First off it would save me at least 10 hours of wasted install time.  That alone would be worth it.  And when I ever get around to selling one of the machines it would be worth quite a bit more and would be much easier to sell if the OS was installed/licensed/registered correctly.

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So I take it you do not know if, once drivers for both machines are loaded, the OS would load on both machines........

If you don't know do you think you could just ignore this and let it sit here in hopes that someone else may respond?  I can ask this question on any number of forums.  I just would like to get some opinions from a Microsoft one as well.  I was hoping to get more than one opinion. 

I realize its an unusual situation.  If it CAN work I'm sure the licensing can be solved easily enough.  Its not as if an operating system is even expensive.  If I have to buy 2 of them instead of one, who cares?  First off it would save me at least 10 hours of wasted install time.  That alone would be worth it.  And when I ever get around to selling one of the machines it would be worth quite a bit more and are easier to sell if the OS was installed/licensed/registered correctly.

The drivers for both machines will not not installed on the one operating system on the one hard drive that you want to move around.

The Answer is NO and furthermore the licensing can't be solved on the one operating system on a hard drive that you want to move around the place.


Bill Smithers - Microsoft MVP July 2013 - Dec 2020

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> The drivers for both machines will not not installed on the one operating system on the one hard drive that you want to move around.

If I copy them over they will be installed, no?

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> The drivers for both machines will not not installed on the one operating system on the one hard drive that you want to move around.

If I copy them over they will be installed, no?


Bill Smithers - Microsoft MVP July 2013 - Dec 2020

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If I copy them over they will be there but they won't be recognized?  Or will Win7 not let them install at all?  It seems hard to believe they couldn't copy over. 

If someone else wants to take a stab at this that would be most welcome.  Mr Smithers here seems to be getting  I'm probably at least partly to blame for that!

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Last updated May 19, 2021 Views 569 Applies to: