Delete unwanted wi-fi networks on my list


I have many wireless networks in my list, my own and many unwanted one, which I have no desire to connect to. How do I remove or 'forget' these network?

I have tried 'manage Wi-Fi settings' but because the network doesn't appear in my known network list, I cannot click 'forget' for this network.

Furthermore, every time I 'untick' the connect automatically box for the unwanted network, it reappears each time and is hindering connection to my own network.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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Hi Lillian,

I am an independent advisor and will try to assist you with this.

You can forget the networks through 'manage known networks' option.

Select Start , then type settings. Select Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi. On the Wi-Fi settings screen, select Manage known networks, and click on forget next to the networks that you want to remove.

There is another option of 'show available networks'. This will show any wifi network in laptop's range of detection and you can not remove the networks from here as they just show any networks that are available for connectivity.

Hope this helps!

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Neither of these options have worked for years!

Windows Updates have probably made this method unworkable.

Please post a PROPER CURRENT way to remove Networks from Windows 10.

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I agree, these methods don't work.

When you Rt Click the name of the network, the only option is to connect, not to forget it.

The only networks to appear under "manage known networks" are very old, not the current ones you have accessed in recent months. Very frustrating.

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You can use the netsh command-line to block/hide the unwanted SSIDs.

Ramesh, Windows Shell MVP 2003-2012.
If this post resolves your issue, pls mark it as an Answer.

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lillian literally said they couldnt see known networks in the method you described. She described the SAME method. I want to forget networks im in range of. is there a way to do that?

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run cmd as administrator and run this command : netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid="NetworkName" networktype=infrastructure

it hides unwanted networks in show available networks

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WiFi networks are like radio stations. The networks you are seeing are simply the networks that your WFi adapter's antennas are able to detect.

Nobody can access your network unless they know your network's password, just as you cannot access anybody else's network unless you know their network's password.

Even if you were able to make other networks not appear on your screen, those networks are still out there. only you can't see them.

As long as your WiFi network is (a) password-protected; (b) with a secure password; (c) that you change every now and then; and (d) your router uses the current encryption technology - WPA2 or WPA3 - you have nothing to fear from the other networks that your WiFi adapter's antennas are able to detect, just as you have nothing to fear from the other radio stations that your radio's antenna can detect.

The more you understand, the more you succeed.

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WOW - Great eample of how to write a lot and not answer a question.

So I take it that Microsoft has decided we CANNOT delete old networks then?

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Last updated March 14, 2025 Views 10,250 Applies to: