Network Credentials Hell on 2 Win10 PC Peer-to-Peer Workgroup

Our two computer home network stopped working way back and we can no longer access shared folders on each others computers.

Both computers are running Windows 10. They are both in the house and both are hardwired to our local network.

I've spent hours and hours on this and Googled till my eyes have rolled back in my head.

I'm no computer dummy as I program in over 10 languages but clearly I don't know anything about the Microsoft Networking Maze.

They have made it so secure that we can not even use our own little 2 computer peer to peer workgroup at home to share files.

Most will agree that finding help with Google beats Microsoft Help every time... but this time Google hasn't done the job.

Using File Explorer under Network I can see the other computer.

Its name is HPxyz.

Its user name is PCabc

But wen I click on the computer name HPxyz... It ask for Network Credentials

We never setup Network Credentials... we just upgraded to Win 10 from Win 7 way back and as far as I can remember we could share folders with Win 7 and never heard of Network Credentials.

When I bring up Credentials Manager I see...

Windows Credentials:


(fyi Computer-X is not on my 2-computer network. It was at one time but no longer.)

Certificate-Based Credentials


Generic Credentials




Can anyone please walk me through getting access to the shared folder on the other computer on our 2-computer workgroup.

Thanks for any help

OK, nobody replied to this but I finally found a fix so I thought I would share it in case some other poor soul finds them self in this pickle.

The Problem Was:

Computer in Home WorkGroup was shored on local 2-computer network BUT I couldn't access it because it demanded "Credentials"

The problem computer's Operating System was Win 10 Home Edition

Attempts to "Turn Off Password Protected Sharing" failed.

(I could click & save it but it didn't stick... meaning reopening "Advanced Sharing Settings" still showed "Turn ON password protected sharing" ticked.)

Here is what worked...

Windows 10 Won't Turn Off Password Sharing



1 - Since the PC was Home Edition lusrmgr.msc wouldn't work so skip any step that references that unless you are using Win10 PRO edition.

2 - I did the two registry setting steps even though it looked like they were set correctly... but as the document says... be careful with the registry.

Bottom line... doing these steps fixed it while no other instructions I could find on the Net got the job done.

I have no idea why this particular PC wouldn't let me turn off passwords for our in home WorkGroup but apparently others have had the same problem over and over and over and over... per 1-million net searches for a solution.

I'm also unsure why it took me so long to find the solution as I'm no computer dummy... but it did... and MS owes me for for days of off and on work on this... multiply that number by the number of other people that have had this problem and we could balance the national budget with the value of those lost hours.

MS, you've got the resources... make simple videos for solutions with a simple link list index to problems and save the world from wasting millions of hours digging and digging and digging. You've got the resources... so Just Do It!

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Question Info

Last updated August 28, 2023 Views 614 Applies to: