Xbox One Wish List



So I know the console is but one day old, but it's never too early to recommend improvements to the platform. I've been with the Xbox platform from the beginning, having owned both the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 from day one. And here are some changes I'd love to see in the next wave of updates.

1. Auto sign-in without Kinect.

The Kinect is great for those who want to use it, but for those who would rather do without (or have no room to place it), there should be an auto sign-in option consistent with the legacy console's. On X360, you can select a profile to auto sign-in upon power up. You should not be required to have the Kinect required to auto sign-in your profile. Please include this in the next upate.

2. No more separate achievement lists for the two platforms.

Where is the integration the core gamerbase have been expecting? Currently there are two discrete achievement lists for the X360 and X1. When I bring up my profile on X360, I see one obnoxious entry titled "Xbox One Games", which collects all gamerscore earned on the X1 platform. This is not merely aesthetically unflattering, but it also seems to me technologically lazy.

Instead, the achievement databases should be integrated so that each X1 game has its own entry when you bring up a gamercard on X360. I understand the achievement images are larger on the X1, but there is no reason why they could not simply be downsized for rendering on the X360 platform. From what I can tell, there are no other meaningful differences between the two lists. The core base of gamers are those that have been with the legacy console the longest. We deserve better than this.

3. Xbox 360 should tell us what our Xbox One friends are playing.

This one is related to the one above. Why, when I'm playing on X360 and bring up my friends list does it not display what game my friends are playing on Xbox One? Again, where is the integration between the two platforms? I understand the technological differences removing the ability to party chat cross-platform, but something as minimal as showing what games or apps other friends are playing across consoles should be in place. Let's make this happen.

4. Separate apps from games where it makes sense to.

I get it. This generation is all about apps. Nothing on the dashboard can function without one. But there is no reason we should be seeing all of these apps when I go to "Compare Games" with friends. ESPN, Internet Explorer and Redbox Instant are not "games". I already hate that we've now added achievements to apps, but these should be separate or we should have the ability to remove them from our profile if we want.

The same applies to When I go to "Compare Activity" with a friend on, I don't want to scroll past a list of 20 apps to get to the games. I propose that there be two options: Games and Media. Keep these lists consistent across all platforms. I can't imagine this being difficult.

5. No retailer labels on my game copies.

This last one is unashamedly an aesthetic concern. I received my Xbox One copy of Assassin's Creed IV yesterday and this is what I see plastered across the face of the box. I took a photo here. Having the seller's label on the box is incredibly tacky and cheap. Cut that out.

This is a short list that is, I hope, not too difficult to implement in the near future. I'm sure further time with the system will occasion new ideas and possibilities to come. Overall, I and many of my friends are pleased with the system and want to see it be the best it can be, especially with the steep competition it is facing this generation. Thanks for listening.


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I wish it could play video games

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#1 - 100% in agreement with you there.

I'd like to see..

6. Progress display on patch/updates downloads - the initial system update did it so why can't these?

7. USB Keyboard support - Entering long (and complex) WIFI passkeys is a pain with the on-screen keyboard.

8. On-screen battery indicator for controllers

9. "DD5.1 Sound" - unforgivable this was left out.

10. Ability to eject from the controller.

11. I'd like to be aqble to manage by disk usage ala 360.

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I agree.

Also to add is:

Blu-ray 3D

Microsoft is advertising this system as the One place for all of your media needs, however they (and Sony) have left 3D Blu-Ray completely out. That means I still need to use my PS3 or a dedicated player for this.


WiFi MAC address

Why, oh why, is the MAC address not available during initial system setup??????? On both the XB1 and PS4 I might say. I run my network with the wireless access list turned on, so when I went to setup the Xbox I had to turn it off.  It's a moot point now, but it shouldn't have been difficult to show it on screen while selecting the WiFi SSID.

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Playing single player games, you can't just hand your controller to someone else to give the game a try. It will say"controller disconnected". As soon as the control is handed back the controller reconnects. It's like the KINECT login is too smart! Then at other times, I'll find that I'll start up a game or app and realize after an hour that I've been signed in as someone else the entire time.

Not sure how to solve the first issue other than restarting the game and signing in the other player at the home screen. The other issue is probably solvable. I think there should be a way to lock a "primary" user to the console so whenever that person signs in, the console locks to that id for all customizable areas of the ui, games and apps. The system should have a clearer way of indicating who is signed in, who is holding which controller, and who is currently the primary sign in .

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If you want to watch the percentage of the update go to the games and apps icon and enter it. I've been able to watch all my updates percentage.

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Good suggestions, i would like to add 'proper DLNA Streaming' to the list - where I can browse and play videos from the console (via an app or something) direct, and not have to do some asinine thing of going to a different location as saying on that "I would like to play this on my xbox".

Refer to this thread:

( thou, I think the retailer thing must be a special package thing or something, because mine doesn't have it)

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Multiple wifi profiles.  I have to move the xbox to different locations a lot and it's annoying having to set up wifi every time I return to a wifi connection I previously setup.  

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All of the above are great suggestions. Here is one more:

Friend Notifications.

With the Xbox One, your friends list now maxes out at 1000. So, to avoid the user getting notification pop-ups every minute or so, MSFT disabled this feature entirely.

Instead, give the user the option to enable/disable friend notifications. Rarely is it better to disable a feature altogether than to give the user more flexibility. Notifications at the level of user-created groups would work very nicely.

The Xbox One has been touted for its social capabilities, when it's failing to live up to the X360's standards in this regard in a number of ways. Keep the suggestions coming. We need to keep them in front of MSFT.


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1 option to quickly view online friends and send them invites (right now it doesn't load them half the time when I only have few seconds in between matches)

2 option to disable friends feed (this is extremely annoying, why do i care if they watched tv switched to game and back to tv?)

3 give us some usefull options to arange the pins/home screen the way we want to)

4 unclutter dashboard give it some zoom out

5 Achievements list really need to be zoomed out 10x it should be a list not 10x zoomed in icon where it's soo hard to get quick overview of what I need to get or what to work on

5 was there really a need to take away sooo many great things and turn them into windows 8 unusable counterproductive and burried away things? Friends used to be two button pushes away now they are two then wait loading loading loading then third click and again loading loading loading "error sorry we don't know what went wrong there try again later" in the mean time half of my fricking match has already gone by.

Just putting everything into little square blocks doesn't make it simpler it actually just burries more stuff away.

Right now if a person bragged and messaged a picture of beheading someone for real there's not a way to report them as I can't find recent players

In COD if someone is playing music there's not a way to just mute them instead I have to mute everyone even the people I might of been talking to?

This interface is the worst thing right next to Windows 8 even simple thing of closing the window becomes a chore or viewing which apps you have open they can't have overview but have to take up the whole screen as if I was 70% blind?

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Be able to play my own videos and music from my current network setup and add those to my guide. 

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Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 418 Applies to: