"I'm having an issue playing Call of Duty on LIVE."

Okay! So you're having an issue with a Call of Duty game! We've collected some of the top issues here in this guide, so please take a few minutes to read through to the bottom.

"My rank has been reset!"

If your stats and rank in a Call of Duty title have been reset, please check to see if your progress in any other game is showing a similar issue. If it's not, and if you're only seeing this kind of reset in your Call of Duty game, you have received an in-game suspension/reset, and the issue must be taken up with the developer or publisher. The XBLPET is not involved in these suspensions/resets, so please make the best use of your time and go straight to the developer/publisher forums and website.

No one on these forums can change those suspensions/resets. You will need to appeal to the developer/publisher, or play on a different Gamertag altogether, as those suspensions are permanent.

"What's the deal with 'Infection' lobbies?"

As of May 19th 2011 the XBLPET policy regarding the use of these infections has been revised:

Where an account found to be using these infections used to face a temporary suspension they will now be permanently banned from the LIVE service. This applies to 'anyone at all' that uses these infections in the game. 

According to the May 19th post, there is no 'accidentally' using these hacks (you have to physically turn them on). Consequently, accounts will be permanently banned each and every time someone is found to have used them, and the cases will not be open for review.

Note: you will not come across these infection lobbies in legitimate matchmaking games, so it would be best not to accept game invites from people you do not know on Live when playing this game.

"What do I do if I (accidentally) enter a modded lobby?"

Playing in these 'modded' games may well cause you to lose all your stats & unlocks for the game. If that happens it will prevent you from gaining online MP access on the titles for the future of the account. It can only take one match for this to happen and Neither Activision/Treyarch/IW will reset ranks to what they previously were or make it possible for you to rank up again.

When you have your rank reset it all but makes the game useless for online MP (including zombies in World at War). Because you have below the minimum rank required for MP matches/zombies, you can not join them.

Another ongoing issue with World at War at the moment is the 'God mode mod.' To identify this look out for the following:

You will see players flying all over the map, who you can not kill no matter how much you shoot them; when you score a kill the score will be incorrect; and things may display incorrectly on the HuD, too. 

If you find yourself in one of these lobbies then leave the game using the method explained below. If you are found by the XBLPET to have used any of these modsor to have willingly played in any 'non-legitimate lobbies' then you risk your account being temporarily or worse, permanently banned from the LIVE service.

If you find yourself in any of these lobbies here is what you need to do in 3 simple steps:

1) Turn off your console by removing the power cable from the back.  (This is the only way I know of to ensure you do not carry the infection/lose your stats depending on the type of lobby you have been in).

2) Once you have done that turn the console back on, boot the game up & you will be good to go.

Remember, don't be tempted to 'just have one go!' Bans issued by the game developers are permanent, and XBLPET bans will restrict you from enjoying the full range of your LIVE service.

"But I still have questions!"

If this guide didn't answer your specific questions, please feel free to make a post in this forum, and we'll see what we can do to help! Alternatively, if you'd like to report a player, please read the guidelines for doing so here.


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Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 0 Applies to: